当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 科普环保类 > To most of us, school means classes, teachers, schedules, grades, and tests. But...
To most of us, school means classes, teachers, schedules, grades, and tests. But for the children at Sudbury Valley School in Massachusetts, school is very different.
Firstly, there are no lessons. All the children, aged between 4 and 19, do whatever they want. There are no teachers, only “staff members (职员)”. The idea behind this is that you do not need to make children learn, because children want to learn anyway. “You do not need to say to a three-year-old. ‘Go explore your environment.’ You can’t stop them!” says Daniel Greenberg, a founder of the school. “But if you make children do what you want all day, they will lose all taste for learning.”
At Sudbury Valley School, you will allow children to talk, read, paint, cook, work on computers, study French, play the piano, climb trees, or just run around. Two boys spent three years just fishing!
The other way that Sudbury Valley School is different is that the children can decide the rules. Every week, there is a school meeting where both children and staff have one vote each — even the four-year-olds. They decide the school rules, how to spend the school budget(预算), and even which staff they want and do not want any more.
When the school first opened in 1968, people said it would never work. But today, the school has 200 students, and 80% of its students go on to college. Even the two boys who went fishing all time have successful careers today. One of them is a musician and the other is a computer scientist.
小题1:What does the school believe?
A.Teachers cannot teach children well.
B.Children learn best when they do what they want to do.
C.Learning is for adults — children should only play.
D.Children should only learn about one thing at a time.
小题2:What does Daniel Greenberg say about three-year-olds?
A.They love learning.
B.They are very naughty.
C.They want to be outside all the time.
D.They are too young to learn anything.
小题3:What happens to the children after they leave this school?
A.They do the same things as children from other schools.
B.They have problems getting into college or getting a job.
C.They usually do very unusual jobs.
D.They are not successful in their business.
小题4:What is the main topic of the article?
A.Children’s hobbies B.Education in the US
C.A school without rulesD.An unusual school


小题2:根据文章内容    The other way that Sudbury Valley School is different is that the children can decide the rules. Every week, there is a school meeting where both children and staff have one vote each — even the four-year-olds. They decide the school rules, how to spend the school budget(预算), and even which staff they want and do not want any more.可知答案为A
试题【To most of us, school means classes, teachers, schedules, grades, and tests. But】;主要考察你对科普环保类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Children can spend hours a day looking at computer screens and other digital devices(数码设备). Some eye doctors say this leads to an increase in “computer vision syndrome(电脑视力综合症).”
Nathan Bonilla-Warford is an optometrist(验光师)in Tampa, Florida. He has seen an increase in problems in children. “A lot more children come into the office either because their parents have noticed that they have headaches or red or watery eyes or discomfort, or because their nearsightedness appears to be increasing and they’re worried,” he says.
Dr. Bonilla-Warford says part of the problem is that children may be more likely to pay no attention to early warning signs than adults. “Even if their eyes start to feel uncomfortable or they start to get a headache, they’re less likely to tell their parents, because they don’t want to have the game or the computer or whatever taken away,” he explains.
He says another part of the problem is that people blink(眨眼)less often when they use digital devices. He says, “A person who uses an electronic device blinks about one third as much as we normally do in everyday life. And so that can result in the front part of the eye drying and not staying protected like normal.”
Eye doctors offer suggestions like following which is known as the 20/20/20 rule. That means every twenty minutes look away twenty feet or more for at least twenty seconds from whatever device you’re using.
Other suggestions include putting more distance between you and the device and using good lighting. Of course, another way is to spend less time looking at screens. Many experts say children should spend no more than two hours a day using digital devices—with no screen time for children under two.
But not all eye doctors have noticed an increase in problems in children. Dr. David Hunter, from Children’s Hospital Boston, has not seen an increase in his practice. “While it is possible to develop fatigue looking at screens for a long period of time, there’s certainly no proof that it actually causes any damage(伤害)to the eyes.” he says.
小题1:Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Dr. Bonilla-Warford thinks using computers causes nearsightedness.
B.People keep their eyes protected against drying by blinking normally.
C.Children under two can watch TV for less than two hours a day.
D.Dr. David Hunter says headache causes an increase in eye problems.
小题2:What does the underlined word “fatigue” mean?
小题3:What can be the best title for the passage?
A.Looking at Screen: Two Hours or More
B.How Can Children Use Their Eyes Properly
C.Using Digital Devices: Advantages and Disadvantages
D.How Much Screen Time Is Too Much for Children

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When students and parents are asked to grade subjects according to their importance, the arts are usually at the bottom of the list. Music is nice, people seem to say, but not important. Too often it is only viewed as entertainment, but certainly not an education priority(优先). This view is shortsighted. In fact, music education is very important for all students.
Music tells us who we are. Because music is an expression of the beings who create it, it shows their thinking and values, as well as the social environment it came from. Rock music represents a lifestyle just as surely as does a Schubert song. The jazz influence that George Gershwin and other musicians introduced into their music is obviously American because it came from American musical traditions. Music expresses our character and values. It gives us identity(身份,特性)as a society.
Music provides a kind of perception(感知)that cannot be acquired any other way. Science can explain how the sun rises and sets. The arts can express the emotive(情感的)meaning of the same thing. We need every possible way to discover and respond to our world for one simple but powerful reason: No one way can get it all.
The arts are forms of thought as powerful in what they communicate as mathematical and scientific symbols. They are ways we human beings “talk” to each other. They are the language through which we express our fears, our hungers, our discoveries, our hopes. The arts are ways we give form to our ideas and imagination so that they can be shared with others. When we do not give children an important way of expressing themselves such as music, we take away from them the meanings that music expresses.
Science and technology do not tell us what it means to be human. The arts do. Music is an important way we express human suffering, celebration, the value of peace and love.
So music education is far more necessary than people seem to realize.
小题1:What can we learn from Paragraph 1?      
A.Students regard music as a way of entertainment.
B.Students disagree with their parents on education.
C.Students take music as an important subject.
D.Students prefer the arts to science.
小题2:In Paragraph 2, the writer uses jazz as an example to____________.       
A.compare it with rock music
B.show music identifies a society
C.introduce American musical traditions
D.prove music influences people’s lifestyles
小题3:According to the passage, the arts and science____________.      .
A.explain the world in different ways
B.explain different facts of the world
C.express people’s feelings in different ways
D.explain what it means to be human differently
小题4:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Music education is worth more attention.
B.Music should be of top education priority.
C.Music is really a good communication tool.
D.Music education makes students more imaginative.

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Is your schoolbag too heavy? The e-schoolbag will help you. It is said that e-schoolbags are going to be brought into   43  in Chinese middle schools soon.
Heavy schoolbags have been a serious   44  for a long time. But the e-schoolbag will  45 . An e-schoolbag is  46  lighter than a usual schoolbag. Perhaps, the e-schoolbag should be   47  an e-textbook. It is a small computer for students. It is as   48  as a usual book,   49  it can still have all the things for study, such as textbooks, exercise books and so on which can be made   50  chips(芯片) like stamps. The students can read the text page by page on the screen, take notes, or even send e-mails to their teachers. They only need to   51  the right chip into the e-schoolbag. Then they can use it.
Some people say   52  e-textbooks can be easily broken, while others say it is not good for eyes. But only time will tell.
A.useB.usefulC.usedD.to use
A.work it outB.work out itC.work outD.work them out
A.smallB.smallerC.smallestD.most small

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More than 50,000,000 people live in the rainforests of the world and most of them do not hurt the forest they live in. They eat the fruits that grow on the forest trees, but they do not cut them down. They kill some animals to eat, but they do not destroy them.
When we cut down the rainforests, we destroy these forest people, too. In 1900, there were 1,000,000 forest people in the Amazon forest. In 1980, there were only 200,000.
The Yanomami live along the rivers of the rainforest in the north of Brazil. They have lived in the rainforest for about 10,000 years and they use more than 2,000 different plants for food and for medicine. But in 1988, someone found gold in their forest, and suddenly 45,000 people came to the forest and began looking for gold. They cut down the forest to make roads. They made more than a hundred airports. The Yanomami people lost land and food. Many died because new diseases came to the forest with the strangers.
The Yanomami people tried to save their forest, because it was their home. But the people who wanted gold were stronger.
Many forest people try to save their forests. Chico Mendes was famous in Brazil because he wanted to keep the forest for his people. “I want the Amazon forest to help all of us-forest people Brazil, and all the Earth,” he said. A few months later, in December 1988, people who wanted to cut down the forest killed Chico Mendes.
In Borneo, people were cutting down the forest of the Penan people to sell the wood. The Penan people tried to save their rainforest. They made blockades across the roads into the forest. In 1987, they closed fifteen roads for eight months. No one cut down any trees during that time.
In Panama, the Kuna people saved their forest. They made a forest park which tourists pay to visit.
The Gavioes people of Brazil use the forest, but they protect it as well. They find and sell the Brazil nuts(坚果) which grow on the forest trees.
小题1:The number of the people living in the Amazon forest in 1980 was _______ of that in1900.
小题2:The people who _______ have destroyed the rainforest of the Yanomami.
A.pick fruits and kill animals to eat
B.use plants for food and medicine
C.have lived there for about ten thousand years
D.made the roads and the airports
小题3:Those people built roads and airports in order to ________.
A.carry away the gold conveniently
B.make people there live a better life
C.stop spreading the new diseases
D.develop the tourism(旅游业) there
小题4:We can infer the underlined word blockades probably means:
小题5: From the passage, we learn that _________.
A.we need wood to build houses, so we have to cut down trees
B.the rainforest people have done something to protect their home
C.to humans, gold is more important than trees
D.we mustn’t cut down any trees or kill any animals

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Electric bicycles which run on battery-operated (电瓶) motors are winning over riders of ordinary bikes   41 their speed, quality and environmental advantage.
They were first   42 on 1980s in China, but the selling was not very good. Today, thanks 43  improvements on battery quality, the electric bikes sell well. There are now more than 100 electric bicycle producers in China and 26 million such bicycles were produced in 2011. Japan is another large  44  of such bicycles in the world with a total production reaching 381,721in 2010.
  45 China is one of the largest producers of electric bicycles in the world, the   46  of its producers with mass production (大批量生产) is actually small.
Electric bicycles are still   47 in China. Time is needed for people to become familiar with them and accept them. Each bike’s price of between 2,000 yuan (US $318) and 3,000 yuan (US $477) is still  48  for ordinary citizens (民众). Although such bikes are quick, safe and 49 to operate, their batteries still have shortcomings (不足). They weigh more than 10 kilograms; their service life is   50  two years and they   51  400 yuan each.
There were more than 450 million bikes in China in 2006. If just one percent of all these bikes are replaced by electric  52  , the market will be very large. And   53  the battery is further improved and the price is    54   , many of us will not be able to keep back from    55  the latest electric bikes
A.because ofB.becauseC.towardsD.at
A.buildB.builtC.buildingD.to build
A.producerB.productionC.produceD.to produce
A.other thanB.more thanC.overD.less than
A.buyingB.broughtC.to buyD.buy

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