当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 阅读理解。Mike    论坛版主    积分20878    帖子3065    状态离线资料    个人空间   短信息   加为好友    I  want...
试题【阅读理解。Mike    论坛版主    积分20878    帖子3065    状态离线资料    个人空间   短信息   加为好友    I  want】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
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    I  want to be a traveler.  I want to go traveling in Korea and China.
I can enjoy the culture and food in the two countries.
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     James Cameron is a famous director. His film Avatar is popular withpeople
all around the world.1 want to be a director like him.1 want to makea film better
than Avatar.
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     I want to work in an old people"s home. I can read newspapers, clean the house
or wash clothes for them. I want to make them have a happy life.
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     I want to be a barber (理发师). I want to make my hair different every day. I can 
have long curly hair on Monday, and on Tuesday I can have short  blond hair. That"s 
fun, isn"t it?
1-5    BBDBB
     In England, the most popular (最受欢迎) food is fish and chips. Sometimes people cook this food
at home, but usually they go to a fish and chips shop. They put the food in paper bags and take it home,
or to their work places. Sometimes they eat it in the park or on the road. This "takeaway" food is very
      Chinese takeaway food is also popular. There are many "Chinese takeaways" in England and in the
USA, and in Australia, too. They also have fish and chips shops in Australia, but there are not so many in
the USA. What is the most popular food in the USA? I think it is fried chicken.
(     )1. Sometimes people in England cook fish and chips in the shop.
(     )2. They put the food in paper bags.                            
(     )3. There are not so many fish and chips shops in the USA.      
(     )4. The most popular food in the USA is fish and chips.        
(     )5. This passage talks mainly about takeaway food in China.    
     My name is Bruce. I"m from Toronto, 1_____. I"m thirteen  2_____ old. I"m of medium height and 
 3_____ short curly hair. I am a schoolboy. I can speak a  4_____ Chinese, but not much.1 want to 
have Chinese pen pals.     
    There are nineteen students in my class. My classmates are from three  5_____ :  England, France
 and Canada. My parents are teachers here. My father is tall and heavy. My mother is thin with curly blond hair. They like working in school. They can  6_____  English and French. There  7_____  many Chinese people in Toronto. But I don"t have  8_____ Chinese friends. Do you want to  9_____ my pen pal?      Please write and tell me 10_____  yourself. 
     Many years ago when people had no thermometers (温度计), they usually touched a thing to see
how hot or cold it was. The following experiment shows how easy it was to make a mistake (错误).
     Take three glasses: the first one with hot water, the second one with very cold water and the third
one with water at room temperature. Then you put a finger of one hand in the hot water, and a finger
of the other hand in the cold water. You hold your fingers in the two glasses for a minute. Then you use
the two fingers, one after another, to see how hot or cold the water in the third glass is. You will find that
the water is warm to the finger that was in the cold water before, but the finger which was in the hot water will feel cold in the third glass of water.
     You will often make a mistake if you take something that seems to you for a real fact. That is why
you must always find the temperature in a scientific way. You must not try to tell the temperature as it
seems (好像) to you.
1. The experiment tells us that sometimes it is _____ to make a mistake.
A. interesting   
B. difficult   
C. easy   
D. helpful
2. The water in the third glass is _____.
A. colder than the water in the first glass
B. hotter than the water in the first glass
C. colder than the water in the second glass
D. as cold as the water in the second glass
3. What will you find if you put the finger which was in the first glass into the second glass according
 to (根据) the experiment?
A. The water is hotter than it is in the first glass. 
B. The water is as hot as it is in the first glass.
C. The water is at the room temperature.
D. The water is colder than it is in the first glass.
4. How should we find the temperature according to (根据) the passage? 
A. Try to tell as it seems to us.
B. Try to use our fingers.
C. Try to tell in a scientific way.
D. Try to touch something to see how hot it is.
5. You will often make a mistake if you take something that _____.
A. seems to you for a real fact 
B. is a real fact
C. finds in a scientific way 
D. uses by your own hands
     Yesterday I read a report in a newspaper. It was about a charity show. The aim of the show was
  1   money for the poor children. In the country areas, some children can"t go to school    2   working
to support their families because their parents can"t afford   3   their education.
     Many pop stars took part in the show, such as Andy Liu, Jay, and Kitty Chen. They didn"t ask for
any pay. There   4   a lot of performances like singing and dancing last week . The audience were    5  
excited that they clapped their hands from time to time. Of course, the show was    6   . All the people
followed the stars" examples. A great number of people donated much money to the show. The money
from both the tickets and the donations from generous businesses. And it helped the poor children go
back to school. Now many charity shows   7   in our country every year. Some help people in   8   and
some help support    9   in poor areas. Now let"s try _10_ best to help others, I"m sure the world will
become better and better.
(     )1. A. to pay  
(     )2. A. so that  
(     )3. A. to pay  
(     )4. A. are      
(     )5. A. so      
(     )6. A. success  
(     )7. A. hold    
(     )8. A. danger  
(     )9. A. educate  
(     )10. A. my      
B. raise        
B. because of  
B. pay for      
B. were        
B. such        
B. successfully
B. are held    
B. surprise    
B. education    
B. our          
C. to raise        
C. only if        
C. to pay for      
C. was            
C. very            
C. a success      
C. are taken place
C. trouble        
C. educated        
C. your            
D. donate          
D. instead of      
D. pay              
D. be                                  
D. too              
D. great successful
D. were held        
D. service          
D. educational      
D. their            
Dear Sir or Madam,
  When I first came to Shenzhen, the first thing that surprised me most was the
newspaper. We can see people reading newspapers everywhere, on the bus or on
the street. Newspapers play an important part in China. Reporters who get their
news first will have the market and win.
  I myself like reading newspapers very much, both in English and in Chinese,
as readers, we enjoy being in a sea of news every day, But few of us are sure
about the importance of the reporters, who help people when they are in trouble.
We get much closer to the world because of them. They are the pioneers! And I
love brave reporters, who must be the greatest people in the world. For their
readers, sometimes they are in danger; each year a certain number of reporters
die for their jobs all over the world. I feel so sad for that. With China"s entry into
the WTO, reporters will play a more important part.
                                                                                                 Sincerely yours,
1. The writer is interested in        .
A. reading reports
B. reading newspapers
C. watching people in the street
D. watching reports
2. The writer wants to say that        are very important.
A. newspapers      
B. readers      
C. reporters
D. people
3. By reading newspapers, we         the world.
A. nearer 
B. know more  about
C. close    
D. open
4. In the writer"s opinion, the reporters are         .
A. great        
B. pioneers        
C. brave        
D. all the above
5. Why does the writer feel sad?
A. Few people read newspapers today.
B. Few people know the reporters" im0ortance.
C. Some reporters are in danger now.
D. Some reporters diet for their jobs.