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Food is very important. Everyone needs to 46 well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is   47  . We begin to get knowledge even when we are very young. Small children are     48   in everything around them. They learn 49 while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older. they begin to 50 storybooks, science books, or anything they like.
When they find something new, they have to ask questions and 51 to find out the answers. What’s the best    52   to get knowledge? If we learn 53 ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. If we are     54   getting answers from others and don’t ask why, we will never learn more and understand    55     .
小题1: A. sleep   B. drink    C. cat
小题2: A. sport B. knowledge C. meat
小题3: A. interested B. interesting   C. good
小题4:A. something B. nothing   C. anything
小题5:A. write      B. learn       C. read
小题6: A. try    B. think   C. wait
小题7: A. place   B. way   C. road
小题8: A. with B. to   C. by
小题9: A. seldom B. always   C. sometimes
小题10: A. much   B. well C. better


小题1:固定词组 be interested in,“对----感兴趣”的意思
小题1:考查固定词组。Try to do sth。表示“努力或尝试干某事”。
小题1:固定词组。Learn by oneself是“自学”的意思。
试题【Food is very important. Everyone needs to 46 well if he or she wants to have a s】;主要考察你对科普环保类等知识点的理解。[详细]
We use the Internet for many things: business, shopping, writing letters, talking to people, finding information and so on. In recent years a new kind of English has grown on the Internet. There’s no real word for it yet, so we’ll call it e-talk. People don’t like typing too much. To save time, they turn phrases into a few letters called acronyms. Acronyms are often used in chat rooms. Some of them are.
BTW (by the way)   BRB (be right back)
LOL (laughing out loud) IMO (in my opinion)
People also use many abbreviations (缩写), They are shortened forms of words. Some common abbreviations are:
Info (information) purer (computer)
Pie (picture)       sec (second)
We usually don’t see people when we communicate (交流) on the Net, so people have new ways to show feelings. Most people use their keywords to draw “feeling”. such as:
:-)( happy)    :-p(joking)   :-( (sad)  :-0(surprised)
These days, many forums (论坛) have picture feelings. For example,

There are even whole new words, like” newbie’s”(someone who is new on a chat board or forum).
It takes time for people to get used to (适应) e-talk. Also, different groups on the Net have their own special ways of communicating. Newbie’s have to ask other people what they mean. As the Internets grows, e-talk will continue to grow and change.
小题1: What does the underline “acronyms” mean?
A.网友        B.聊天室      C.首字母缩写词
小题2: Why do people type acronyms?
A. to show their feelings.
B. Because people can type them quickly.
C. In this way newbie’s won’t understand them.
小题3: What does” BTW, my purer is not working well.:-(“mean?
A. The person is angry at somebody.
B. The person is happy about getting a new computer.
C. The person is sad that his computer is having problems.
小题4: E-talk wills probably          .
A. keep changing.
B. be easy by people on the telephone
C. be used by people on the telephone
小题5:What’s the best title for this passage?
A. E-talk language
B. Picture Feelings
C. How to Use Abbreviations
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Nowadays, computer games are becoming more and more popular in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops along busy streets have been made into small game houses in order to get more money. These places are always crowded with people, especially young boys.
In the computer game houses, people spend a lot of money competing (较量) with the machines. It"s hard for one to win the computer, but one can make progress after trying again and again. People have a kind of gambling psychology(赌博心理) when they play computer games.The more they lose, the more they want to win. When class is over, the school boys run to the nearby computer game houses.Little by little! (渐渐地), they forget all about their lessons and fall far behind others. Some of them can get enough money from their parents. But some of them are not lucky enough to get the money. They begin to take away other students" money and become thieves.
小题1:Who always go to the computer game houses?
A.Young girlsB.Young childrenC.Young studentsD.Young boys.
小题2:People made small shops into small game houses in order to ______.
A.make computer games more popularB.get more money
C.help people to learn computer betterD.make people happy
小题3:What must be brought to play games in the game homes?
A. Tickets.   B Paper    C. Cards.   D. Money.
小题4:What will happen to the boys if they keep going to the game houses?
A.They will win a lot of money.
B.They will make a lot of good friends there.
C.They will fail in their study and even break laws.
D.They will live a happy life in the future.
小题5:What is the passage mainly about?
A.Game houses have a bad effect on young boys.
B.More and more small shops have been made into game houses.
C.Young boys spend a lot of money playing computer games.
D.People play games better after trying again and again.

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Today people can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth. But  31 you use the phone, you can’t see the person you are talking with. That  32  change in the future.
Now some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or a vision phone(视频电话). Two people  33  are talking can see each other with it.
Picture phones can be useful when you have  34  to show the person you are calling. They may have other uses in the future. One day you may be able to ring up a   35  and ask to see a book. Then you’ll be able to   36  the book over your picture phone. Also you may be able to do shopping through your picture phone. If you see something   37  the newspaper that you want to buy, you can 38  the shop. People at the shop will show you the thing you’re   29  in over the phone. You’ll be able to shop all over the town and never even leave your room.
The picture phone is really a   40  phone. More and more people will use it.
小题1: A. if                         B. when                C. before  
小题2:A. can’t                      B. must                 C. may 
小题3: A. whom                     B. who                  C. which  
小题4: A. something                  B. nothing               C. everything
小题5:A. shop                      B. school                C. library 
小题6:A. read                       B. see                   C. watch  
小题7:A. in                         B. about                 C. on  
小题8: A. visit                       B. go                    C. call
小题9: A. interested                   B. bored                 C. interesting 
小题10: A. useless                      B. helpless               C. helpful
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Do you want to be the most popular person in the class? You don " t need to change your character (性格) ; you just need to improve your personality (人格), the most popular people are trusted (信任) and loved because they stay normal but still have something that makes them different from the rest of us. Here are some pieces of advice on how to become the most popular person in the class.
If you want others to like and respect (尊重) you, you have to start by liking yourself. Do not change yourself in order to please (讨好,取悦) others.
Be helpful to everyone and do it happily. Being nice to people is almost like helping them, too, because by being nice you make others happy.
Be active and have a positive attitude towards life. Develop confidence in yourself.
Stay clean and wear fresh clothes. Do not try to follow fashion to please others.
Respect cannot be bought with big words or money. You have to get it by being honest. It also helps your personal growth. You must be a person that can be trusted to get respect.
小题1: How can we become popular in our class?
A. To change our character.
B.To trust and love others.
C. To improve our personality.
小题2: How can you get respect from your classmates according to the passage? A. By being honest.
B.By trusting others.
C. By using money.
小题3: What does the underlined(下划线的) sentence (句子) show?
A. You should be nice to others.
b. You should be polite when you help others.
C. We can help others just by being nice.
小题4:What kind of people will be liked by the whole class?
a. positive   b.   confident   c.  good-looking   d.  fashionable   e. helpful
A. a, b, e.     b. b, c, d.      C. a,b, c.
小题5:What"s the best title (标题) for the passage?
A. How to please others.       B. How to be the favorite.
C. How to be trusted by others.
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Here"s an interview to a pilot about his life.
(R="Reporter;" P= Pilot)
R: How much time do pilots actually spend flying a plane?
P: It varies (WES"J) from about 20 minutes on some domestic (区别) flights to as much as 18 hours on international flights. It all depends on if the flight is a short- or long-haul flight.
R: Do pilots take breaks during flights or do they fly the whole time?
P: Yes, we take breaks during long-haul flights. Airlines assign (指派) three or four pilots to long flights. We take turns flying the plane.
R: If pilots are traveling all the time, how do they deal with jet lag (时差)?
P: Jet lag is annoying for almost all pilots. I try to go to sleep as I would at home.
R: How important is it to know the weight and size of the plane you are flying?
P: It is very important. We weigh almost everything put into the airplane and make estimates (估计) according to the number of people on each flight.
R: Do pilots eat the airplane food?
P: Yes, we eat business class food! Airplane food changes every season and is very delicious if you don"t hate eating lobster (龙虾) every day! The pilots on the same plane are supposed to make different meal choices so that if one of the dishes causes food poisoning, only one of them will be sick. That way, at least one pilot will always be well enough to fly the plane!
小题1:The number of pilots depends on _.
A.how many hours a plane fliesB.what kind of planes they are
C.the airline companies assignD.what the pilot likes
小题2:In order to know the weight of the airplane, the pilots must know_ __.
A.the weight of everything put into the plane
B.the number of people on the plane
C.the weight of the things and people on the plane
D.the importance of the weight
小题3:What"s the Chinese meaning of the word "poisoning" in the passage?
小题4: What does the pilot think of the airplane food?
A.Airplane food is more delicious than lobster.
B.The pilot suggests having airplane food instead of lobster.
C.The pilot doesn"t like the airplane food at all.
D.Airplane food is as delicious as lobster.
小题5: What question doesn"t the reporter ask in the interview?
A.How to keep passengers safe?
B.How long do pilots actually spend flying a plane?
C.How to deal with jet lag?
D.How to take breaks during flying.

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