当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 社会现象类 > 完形填空。      1  the population of China? There are more than 1.3 billion people in...
完形填空。      1  the population of China? There are more than 1.3 billion people in China. It is almost one fifth of the
world"s population. How to control (控制) the population growth is a big problem. Some people think  2  to
control the population growth, But I don"t quite agree  3  them, because  4 , there is a way.
     The question is that we should make it  5  how serious the population problem is. Our farmland is becoming
less and less to everyone. We have already got too many mouths to feel.  6   we control the population growth,
many people will die  7  hunger. Too fast population growth has been and will be bad for our nation. Though
laws (法律) have been  8  to control the population growth, in some places,  9  is done to carry out (贯彻) the
law. We should make people  10  that it is foolish  11  them to bring too many children into the world. They
shall   12   do  13  they have been doing for many years.
    We are fighting  14  too fast population growth. Yet, the fighting won"t end  15  everyone knows its
meaning and does something for it.
试题【完形填空。      1  the population of China? There are more than 1.3 billion people in】;主要考察你对社会现象类等知识点的理解。[详细]
(     )1. A. How many are         
(     )2. A. that it impossible for
(     )3. A. to                
(     )4. A. there"s will         
(     )5. A. known to everybody   
(     )6. A. if not              
(     )7. A. of                 
(     )8. A. past                 
(     )9. A. many                 
(     )10. A. to know             
(     )11. A. about              
(     )12. A. not longer         
(     )13. A. that             
(     )14. A. for               
(     )15. A. until              
B. What is            
B. it impossible of   
B. for               
B. where there"s a will
B. known by everybody 
B. Unless           
B. about             
B. passed           
B. little           
B. to learn         
B. for              
B. not more         
B. which             
B. against           
B. after            
C. How much is          
C. that it impossible of
C. with                 
C. there"s the will     
C. known               
C. Until             
C. on                
C. broken              
C. a lot            
C. know               
C. with              
C. no longer          
C. what               
C. with              
C. when               
D. What are              
D. it impossible         
D. on                    
D. where there"s the will
D. is known by           
D. If                    
D. out of                
D. thought               
D. much                  
D. learning              
D. of                    
D. no more               
D. how                   
D. without               
D. as                    
1-5    BDCBA      6-10   BABBC    11-15  DCCBA
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slow  born  rapid  country  healthy  carry  large  people  control  develop
A four-year-old girl is lying in the arm of a doctor. She has just become motherless. A few minutes ago,
a big bombing(轰炸) happened near her home in the south of Iraq.
    Every day we see pictures like this on our televisions. We see young Iraqi children asking for food
and  water from American and British soldiers as they move through towns and cities towards the
capital, Baghdad. We see these children following grown-ups, carrying bags of things almost the same
size as their small bodies as they quickly left their home in Baghdad.
    All this shows that some of the young lives have been turned upside down by the war. And they show
the terrible price being paid by Iraqi children
    In southern parts of the country,like the second largest city,Basra,the UN is working to repair the
damage(毁坏) caused by the war. "We are working to provide clean water and get the electrical power
to work again , "said Geoffrey Keele , a UN spokesman.
    But little else can be done. In Baghdad, parents give their children sleeping pills to try and let them
escape the sound of bombing.And all the schools are closed. Some diseases break out among the
children, sometimes leading to death.
Nearly 50 % of the Iraqi population, which is over 20 million, is under 15 years old. And 30% of them
are suffering(遭受) from malnutrition(营养不良).
1.From the first paragraph , we know that __________.
A. the girl in the doctor"s arm is dead
B. the girl"s mother is looking for her
C.the girl"s mother was killed during the bombing
D. the text tells us nothing about her mother
2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 2?_________.
A. There are bombings every day in Iraq.
B. Children ask for water and food from the American and British soldiers.
C. Children with big bags are leaving their homes for Baghdad.
D. Baghdad is the capital of Iraq.
3.The second sentence in Paragraph 3 means __________.
A. the Iraqi children pay much money for what they need
B. the Iraqi children are suffering a lot in the war
C.some people sell children at a terrible price
D. the young lives have been turned upside down
4.How much help is the UN giving to the Iraqi children?__________.
A. They are helping them return to school.
B. They are giving them enough food and drinks.
C. They can do only a little.
D. They can do nothing.
5.The number of Iraqi children in malnutrition is about _________.
A. 20 million  
B. 10 million  
C. 6 million  
D. 3 million
     Can you think of a country without paper? British former Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, wanted to
change Britain into such a country. " Everyone in the country will be given his or her own website within
four years , " he said.
    After people have their own websites, they can do things on the Internet. For example, people can
"see" doctors on the Internet,and doctors can also answer them through the Internet; parents can learn
about their children" studies on the Internet. Also, teachers don"t need to give them the report cards.
    This not only saves time,but also saves money. Many people won"t need to go to their offices; they
can work at home. He also said that it would save billions of pounds a year. Most importantly, it is
especially good for the environment. The country will save a lot of paper if people do so many things
through the Internet. Saving paper can save a lot of trees.
If the plan is carried out, Britain will become the first country without paper. "I want Britain to be the
world leader in the digital economy. The digital company will create over 250, 000 jobs by2020,"
said Gordon Brown.
1. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT TRUE? 
A. After people have their own websites, they can "see" doctors on the Internet. 
B. After people have their own websites, parents can learn about their children"s studieson the Internet.
C. After people have their own websites, many people won"t need to go to their offices.
D. After people have their own websites, people can do nothing on the Internet.
2. In order to become a country without paper, what should British people have?
A. A mobile phone.        
B. A website.      
C. A TV      
D. An e-mail address.
3. If British people do things on the Internet, what can they save?
A. Time.                
B. Money.        
C. Paper.      
D. All the above.
4. Becoming a country without paper is especially good for ______.
A. its people              
B. the environment  
C. the government  
D. the economy
5. What is the best title of the passage?  
A. A Country Without Paper                
B. How to Save Money?
C. How to Use Websites?                  
D. Buying Things Online
The rich and the poor
  The world is divided (分为)into two main parts . The difference is that
one part is rich  and the other is poor . In the poor part , a lot of people never get
enough to eat . In the  rich part , a lot of people eat too much . In one part , child
starve (饿死)and in the other ,  a lot of people get fatter and fatter and have to
go on diets (吃特别饮食), or do special  exercises in order to lose weigt.     
  The poorer countries have special problems . Sometimes the land is too
poor to grow  anything on . The land can be improved (改善), but a lot of
things must be done first . The  people must be educated an water must be
  But rich countries have problems , too . There are not always pleasant
places to live in .  Sometimes the air is too dirty to breathe , and the rivers are
too dirty to swim in or to take  water from . The roads are too crowded to drive
along . Large numbers of people do not have  decent (象样的)housed to live
in . Some things will have to be done about these problems .  The air and the
river will have to be cleaned , and more houses will have to be built.     
Answer the questions :   
1. What’s the difference between the two parts ?     
2. Do the poorer countries have many problems ? What for example ?     
3. Can anything be done about it ?     
4. What must be done, for example ?     
5. Can all this be done easily ?     
     Most American students have to say goodbye to fancy (高档的) fruits these days, In school restaurants across the country, cheaper fruits like apples and oranges have taken their place.
     "People are afraid to spend now," said Linda Morrow, who owns a shoe and handbag store. "They
don"t know what the future will bring. "  During the financial crisis  (金融危机), several of the country"s
biggest banks have been forced to sell or close. This has made lots of Americans afraid to buy expensive
     The crisis began last year. Experts (专家) think it was because US banks lend money too easily.
Last year a lot of people and companies, who borrowed money, found themselves unable to pay it back.
This left the banks, as well as the people who put their money in the banks, without money. Since the
banks borrowed money between themselves and even across borders (国界) , the whole world was in
     This month the US government agreed on a $700 bullions plan to try to save the financial market.
But no one is sure whether it will help or not. Last week presidents from 20countries promised to work
together to find a way out of the money trouble.
1. This passage is probably taken from_______.
A. a story book            
B. a novel
C. a newspaper              
D. an advertisement
2. Why are people in the US afraid to spend money?
A. Because they think it"s unnecessary.
B. Because they don"t have the habit of spending money.
C. Because they worry about their future.
D. Because they don"t have any money.
3. From the passage, we still don"t know_______.
A. when the financial crisis began
B. when the financial crisis will end
C. when some of the US banks closed
D. whether the crisis has spread to other countries.
4. The underlined word "presidents" here means     ____ in Chinese.
A. 主任                  
B. 农民
C. 总统                  
D. 警察
5. The best title for the passage is___.
A. Ways to Save Money.
B. Financial Crisis Facing the World
C. Banks in the USA
D. The USA Becoming Poor