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Children in England mustn’t work until they are 13. They need to have a work permit (许可证) to start working.
The jobs teenagers can do:
Delivering (递送) newspapers: Many teenagers will get up early to deliver newspapers to houses in their local area before going to school. They are known as Paper-boys or Papergirls.
Babysitting: Looking after young children in their home while their parents have gone out for the evening is a popular job for teenagers, as they get money for watching children and television all at the same time!
Helping the Milkman: From the age of 14 some teenagers help the milkman deliver milk to houses.
Other popular jobs : Working in a shop; Office work; Washing cars ; In a cafe or restaurant. The hours teenagers (13 and 14 year olds )can work:
School Days: Not more than 2 hours in one day during the following periods:
Morning 7 a. m. —start of school or Evening : close of school— 7 p. m.
Saturdays: Up to 5 hours between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Sundays: Up to 2 hours between 7 a.m. and 11 a. m.
Term time: Up to 12 hours a week (Including weekends)
小题1: In England how old do children have to be before they can work?
小题2: Paper-boys and Papergirls deliver newspapers           
A.early in the morning
B.at noon
C.in the afternoon
D.in the evening
小题3:Teenagers in England can do all of the follow­ing except_________.
A.work in an office
B.work in a night club
C.look after young children
D.deliver newspapers
小题4: How many hours a week may teenagers work during the term time?



小题1:本文第一句为Children in England mustn’t work until they are 13.所表示的含义为英国的孩子们直到13岁才可以参加工作,故本题选D。
小题2:本文的第四,五行为Many teenagers will get up early to deliver newspapers to houses in their local area before going to school. They are known as Paper-boys or Papergirls.青少年男女孩的工作可以为在大清早递送报纸,故本题选A。
小题4:本文中有一句为Not more than 2 hours in one day during the following periods:所表示的含义为每天工作不超过两个小时,那么青少年在一周上学日五天期间应该工作不要超过10个小时,故本题选A。
试题【Children in England mustn’t work until they are 13. They need to have a work per】;主要考察你对社会现象类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Olympic torch relay (奥运火炬接力) planned route
Beijing, April 27—The Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay will cover the greatest area and include the largest number of people. The plans were announced on Thursday night. The planned route would last  130 days and travel 137 000 km.
First Nobel Prize winner to donate to Hope School
Chinanews, Beijing, May 10—Professor Dannel Chee Tsui, in the USA, signed the agreement to donate 350 000 yuan to his home town to build a Hope Primary School in China.
Bill Gates receives Tsinghua honorary doctorate
Beijing,April 20—Bill Gates, chairman of global IT giant Mi­crosoft, received an honorary doc­torate (荣誉博士学位) when he
visited China’s   famous   Tsinghua   University   on Thursday.
Big Shaolin kung fu center to be built in Russia
Chinanews, Beijing, April 27—China and Russia have signed a letter of intent ( 意向书)on the building of a Shaolin kung fu center in Russia. It will be the first of its kind in Russia,and also the biggest overseas kung fu center when it is completed.
小题1: How long will the Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay last?
A.One month.
B.Two months.
C.Three months.
D.More than four months.
小题2: Who signed an agreement to donate money to build a Hope Primary School on May 10?
A.Bill Gates.
B.Professor Daniel Chee Tsui.
C.Beijing government.
D.Tsinghua University.
小题3: What will be built in Russia according to the news?
A.A university.
B.A sports centre.
C.A Shaolin kung fu center.
D.A Hope Primary School.

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Do you want to know something about chil­dren in Africa? What to they do for fun every day? Find out here:
School is expensive for many African children. Lots of families can’t afford school uniforms or ex­ercise books even though they don’t have to pay for school.
For those lucky enough to go to school , they have a lot to learn. Some take two language clas­ses: English or French, and their first language. There is also math, science, history, social studies and geography. Chores take up much of children’s time after school. They have to get water and fire­wood for the family every day. Also there’s clean­ing , washing and helping Mum with the meal.
Daily fun
It’s not all work and no play. Sports are very popular. Children can make goals with twigs ( 嫩树枝)and their own footballs with plastic and bits of string ( 绳子 ). They play in the country and the streets of old towns. There’re many football teams for teenagers in Africa.
It’s really expensive to get on the Internet. To surf the net for 20 hours costs over 600 yuan. This is more than the average (平均的) monthly pay per person.
Egypt and South Africa are the top two users of the Internet in Africa. All of the capital cities there can get on the Internet.
Some schools offer computer lessons but few students can enjoy computer fun at home.
小题1: The underlined word "Chores" probably means
小题2: Sports are very popular in Africa because chil­dren _________.
A.do not need money to play
B.can play all kinds of ball games
C.don’t like to go to school
D.don’t like to do their homework
小题3:The passage is mainly about_________.
A.education in Africa
B.children’s school life in Africa
C.the Internet in Africa
D.children’s daily life in Africa
小题4:From the passage, we can infer (推断) that in Africa_________.
A.basketball is popular among children
B.children in Africa have to pay for school
C.some children in Africa have to take two for­eign language classes
D.people in Egypt and South Africa may get higher pay than people in the other countries

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April 27 is a special day in Britain. It’s called Take Our Daughters to Work Day. It was __36__ to Britain in 1994 from America. On that day thousands of girls take a day __37__ school and go with one of their parents to their work places. By doing this, it can __38__ girls more about the society where they live.
Now the girls can have a close look at __39__ their parents are doing. This may help them to be calmer when they have to choose a __40__. Mary experienced a day of work at her mother’s office. This helped her __41__ her mother’s work better. She said that this made her feel more confident about her future.
Schools and many companies __42__ the activity, too. Some schools __43__ make the day a necessary part of school life.
Experts think that girls with more self-confidence are more likely to be __44__ than common girls. __45__ parents can set good examples both at work and at home for them, they will do better than others. Take Our Daughters to Work Day is surely a step in the right direction.
A.talkB.keepC.teach D.make

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Life in the twenty-first century
The World Future Society is a group of people from more than 80 countries who are interested in how modern technology is making our world better, and who write reports about how it will change our lives.                                                                                                                                            The things that we will be able to do in the twenty-first century (since the year 2000) should help us live better lives in many ways, at home and at work, in our own country and around the world. Here are just some of them, put into five groups.
People may live for up to 120 years and use new technology to help when people go blind, deaf and have other problems. The number of people over a hundred years old could go from 135,000 today to 2.2 million people by 2050. By 2015 people think that 100 million workers will be able to work from home for a company in a different country by using the Internet.
Worldwide e-business will become even more successful with online shops that sell special products for each person, which will be brought to their house the next day.
The technology for making energy from wind and the Sun is growing very quickly. In the future wind and Sun energy could become much cheaper and many more countries could use it. This would be very useful in poor countries. The air in big cities would also become much cleaner and healthier as a result.
Society and culture
The Internet will help to create more worldwide friendships. Families may spend more time together as people will be able to do 24-hour online banking and shopping.
The new science of “nanotechnology” (very small robots or machines) will make all sorts of products smaller and lighter. Very, very small machines could take away rubbish, make things in factories, and help inside the human body by taking away fat. By 2012 people will be able to wear these small machines that look like watches, which will give them lots of information about their body and keep them healthy.
小题1:What does the World Future Society do?
A.Look at how technology will make people happy.
B.Look at how technology will change the world.
C.Make technology work better for themselves.
D.Make small machines to make us healthier.
小题2: How will technology help people?
A.Help all people live for over 120 years.
B.Help disabled people to get jobs.
C.Make people healthier and live longer.
D.Help workers to use the Internet.
小题3:How will people go shopping?
A.In special shops.
B.Using the Internet at certain times.
C.Using the Internet any time of the day.
D.Using nanotechnology.
小题4: How will technology help the environment?
A.Poor countries will have enough energy.
B.Wind energy will be cheaper than Sun energy.
C.We will not need wind and Sun energy.
D.Wind and Sun energy will be cheaper.
小题5:The new science of “nanotechnology” will _______.
A.drive small machines to work for people
B.make good-quality watches
C.allow people to eat more
D.make very small products

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Cats are the most popular pets among Americans. So it is not surprising that there are a lot of expressions about cats. Some cats like to catch small birds, like canaries (金丝雀). If someone looks very proud and satisfied with himself, we say “he looks like the cat that ate the canary.”
Sometimes, a cat likes to play with a small animal it catches. So if you “play cat and mouse” with someone, it means that you change between different kinds of behavior when dealing with another person. For example, a girl might offer something sweet to her little brother and then take it away when he reaches for it.
Americans might say that something is “the cat’s miaow” or “the cat’s pajamas(睡衣)” to describe something that is the best or finest. “A copycat” is someone who acts just like someone else or copies another person’s work. “A fat cat” is a person with a lot of money.
If you tell about something that is supposed to be a secret, we say you “let the cat out of the bag”. If you are not able to speak or answer a question, someone might ask you if “the cat has got your tongue(舌头)”
Have you ever watched children in a classroom when their teacher leaves for a few minutes? “When the cat’s away, the mice will play” means people sometimes act badly when there is no supervision (监管).
You may have heard the expression “curiosity killed the cat”. This means caring too much about things that are not your business might cause problems.
If you have ever had cats as pets, you know it is difficult to train them or to get them to do something. Cats are not like Sheep or cows that can be moved in a group. So we say a difficult or impossible job is like “herding (放牧) cats “
小题1:What can we learn from the passage?
A.The expression “a fat cat” is used to describe someone who is very fat.
B.The expression “play cat and mouse” usually means “play tricks on others”.
C.It is more difficult to keep sheep or cows than cats.
D.There are more expressions about cats than those about dogs.
小题2: In which of the following situations do we most probably use the expression “curiosity killed the cat”?
A.Someone always asked a lady her age or weight and it made her angry.
B.Someone promised to keep a secret but he failed to do so.
C.Someone won the first prize in an English singing competition and he felt very excited.
D.Someone tried to swim across the Yangtze River with his newly broken legs.
小题3:Where can you most probably find the passage?
A.In a scientific research paper about cats.
B.On a website telling people how to keep cats.
C.In a magazine telling various jokes and funny stories.
D.In a language book that teaches students how to use American slang.

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