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Big schoolbags have been a serious problem for students for a long time. Maybe your schoolbag is too         to carry, and it troubles you a lot        you want to find a book out to read. Now an e-­textbook will         you.
It is said that e-textbooks are going to be        in Chinese middle schools. An e­-textbook, in fact, is a small          for students. It is much        than a usual schoolbag and easy to carry. Though it is as small as a book, it can       all the materials (材料) for study. The students can read the text page by page on the        , take notes with the pointer (屏写笔). Or even “        ” their homework to their teachers by sending e­mails. All they have to do is to press a button.
Some people say e-­textbooks are good, but some say they may be        for the students" eyes. What do you think of it?
小题1:A. light             B. heavy        C. useful        
小题2:A. till              B. after            C. when
小题3:A. trouble           B. prevent      C. help    
小题4:A. used              B. kept             C. invented 
小题5:A. computer          B. radio            C. pen      
小题6:A. heavier           B. lighter          C. cheaper      
小题7:A. hold              B. build            C. discover     
小题8:A. blackboard            B. desk           C. screen       
小题9:A. find out          B. hand in          C. get back     
小题10:A. helpful              B. famous       C. bad


小题1:考查形容词及语境的理解。A. light轻的;B. heavy重的;C. useful有用的。分析句意:大书包长时间使用,对学生是一个严重的问题。可能你的书包太重而不能拿的动。考查:too……to 太……而不能.故选B
小题2:考查连词及语境的理解。A. till直到;B. after 之后;C. when当……时候。分析句意:当你想找一本书阅读时,它会有很大的麻烦。分析,两句之间的关系是当……时候。故选C
小题3:考查动词及语境的理解。A. trouble麻烦;B. prevent 防止;C. help帮助。联系上文,由于书包大而重,携带不方便,现在电子课本能帮助你。根据句意为帮助之意。故选C
小题4:考查动词及语境的理解。A. used用;B. kept 保持;C. invented发明。分析句意:据说在中国的中学,电子课本将要会被使用。考查被动语态的用法。故选A
小题5:考查名词及语境的理解。A. computer电脑;B. radio录音机;C. pen钢笔。分析句意:事实上,一部电子课本就是一台小型电脑。联系事实,电子课本就是小型电脑。故选A
小题6:考查形容词及语境的理解。A. heavier更重的;B. lighter更轻的;C. cheaper更便宜的。分析句意:它是更轻的比平常的书包,并且容易携带。前文提到日常的书包重,那么有了这样的电子课本一定是更轻了。故选B
小题7:考查动词及语境的理解。Ahold携带;B. build 建筑;C. discover发现。分析句意:虽然它是和一本书一样大小,但是它能装着你学习的全部材料。结合选项之意,携带符合题意。故选A
小题8:考查名词及语境的理解。A. blackboard 黑板;B. desk 桌子;C. screen屏幕。分析句意:学生运用屏写笔,可以在屏幕上进行阅读和记笔记。结合实际情况,体现为屏幕。故选C
小题9:考查动词及语境的理解。A. find out发现;B. hand in 上交;C. get back返回。分析句意:学生可以通过网络上交他们的作业。分析:考查固定短语hand in 上交。故选B
小题10:考查形容词及语境的理解。A. helpful 有帮助的;B. famous著名的;C. bad坏的。分析句意:一些人说电子课本是好的,但是有些人说他们可能是不好的对于学生的眼睛。联系实际,电子类产品对人的眼睛不好。故选C
试题【Big schoolbags have been a serious problem for students for a long time. Maybe y】;主要考察你对社会现象类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Li Ping,a Junior One student at High School was quite busy over the last winter vacation,not just with homework .Li,together with ten other classmates made a      group to call on people to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign(光盘行动).
The      students went to many restaurants and told the people the importance of      food. “Excuse me,do you know that 20 million people around the world still haven’t got enough to        ? Could you please not     food ?”They would say this kind of thing hundreds of times every day.   
      ,the activity has got the support of many people.In a restaurant in Chengguan District,the owner gives the guests who have eaten all the food they ordered a ticket.People can enjoy a       meal when they have ten tickets . More than 50 restaurants in Lanzhou have begun to offer          dishes and encourage their guests to take leftovers(剩菜)home.
Wasting food is a serious problem around the     ,not only in China. It"s said that 1.3 billion tons of food ends up as waste last year. This is as    as one third of all the food in the world.The UN Environment Program and the Food and Agriculture Organization held a“ Think ,Eat,Save”program in January,2013 to help reduce food waste.

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"My dear dad, where are we going?" This has become the most popular question recently. It"s a line from the theme song of Hunan TV station"s reality show Where Are We Going, Dad?
"All of my classmates are big fans," said NingYun, 14, from Guangxi. "On Fridays, we remind each other: don"t forget to watch it tonight! "
In the show, five pairs of fathers and kids go to strange places and finish interesting tasks. It"s all about growing up. Fathers learn to cook and comfort their kids. The kids learn about teamwork and being independent (独立). Yet, growing up needs courage. In the show, 4-year-old Kimi finds it  hard to finish his work alone. "When I saw Kimi looking for his dad, I burst into tears," said Chen Yufang, 13, from Guangxi. "It reminded me of my first night at the school dormitory (宿舍). I really  felt the pain of growing up that night. "
When people see the fathers trying to help their kids, it also hits a soft spot in their hearts.
Tian Xiaofeng, 14, from Jiangsu, said his father is like Guo Tao in the program. "He is strict. And I was sad about it," he said. But now he sees it in a different way. "Guo Tao"s son looks determined. I think his parenting style works. And I guess my father just wants me to be like that," he said.
On the journey of life, kids learn to grow up and adults learn to be better parents.

Maybe we can plan a trip with our parents.
Shall we go?
小题1:What is the most suitable word to replace the underlined word "determined" in the passage?
小题2:When could we see five fathers and their children on TV?
A.On Friday nights. B.On Saturdays. C.Every night. D.Only on Sundays.
小题3:What"s the best title for the article?
A.Where are we going, Dad?B.Fathers and their children.
C.A popular reality show. D.Growing together.

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Early in the third century, China"s Han Dynasty fell apart. From the dust stood three kingdoms: Wei, Shu and Wu. They fought against each other in order to unite all of China. Centuries later, their struggle was developed into one of China"s most well-known novels :  Romance of the  Three Kingdoms.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms was written by Chinese writer Luo Guanzhong in the late 14th century. As China"s greatest historical novel of all time, it ispopular among Chinese people. While recently, the Frenchcartoon series of this novel has been published in countries .including France, Belgium and Switzerland. Why does this novelattract so many people? The colorful characters are probably oneof the reasons. There are about l, 000 characters in the novel.
Instead of giving an introduction of every historical figure, the
novel underlines their special personalities. Zhuge Liang is smart
and well-read. Cuan Yu is brave and faithful. Cao Cao is cruel
(残酷) but brilliant  (杰出) . Every character is lively, just like
people in today"s world.
Scheme (策略) is an important part of the novel. Some
famous schemes, like the Empty Fort Strategy and Borrowing
Arrows with Thatched Boats, are told through storytelling, which
makes it easy to understand. Nowadays, people also use these
schemes in modem business and management.
Young readers also like the novel because they can find their favourite part in it. Boys are excited about the descriptions of war scenes. The brotherhood of Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei touches them as well. Zhou Yu, commander-in-chief of Wu, who is not only good at fighting skills but also an expert at music, catches girls" eyes. Which is your favorite part? Why not read the novel and find out yourself?
小题1:When was the novel Romance of Three Kingdoms written?
A.In the 3rdcentury. B.In the 4th century.
C.Around the 14th century. D.In modem times.
小题2:What is Cao Cao like in the novel?
A.Cold-blooded and clever.
B.Smart and well-read.
C.Brave and faithful.
D.Very good at fighting skills and music.
小题3:From the second paragraph, we learn that_______.
A.the colorful characters in the novel attract many people
B.the novel has the most characters of all the Chinese novels
C.the novel clearly introduces the personalities of the characters
D.China was a powerful country during that time
小题4:What can readers find in this novel according to the story?
①Business and management.
②Descriptions of war scenes.
③Famous schemes.
④Love between historical figures.
⑤Brotherhood of Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

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Six people are talking about two pie shops in a TV program.
Lily: I’ve been going to Pie House for twenty years. Now Marie’s son is taking care of the business, and he makes pies as good as his mother’s. I enjoy my stay there as before. My family also like the pies. We feel relaxed while staying there.
Olive: I went to Pie Corner once. Their pies were great, too. But I feel more comfortable at Pie House. I am used to the taste there, which makes me feel happy. I’m really a fan of Pie House.
Ned: Uncle Roy used to work for my mom. Later he opened Pie Corner on the next block after he got married. At the beginning, it’s not easy for him, but it is becoming more and more popular especially among young people. They think Pie Corner can often give them a surprise.
Marie: Roy was already quite avant-garde when working with me. I mean he had different, sometimes even strange, ideas about pies. There were times I thought his pies wouldn’t taste good, but they turned out magically delicious. He is really creative and can always make new pies, which attract many people.
Lee:  Ned has done quite well with Pie House. His pies make you feel warm. But if you want to try something interesting, you should go to Pie Corner.
Chuck: The two pie shops are really different from each other. If eating Roy’s pies is like taking an exciting trip, then Ned’s pies are just like a sweet home you go back to after a long trip. Which one to go to depends on what you like.
小题1:What do we know about the six people?
A.They all have been to both pie shops.
B.They all talked about what the pies taste like.
C.Some of them are the shopkeepers of the pie shops.
D.Some of them talked about how the shopkeepers treated their workers.
小题2:Which is true about the pie shops?
A.Pie House is a family business.
B.Pie Corner is next to Pie House.
C.Pie Corner has a longer history than Pie House.
D.Pie House gives people a place to stay for the night.
小题3:What does ‘avant-garde’ mean in the reading?
A.Having a new and surprising way of thinking.
B.Trying to find out where the problems come from.
C.Trying to act like someone who knows everything.
D.Having many exciting life experiences.

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The First Lady’s Travel Journal: Touring the Forbidden City
March 21, 2014

After visiting the Beijing Normal School, Madame Peng took Sasha and Malia, my mother, and me to the Forbidden City, which is right in the heart of Beijing.
For more than 2,000 years (up until 1912), China was ruled by emperors who descended (传递)from many different dynasties, or families, who passed ruling positions on from generation to generation — and for nearly 500 years, the Forbidden City used as the emperor’s home.
Like the name suggests, the Forbidden City is large enough to be a city of its own — it includes nearly 1,000 buildings and nearly 10,000 rooms.
In 1925, the new Chinese government turned the Forbidden City into a museum so that visitors like us from all over the world can stroll (闲逛) through many of the beautiful rooms and outdoor spaces.
The Forbidden City is too large to fully experience in a single visit, but highlights include the following: The Hall of Union and Peace has almost 14,000 ornamental dragons. The Hall of Supreme Harmony is where the emperor(皇帝) watched birthday celebrations and coronation (加冕) ceremonies from his Dragon Throne. And then there are the Imperial Gardens, where you can walk along the paths and pavilions, admiring the beautiful rock arrangements, flowers and cypress (柏树) trees.
While we loved our visit to the Forbidden City, we only wish we had more time to see everything. But then again, I’m not sure there could ever be enough time to fully enjoy all of the art and history in this wonderful place.
小题1:The writer visited The Forbidden City with _______.
A.her daughters
B.her husband
C.her mother
D.her mother and two daughters
小题2:The Forbidden City is a _______.
小题3:The Forbidden City was used as _______ for nearly 500 years until 1912.
A.a museum
B.the emperor’s short-lived home
C.a place of interest for public
D.the emperor’s home
小题4:What does the word “highlights” mean in the passage?
小题5:According to the passage, we can infer(推断) that _______.
A.They had enough time to visit every room
B.The Forbidden City was used as a museum till 1925
C.The first lady enjoyed all of the art and history in this wonderful place
D.There are more than 1,000 buildings and less than 10,000 rooms

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