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Cosplay is great!

Cosplay is short for “costume play”, which means play-acting in costumes. People who take part in cosplay are called cosplayers. They usually create or make costumes of their favorite animation characters by themselves or get a tailor to make them. Sometimes they even prepare small things, like knives and earrings, which the characters wear or use in the animation.
Cosplayers are creative and proud of their work. They spend a lot of money and energy on it. They not only dress up as their favorite characters in the animation, but also act like the characters.
New trend (趋势) is on!
While Chinese fans are busy cosplaying characters in Japanese animations or movies, Japan, as a big country of cosplay, now has a trend to cosplay non-Japanese movie characters. Japanese cosplayers like the characters in Star Wars and Lord of the Rings very much. But the most popular ones are from the Harry Potter films. They have a very large number of fans in Japan. The character who is liked the best by Japanese cosplayers in Harry Potter films is Draco Malfoy, though he is Harry’s rival(对手) and always tries to get Harry and his friends into trouble.
Cosplay doesn’t have anything to do with age. Whether you are 5 or 50 years old, you can be a cosplayer if you are creative enough! 
小题1:We can infer that those who like to do cosplay must be ______ fans, too.
小题2:The cosplayers ______.
A.create the animation characters and make the costumes by themselves
B.act like their favorite animation characters in common clothes in the cosplay
C.dress up as the animation characters and act like them in the play
D.always wear something like animals in the play.
小题3:Which of the following statements is possibly TRUE according to the passage?
A.It’ll cost little time and energy to take part in cosplay.
B.If you are not young enough, you can’t be a cosplayer.
C.Cosplayers are creative and enjoy their work.
D.Only students may be cosplayers.



小题1:A推理判断题。问题“We can infer that those who like to do cosplay must be ______ fans, too.我们可以得出暗示,那些喜欢角色扮演的人一定也是……迷。”选项A. movie电影;B. music音乐;C. sport体育运动;D.art艺术。根据第一段中的角色扮演者扮演动画电影中的人物、制作他们的服装及装饰物来判断,可知答案是A。
小题2:C细节理解题。A. create the animation characters and make the costumes by themselves创造动画人物自己制作服装;B. act like their favorite animation characters in common clothes in the cosplay在角色扮演中穿普通的服装像他们所喜爱的动画人物那样表演;C. dress up as the animation characters and act like them in the play装扮成动画人物并像他们那样演出;D. always wear something like animals in the play.在剧中总是穿些像动物一样的东西。根据第二段中的They not only dress up as their favorite characters in the animation, but also act like the characters.可知答案是B。
小题3:C主旨大意题。下面哪一句可能符合文章?A. It’ll cost little time and energy to take part in cosplay.参加角色扮演会花很少的时间和精力;  B. If you are not young enough, you can’t be a cosplayer.如果你不够年轻的话,你不能成为角色扮演者; C. Cosplayers are creative and enjoy their work.角色扮演者们有创意,喜爱他们的工作;D. Only students may be cosplayers.只要学生可以成为角色扮演者。根据标题、以及全文的意思,特别是第二段、第四段可归纳出cosplayers 都是有创意也很喜爱角色扮演。可知答案是C。
试题【Cosplay is great!Cosplay is short for “costume play”, which means play-acting in】;主要考察你对社会现象类等知识点的理解。[详细]
The bicycle is really and important means of transportation in China.Bicyclese have become more and more popular in China.People ride bikes to their workplaces,to shopping centers,to schools,and so on.During the rush hour,you can often see a boiling sea of bicycles running in all directions.With the largest number of bike riders in the world,China is often referred to as the kingdom of bicycles.There are many advantages(优点) about the bicycle.For example,bicycles do not cause air or sound pollution(污染);compared with cars,bicycle cause no environmental(环境的) problems;bicycles save energy(能源) and parking place;riding bikes to travel can be a wonderful experience(经历);the bicycle allows us to go anywhere nearby easily;bikes are not very expensive,and almost every family can afford them;riding bikes regularly does good to people"s health.
小题1:Why is China called the kingdom of bicycles?
小题2:Can we go anywhere easily by bicycles?
小题3:Why can almost every family afford bicycles?
小题4:What do you think the most popular means of transportation in China is?
小题5:What are the advantages of the bicycles?You can give one or two examples.
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The United States is suffering its worst drought (干旱) in almost sixty years. The National Climatic Data Center also says high temperatures in June added to the warmest twelve-month period on record. Record-keeping began in 1895. The drought map showed that conditions improved in the Southeast in June compared to May. But the drought is expected to continue in large parts of the country. Last week, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack met with President Obama. Mr Vilsack says the drought has seriously influenced some crops, such as corn and soybeans (大豆). And the United States is the world"s leading producer. 
The drought has made prices of com and soybeans increase. Both of them are used in food production and for animal feed. Last week the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization reported that corn and wheat prices increased by 20% over the past three weeks.
In the United States, farmers may quickly reduce the size of their animals rather than pay higher feed prices to keep them. That increased supply of meat would reduce meat prices in the short term. But those prices could increase in several months.
Mr Vilsack says the effect of the drought is hard to predict(预测). Some areas are getting rain, and drought-resistant (抗旱的) seeds have helped crops grow well in some areas.
小题1:We can know the drought record of the USA has been kept for ________years of the USA up to now.
小题2:Which of the following American presidents met with Tom Vilsack?
A.George Washington.B.Abraham lincon.
C.George Bush.D.Barack Obama.
小题3: If the price of a kilo of corn was 3 dollars last December, how much is a kilo of corn now?
A.2.4 dollars.B.3 dollars.
C.3.6 dollars.D.3.9 dollars.
小题4:Why is the meat price lower than before?
A.Because there are more and more animals.
B.Because farmers kill them to save their food.
C.Because people don"t like eating meat now.
D.Because the government (政府) asks the meat price lower.
小题5:What is the best title for the passage?
A. US faces the worst drought in almost sixty years.
B. Take action to help the USA.
C. What does the country do in the drought areas?
D. President Obama meets with Agriculture Secretary.
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On September 19 this year, you will see a full moon (满月). It is the Mid-Autumn Festival (中秋节).The festival is on the 15th day of the eighth lunar (农历) month. And it is one of the most important festivals in China.
It is a big time for families and friends to get together. In the evening, people sit around a table and look at the bright moon. They eat sweet or salty moon cakes (月饼). People can see a lot of lanterns (灯笼) in the street. Children like guessing (猜) the answers to the lantern riddles (灯谜).
The Mid-Autumn Festival is also a harvest (收获) festival. Farmers begin to harvest fruits and vegetables.
Name of the festival
The 小题1:________ Festival
Date of the festival
The 15th day of 小题2:________ month
What to eat
Sweet or salty 小题3:________
What children like doing
Guessing小题4:_______ to the lantern riddles
What farmers harvest
Fruits and _小题5:______

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Is global warming killing the Maldives?
The Maldives(马尔代夫) is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Every year, millions of         go there to enjoy the wonderful scenery. And in recent years, more and more people would like to visit it,       ? Because the little island country is         . If global warming           , say scientists, the country will go down into the ocean within 100 years. That means the Maldives          have disappeared by 2100.
The Maldives          in the Indian Ocean. It is the           country on earth—its highest point is only 2.4m above sea level.          Greenhouse gas emissions(排放), global temperature and sea levels will rise         9cm and 88cm by 2100. If scientists are       , most of the Maldives will be covered with water in years.
Last October, Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed and his cabinet(内阁)held the world’s first underwater cabinet meeting to make the world         the terrible results from global warming to their own country. In December, he         at the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference(大会) in Copenhagen, trying to ask for help from the world for        country. The president even has a         to buy a new homeland and move his country and people to a new place.
The Moldavian government has been doing all it can to fight the         . But the fate(命运)of the islands is in the world’s hands. No one wants to see this little island country disappear from the world.
A.scientists B.tourists C.presidents D.doctors
A.Who B.How C.Why D.When
A.in trouble B.for ever C.as usual D.all right
A.disappears B.happens C.misses D.continues
A.canB.should C.might D.must
A.lives B.lies C.jumps D.arrives
A.highest B.highC.lowest D.low
A.Instead of B.Because of C.With the help of D.Thanks for
A.both B.from C.during D.between
A.wrong B.correct C.helpful D.dangerous
A.get B.guess C.realize D.expect
A.served B.spokeC.worked D.sang
A.his B.their C.its D.your
A.taskB.problemC.plan D.notice
A.tourists B.place C.island D.sea

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Wang Fei is a twelve-year-old boy. He is lovely(可爱) and smart(聪明). He is always the best in his class. But his classmates wouldn’t like to play with him because he has AIDS (艾滋病) like his parents. Even some teachers always keep away from him. Wang Fei felt sad.
One day he returned home with tears. He told his mother he fought with a boy because the boy said something bad about his family. His mother cried, “What did my son do? Why?”
Now many people are afraid of AIDS because they know little about it. It is not so dangerous as we think.
② Safe, and, to eat, it’s, play with them, in fact. They need our love and understanding because they are the same as us.
小题1: Wang Fei fought with a boy because Wang Fei did something wrong. 
小题2: Wang Fei and his parents have AIDS.
小题3: ____________________________________________________________________
小题5:What should we do for the AIDS patients?
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