当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 根据短文内容判断文后句子的正误。正确的用(T),错误的用(F)。     A big earthquake happened in Japan a few mo...
根据短文内容判断文后句子的正误。正确的用(T),错误的用(F)。     A big earthquake happened in Japan a few months ago. It was a 9.0 on the Richter scale (里氏). It caused
a tsunami (海啸) and a nuclear leak (核泄露). Thousands of people died and millions of Japanese lost their
    However, the disaster didn"t cause panic (恐慌) among Japanese people. When the earthquake happened,
people left dangerous places in an orderly way. After the shock, they waited in line for food and water. There
was no robbing or stampeding (惊逃).
    The Japanese are ready for an earthquake at any time. Almost every family has a survival kit (救生包),
which has a flashlight, a radio, water and enough food for several days. It can keep people alive after an
    Many earthquakes happen in China, too. Are you ready for too next earthquake?
    When an earthquake happens, protect yourself first. The life is the most important because where there is
a life there is hope. Don"t go back to get your money or computers. When an earthquake has ended, be careful
because aftershocks (余震) may still happen. Make sure you wear shoes after an earthquake. There may be
broken glass on the ground.
     We should always hope for the best but prepare for the worst. (     )1. The earthquake in March,2011 in Japan caused a tsunami and a nuclear leak.
(     )2. The earthquake made Japanese fear.                                       
(     )3. Many Japanese people have lost their homes and their lives.              
(     )4. When the earthquake happens, you should go back to get your money.       
(     )5. There are few earthquakes in China.                                      
1-5     TFFFF
试题【根据短文内容判断文后句子的正误。正确的用(T),错误的用(F)。     A big earthquake happened in Japan a few mo】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
     2011 is the Year of the Rabbit in China. It began on February 3. The rabbit is a symbol of kindness and
a love of beauty in Chinese culture. People born in the Year of the Rabbit are quick-minded. Although they
are sometimes shy, they have a strong mind and will try their best to make their dreams come true all their
     Rabbit people are talented (有才干的) and are interested in artistic activities, such as music and painting.
They are so friendly and well organized that they can be great teachers. There are some famous people who
were born in the Year of the Rabbit, such as US actress Angelina Jolie and England soccer star David Beckham.
In China, famous director Zhang Yimou and kung fu star Li Lianjie are rabbits, too.
     There are some big events in the Year of the Rabbit. The International Horticultural Exposition (世界园艺
博览会) is being held in Xi"an. It will last six months, from April to October.
     In Britain, the wedding (婚礼) of Prince William of Wales and Kate Middleton took place on April 29.
     The 26th World University Games in Shenzhen will happen in August, 2011. 1. What does "the Year of the Rabbit" mean in Chinese? 
2. What does "rabbit" stand for in Chinese culture? 
3. What will happen in August in Shenzhen? 
4. What are rabbit people interested in? 
5. What do you think of the people born in the Year of the Rabbit? 
题型:湖南省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
     Thirty years ago, few Chinese knew about American TV series, though during the 1980s and 1990s,
Chinese people got the chance to watch some U.S.A. TV series like Growing Pains.
     Now, 1_______, Chinese people have more chances to enjoy foreign TV series. Some American TV
series such as 2_______ have become very popular among young Chinese English learners. In their opinion,
watching American TV series is a good way to learn English and American culture. They have other reasons to
support that point of view.
     Fist, it"s easy and convenient for learners to manage their learning time. They don"t have to worry about the
place and time to learn. 3_______, they can start watching and learning. All they need to do is to turn on
their computers and put on their earphones.
     The stories in the TV series also play an important role in attracting more learners. Different cultures
between China and the Western countries and exciting story lines get young people interested in watching and
learning 4_______.
     Besides, watching American TV series can help learners improve their listening and speaking skills. English
learners may find it hard to find a native speaker to talk with, 5_______, they can listen to native speakers
and follow their conversations as much as they can.
题型:湖南省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:宁夏自治区中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:宁夏自治区中考真题难度:| 查看答案
A. Any time they are free
B. American culture and Chinese culture
C. Friends and Prison Break.
D. They also feel relaxed at the same time
E. with the fast development of DVDs and the Internet
F. but in the TV series
     Most people graduate from school and then get a job. Everyone wants a job that pays well. How much
money can you make? Ask yourself these questions: What can I do? What skills do I have? Also ask yourself:
How much education do I have? For most jobs, the higher your education, the higher your earning power.
     In the United States, high school graduates make about $ 18,600 a year. If you do not finish high school,
you make only $10,800 a year. You can make $7,800 more each year by staying in high school!
     If you stay in school, then you can make more money. A person with a high school degree makes about
$18,600 a year. If that person goes to college and gets a bachelor"s degree (学士学位), he can make S42,000.
With a master"s degree (硕士学位), he can make about $53,000. If the person gets a PhD (博士学位), he can
make almost $79,000 or more a year.
     We can learn a very important, thing from this information. If you want to work and make more money,
get a good education.
1. The passage mainly talks about ________.
A. how education and pay are connected
B. high paying jobs
C. jobs for high school students
D. good schools
2. According to (根据) the passage, "earning power" means the ability to ________ money.
A. save
B. spend
C. pay
D. make
3. The writer thinks that a high school graduate usually makes more money than ________.
A. a university graduate
B. a person who gets a PhD
C. a person who only finishes primary school
D. a person with a master"s degree
4. Each year a person with a PhD can make _________ more than a person who does not finish high school.

A. $37, 000
B. $68, 200
C. $60, 400
D. $26, 000

5. From the last paragraph (段落) we know that ________.
A. a high school degree is not important
B. university is too expensive
C. a person can make more money with a good education
D. people with a degree don"t need to worn about finding jobs
     Time Temp Glasses
     Are you a person who wants to know the time and temperature during the day? You might like Temp
Glasses. These special glasses show the time above your right eye and the temperature your left eye. It is
surely easier than wearing a wristwatch, and you never have to guess the Tature.
     Alarm Fork
     Do you eat too quickly? Do you eat too much? How can the Alarm Fork help you? Aren"t you is (好奇的)?
Well, this special fork has two lights: one green and one red. When the green is on, it"s ok to eat a piece of
food. The fork "knows" when you eat a piece, and soon the red goes on. Wait for the green light before you
eat another piece.
      Smell This
      Sow do you know if your breath smells nice, or if it smells bad? It"s difficult to know, because it"s very
hard to smell the air that comes out of your own mouth. Smell This is useful for this ion. Smell This covers
your nose and your mouth. Docs your breath smell nice, or do you need a piece of gum (口香糖)?
      Banana Suitcase (手提箱)
      Has this ever happened to you? You put a banana in your bag lunch in the morning, and when pen the
bag at noon, the banana looks like someone drove a car over it. If you put your banana Banana Suitcase, this
will never happen. It keeps a banana safe, delicious, and looking like new!
1. The writer thinks that the four inventions are ________.
A. dangerous
B. useless
C. unusual
D. expensive
2. A person who wants to lose weight may be interested in ________.
A. Time Temp Glasses
B. Alarm Fork
C. Smell This
D. Banana Suitcase
3. Which invention is most helpful for someone waiting for a train?
A. Time Temp Glasses.
B. Alarm Fork.
C. Smell This.
D. Banana Suitcase.
4. If you want to know how your breath is. you may buy ________.
A. Time Temp Glasses
B. Alarm Fork
C. Smell This
D. Banana Suitcase
5. Who might use the Banana Suitcase?
A. A person who eats bananas only at home.
B. Someone who needs to throw away a banana.
C. A person who has little interest in eating bananas.
D. Someone who loves bananas and brings lunch to school every day.
题型:宁夏自治区中考真题难度:| 查看答案
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