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     Now TV programs play an important part in our daily life. We can get a lot of knowledge and a lot of fun from it. Today is Saturday. The following are some TV programs and different channels today. Now read these TV programs and try to find some information for you and your family members.
SXTV Channel 7
13: 12 Football Match
XATV Channel 4
15: 30 TV Play
SXTV Channel 6
18: 30 Cartoon
CCTV Channel 1
12:38 Law Today
CCTV Channel 1
19:00 News Report
CCTV Channel 3
21:00 The Latest Music
根据短文内容判断正误,正确的用“T”, 错误的用 “ F”。(10分)
1. My grandfather is interested in law. He can watch CCTV Channel 1 at noon.
2My father is a football fan. He prefers football matches. He can watch CCTV Channel 1.
3.My mother likes watching TV plays. She wants to watch XATV Channel 4 in the afternoon.
4 My sister is only six years old. I want to find a program for her. I think she can wantch CCTV Channel 6.
5. I am a student. I like music, but I am very busy tonight.So I can watch CCTV Channel 3 this evening.

1.      从表格第二行我们可以看到在中央一套中午可以收看今日说法节目,所以本句是正确的,故本题选T。
2.      从表格第一行我们可以看到在陕西7套可以在下午收看足球比赛,所以本句是错误的,故本题选F。
3.      从表格第一行我们可以看到在西安4套下午我们可以看电视剧,所以本句是正确的,故本题选T。
4.      在表格第二行提到陕西6套下午播放卡通片,而不是中央6套,所以本句是错误的,故本题选F。
5.      本句表示我今天晚上非常忙,那么我在今天晚上应该是没有时间看中央3套的音乐节目,故本句是错误的,故本题选F。
试题【     Now TV programs play an important part in our daily life. We can get a lot 】;主要考察你对时文广告类等知识点的理解。[详细]
                                                         Chicago  on  a  Budget
How to have fun in Chicago without spending a lot of money?
○ The Art Institute of Chicago has a fine collection of photos and paintings. The ticket is $10.00,but go on Tuesdays and you’ll get in free(免费).
○ The Sears Tower is the world’s third tallest building. By going to the 103rd floor, you can get a great view of the whole city! All for only $8.50.
○ There are free concerts in Grant Park in summer. They are held Wednesday through Saturday night at 7:30 p.m.
○ Attend the taping of a TV show for free. The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Jenny Jones Show both offer tourists free tickets. For The Oprah Winfrey Show you’ll have to book tickets at least a month before.
Places to stay
You can get a hotel for $100 to $ 300 a day. However, you can get a room in the dormitory(宿舍) at Roosevelt University for $215 for a whole week! But you have to stay for 30 days to get this great rate(优惠).
小题1:This passage is written for telling us ___________.
A.Chicago is a big and beautiful cityB.where we can see fine photos and paintings
C.how to make a cheap trip in ChicagoD.there are many free concerts in Chicago
小题2:It will cost you _________ if you visit the Art Institute instead of the Sears Tower on Sundays.
A.moreB.lessC.the sameD.none
小题3:You may go to ________ if you like to get a great view of the whole city.
A.the Art InstituteB.the Sears Tower
C.Roosevelt UniversityD.Grant Park
小题4: You have to spend at least _____________in all to stay in a dormitory room at Roosevelt University at a good rate.
小题5: According to this passage, which of the following statements in NOT TRUE ?
A.You are free to go to the Art Institute on Tuesdays.
B.Free Grant Park concerts are held four nights a week in summer.
C.The Sears Tower is the world’s third tallest building.
D.You can get tickets to The Oprah Winfrey as soon as you arrive.

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                   Foreign Teachers Wanted
Age: 30—40
From: America, England & Australia
Careful and patient with a teacher’s licence
Good at both spoken and written English
At least five years’ teaching experience in high schools
Come for an interview before August 15th
Address: No. 39 Lakeside Road
Tel: 0591-8780519
E-Mail : sis2009@yahoo.com
小题1: What job is wanted above?
A. Cooks      B, Drivers       C. Teachers
小题2:__________ will probably get the job.
An English lady at the age of 27.
A woman who is good at French
An Australian of 35 with a teacher’s licence.
小题3:What is not mentioned ?
A. Age       B. Pay         C. Address
小题4:If a foreigner wants to have an interview, he or she should make it ________ .
A.August 18th    B.August 25th  C.August 13th
小题5:What do you think it is ?
A. An ad      B. An article      C. A film
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       Saturday Kids’ Club
Kids’ Club starts at 10:30 a.m., with creative activities, followed by the films at 11:30 a.m. For 3 ~ 16 years old.
There will be no Kids’ Club on March 5 and March 26.
NOTE TO PARENTS: Parents can leave children over eight alone in the cinema. If you leave your children in the cinema, please be there on time to collect them at the end of the film.
小题1: This is a (n) ________.
A. poster from a club
B. note to parents
C. poster from a supermarket
小题2:Mr. White will take her 5-year-old son to see a film in the club. She hopes the film will be over before 1 p.m.. So they should go to the club on________.
A. April 2
B. April 9
C. March 19
小题3:________ can go to the cinema in the club alone.
A. A 2- year-old baby
B. A 14- year-old student
C. A 20- year-old parent
小题4: The film ________ is the longest.
A. Two Brothers
B. Mr. Bean’s Holiday
C. Meet the Robinsons
小题5: Parents could collect their children in the cinema ________.
at any time
at the start of the film
at the end of the film
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We are a bilingual(双语) school for children of 6-15. We want a cook, a library assistant, a sports coach(教练) and a language teacher.
小题1:Which of the following can’t go to Sunny School?
A.A four-year-old childB.A ten-year-old child
C.An eleven-year-old childD.A fifteen-year-old child
小题2:.Who is not wanted by Sunny School?
A.A cookB.A headmaster
C.A library assistantD.A sports coach
小题3: Which of the following may not be able to(能) speak English?
A.The language teacherB.The library assistant
C.The cookD.The sports coach
小题4: The coach must major in _________.
A.ChineseB.EnglishC.physical educationD.language
小题5: Which is right?
A.The teacher can only teach Chinese.
B.A twenty-five-year old cook can’t work in the school.
C.The library assistant must be careful.
D.A teacher must be strong.

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Mr. Green asked a lot of questions about the buses. But Sam couldn’t answer them. Here’s a timetable. Friends, after you read it, can you answer Mr. Green’s questions?
BUS 3源]
Old street
New Street
1. How many stops are there between the Ferry and the Market?
A. Five            B. Six            C. Seven            D. Eight
2. How often does the bus get to the New Street?
A. Every half an hour  B. Every twenty minutes  C. Every ten minutes D. No answer
3. At what time does Bus Four leave the Hotel?
A. Seven fifty-five   B. Eight o’clock   C. Five minutes past eight   D. No answer
4. I work in the hospital. It is quite near the bus stop. Only three minutes’ walk. I must reach the hospital at eight o’clock. Which bus should I take?
A. The first bus    B. The second bus     C. The third bus    D. The fourth bus
5. I start my work at 8:00. I have breakfast at 7:30. Before breakfast, I must get to the market. Which bus should I take?
A. The first bus.    B. The second bus.   C. The third bus.    D. The fourth bus.
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