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完形填空。                                                       Sports in America
     In many parts of the world, there are four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter. In the USA, there
are only three: football, basketball and baseball. If you want to know  1 , just have a look at what people
are playing.
     Sports are an important part of American culture. Throughout their school  2 , Americans learn to play
many sports. All students take P.E. classes in school. Some try out for the school teams,  3  others join
school sports leagues. For many people in the USA, sports are not just  4 . They"re almost a religion (宗教). 
  5  sports fans buy expensive tickets to watch their favorite teams and athletes  6  in person. Other fans
watch games at home, glued to their TV sets. The most devoted (投入的) sports fans  7  a game.
试题【完形填空。                                                       Sports in America   】;主要考察你对社会历史类等知识点的理解。[详细]
题型:山东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:山东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:澳门特别行政区中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. what is season
(     )2. A. live          
(     )3. A. while         
(     )4. A. for funny     
(     )5. A. Thousands of  
(     )6. A. to play       
(     )7. A. never lose    
B. what season is  
B. life            
B. until           
B. for fun          
B. Thousand of     
B. played          
B. have never lost 
C. what season it is
C. lessons          
C. when             
C. for interesting  
C. Thousand                                 
C. play             
C. never miss       
1-4       CBAB     5-7    ACC
     Long, long ago there was no zero. To write the number sixty-three people wrote 63. To write six hundred
and three, people wrote 63. The space between six and three was there to mean." not any"tens. Sometimes
people did not remember the space. It was hard to see and read.
     Later people used a dot to hold the space. Six hundred and three looked like this 6.3. But the dot was hard
to see. So people put a circle around it like this 6⊙3.Then people could see the dot. They remembered the space. at last, only the circle around the dot was used. It was like a zero. This is one story of how the zero came to
be used. 
     Now zero has many important uses. Zero tells how many. Can you tell some other ways of using zero?
1. Long, long ago, people didn"t know how to ______.
A. write
B. write zero
C. write numbers
D. sixty-three
2. Long, long ago if they wrote two hundred-eight, people wrote ______.
A. 28
B. 28
C. 228
D. 208
3. Later ______ was used to mean space.
A."not any"
B. letter "0"
C. zero
D. a dot
4. People used circles ______.
A. to remember ways
B. to remember numbers
C. not to forget the space
D. to mean nothing
5. The story tells us ______.
A. how zero came to be used
B. how to write zero
C. what`s the use of zero
D. that zero means a dot, a circle or space
     I often dreamed about Pisa when I was a boy. I read about the famous building called the Leaning Tower
of Pisa.But when I read the word Pisa, I was thinking of pizza. I thought this tower was a place to buy pizza.
It must be the best place to buy pizza in the world, I thought.
     Many years later finally saw the Leaning Tower. I knew then that is was Pisa and no pizza. But there was
still something special about it for me.The tower got its name because it really does lean to one side. Some
people want to try to fix it. They are afraid it may fall over and they don`t like it leans over the city.
     I do not think it`s a good idea to try to fix it.The tower probably will not fall down, it is 600 years old. why
should anything happen to it now? And, if you ask me, I like what it looks like. To me it is a very human kind
of leaning.Nothing is perfect, it seems to say.
     And who cares? Why do people want things to be perfect? Imperfect things may be more interesting. Let`s
take the tower in Pisa. Why is it so famous? There are many other older,more beautiful towers in Italy. But Pisa
tower is the most famous. People come from all over the world to see it.
1. This passage is about ________.
A. Italian pizza
B. Italy`s problems
C. How the Leaning Tower of Pisa got its name
D. Why the writer likes Pisa
2. The writer used to think Pisa ________.
A. in Spain
B. not very famous
C. not the same as pizza
D. the same as pizza
3. The Leaning Tower of Pisa is ________.
A. modern
B. falling down
C. 600 years old
D. 60 years old
4. The writer ________.
A. doesn`t like what the tower looks like
B. likes what the tower looks like
C. thinks it`s the most beautiful tower in Italy
D. doesn`t like towers
5. The writer likes the Leaning Tower of Pisa because ________.
A. it`s old
B. it`s perfect
C. it sells pizza
D. it`s imperfect
根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正误,你认为正确的句子请在相应空格内写 “ T ”,错的填 “ F ”。
     A Audrey is a Chinese-American student. She has found many value (价值观) differences between the
Chinese and Americans.
About money 
     ● The American children love to make money by themselves. Chinese children always ask their parents
for money. 
     ● American parents don"t think it is useful to send their children to an expensive university. Chinese parents
would do anything to send their children to good universities even if it could make them very poor. 
 About school 
     ● Many American girls take part in sports, dancing and singing groups. Many Chinese girls take part in
academic (学术的) groups.  
     ● American students usually feel happy when they get B in an exam. Chinese students feel sad when they
get B.
American parents and Chinese parents 
     ● American parents allow their daughters or sons to go out with their friends if they come back home at
the certain time. Chinese parents usually don"t allow their children in middle school to go out with their friends
at night.
American teachers and Chinese teachers 
     ● During parent-teacher meetings, American teachers will always find good things to say to The parents,
even to those with the worst grades. But Chinese teachers often tell the parents the mistakes that their children
made at school.
(     )1. American children prefer making money by themselves.                               
(     )2. All American and Chinese parents send their children to expensive universities.    
(     )3. Chinese girls spend more time doing sports, singing and dancing than American girls.
(     )4. Chinese children aren"t allowed to go out with their friends at night.             
(     )5. American teachers look at the bad side of the students as much as they can.        
     Do you like comics (漫画)? Many of the world"s most popular comics   1   Japan. The drawing is excellent.
The stories are interesting.   2   they are fun to read.   3  , Japanese artists often have new ways of drawing.
They influence artists in   4   countries.
     These comics are often made into cartoons   5   are watched by millions of people in Asia, Europe and
America. Also, toys are made from the comics. So you can see, it"s a very   6   business!
     Each person   7   his own favorite comic. Some popular   8   are Black Jack, Conan, and Sakura Many artists
who draw comics become   9   in Japan. Some of them are like movie stars. People love and respect their  10 .
题型:四川省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. come from
(     )2. A. If       
(     )3. A. One time 
(     )4. A. others   
(     )5. A. which    
(     )6. A. small    
(     )7. A. have     
(     )8. A. comic    
(     )9. A. funny    
(     )10. A. job     
B. is from 
B. And     
B. The truth    
B. another 
B. so      
B. bad     
B. had     
B. one     
B. famous  
B. work    
C. starting in  
C. Or           
C. In fact      
C. other        
C. they         
C. big          
C. has          
C. Ones         
C. good-looking  
C. story        
D. write in 
D. But      
D. How so   
D. the other             
D. what     
D. lucky    
D. having   
D. artist   
D. strange  
D. movie    
     Mother"s Day and Father"s Day are two big national. holidays in many western countries. And it"s
interesting because they are not the same in every country. In England, Mothering Sunday is in March.
In America and Germany and other countries, it"s one Sunday in May. Father"s Day is in the middle of
June. How do you celebrate Mother"s Day and Father"s Day? Let"s learn something more about it from
the following introduction.
题型:北京期中题难度:| 查看答案
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        In England, we call Mother"s Day Mothering Sunday, because it"s always on a
Sunday. I don"t really know the origin of it but I remember that my mother had a
cup of tea early in the morning. And then we would go to church. And at the end
of the church service, the children would collect a daffodil (水仙花) and take it
back and give it to our mother who would normally be sitting in the service in the
church. And really that"s all we did to celebrate the day.