当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 完型填空。       Many people like traveling for their holiday. They go to  1  , seasi...
完型填空。       Many people like traveling for their holiday. They go to  1  , seaside or forests. Some people like 
    2  , so they like to visit some old interesting places. In many countries, the travel agency can help
  you  3  your holiday. You can tell the travel agency what kind of   4   you like, how much   5   you want
  to spend, and the travel agency will give you a lot of information about where to go, how  6  there,
  where to stay, and what kind of activities you can do there.  7   the holidays is   8  "Package"
  holiday.  9   is, you just pay the money, and the travel agency will plan  10   for you, the ticket for the
  train or plane, the hotel, the activities, and so on.
试题【完型填空。       Many people like traveling for their holiday. They go to  1  , seasi】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
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(     )  1. A. schools    
(     )  2. A. history    
(     )  3. A. to plan    
(     )  4. A. weather    
(     )  5. A. water      
(     )  6. A. get        
(     )  7. A. Both      
(     )  8. A. call      
(     )  9. A. That      
(     ) 10. A. everything
B. shops    
B. music    
B. planned  
B. holiday  
B. day      
B. to get  
B. All      
B. calling  
B. What    
B. nothing  
C. hills    
C. country  
C. plans    
C. train    
C. time      
C. getting  
C. One of    
C. calls    
C. How      
C. anything  
D. the Great Wall  
D. city            
D. planning        
D. city            
D. money          
D. got            
D. Every one of    
D. called          
D. This            
D. something      
1-5 CAABD  6-10 BCDAA
       When you are next in Hawaii, be sure to stay at the Garden Hotel. Whether you come on business
  or on holiday, you will find everything as comfortable and as convenient as you would expect in a
  first-class international hotel.
       Every bedroom has its own private bathroom, telephone, wall-to-wall carpeting and colorful,
  modern materials and furniture in the local style.
       In the Mitsui Restaurant, you can choose your meals from as wide a variety of dishes, both Eastern
  and European, as you will find anywhere in the country. In the Beach Bar, you can drink with your
  family and friends in air-conditioned comfort, to the music of internationally known musicians. Or you
  can take your drink outside into the beautiful garden that gives the hotel its name, or to the tables that
  surround the swimming pool. Throughout the hotel, you will find the service is both friendly and efficient.
       The Garden Hotel is right on the beach, only five minutes from Hawaii"s modern shopping center.
  Here you will find all that money can buy, at prices you can afford.
1. Every bedroom at the Garden Hotel have _____.
A. a colorful, local style telephone
B. a bathroom with a carpet from wall to wall
C. local style furniture
D. comfortable and modern furniture
2. The Mitsui Restaurant serve _____.
A. both Eastern and Western varieties
B. food from all over the world
C. American style food
D. local style food
3. "service is both friendly and efficient" means _____.
A.you can get what you want quickly and pleasantly.
B. you can serve yourself, you family and your friends
C. internationally known musicians will serve you
D. you can meet your friends there in air-conditioned comfort
4. The Garden Hotel lies _____.
A. on the beach not far from Hawaii"s excellent shops
B. on the beach where you will find all the money can buy
C. close to shops where everything is cheap and justly famous
D. just off the coast, five minutes from the shop.
5. You will  _____ at the Garden Hotel.
A. sleep well
B. eat well
C. have fun
D. all of the above

     Your room is your own special space. It"s __1__ just a place for you to study and sleep. So make
it fun and __2__ to live in. Here are some tips to help you.
     Give your room a theme. Having a __3__ makes your room look more stylish and beautiful. A 
room"s theme can be __4__. It could be about one of your favorite things, like football or music or
a colour. Pick a theme and keep it in mind, then decorate the room around the theme you have chosen.
__5__, some boys like skateboarding. Paint the walls in skater stripes, and __6__ disco balls from
the ceiling and use skateboards as shelves. __7__ you are a girl, you may be more interested in __8__
like dolphins. Pick curtains and bed covers with dolphin patterns on them. Put dolphin toys on your
bed, too. Draw or paint pictures of dolphins playing on your walls. Make your room as blue as the
__9__. So when you walk into the room, you __10__ it"s a home for dolphins!

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题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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(     ) 1. A. less than  
(     ) 2. A. boring    
(     ) 3. A. problem    
(     ) 4. A. different  
(     ) 5. A. As a result
(     ) 6. A. hang      
(     ) 7. A. When      
(     ) 8. A. vegetables  
(     ) 9. A. sky        
(     ) 10. A. look like  
B. more than  
B. tiring      
B. flower      
B. difficult  
B. Such as    
B. wrap        
B. While      
B. sports      
B. sea        
B. sound like  
C. as much as  
C. enjoyable    
C. doll        
C. important    
C. For example  
C. tie          
C. As          
C. animals      
C. river        
C. feel like    
D. as long as  
D. suitable    
D. theme        
D. interesting  
D. As is said  
D. stick        
D. If          
D. pictures    
D. lake        
D. taste like  
  Gladys Holm was a secretary(秘书). She worked in an office all his life.
Gladys made about $15,000 a year. She died when she was 86 years old. And
she left a big surprise-$18 million! She gave the money to a children"s hospital.
  Gladys Holm never got married or had any children. But she always liked
children, and she wanted to help them. When her friend"s daughter was ill in
hospital. Gladys brought her a toy bear. After that, she visited the hospital many
times. Every time she visited, she brought toy bears for those children. After that,
people started to call Gladys the "Toy bear Lady."
  Gladys always gave toys and presents to her friends and family but no one
knew she had a lot of money. She lived in a small house outside Chicago.
Everyone was very surprised when they learned she was a millionaire. A family
friend said, "She always gave us nice presents and things, but we didn"t know she
was rich."
  How did Gladys get so much money? She asked her boss how to make more
money, and she listened to what he said. She brought the stocks(股票) that he
told her to buy, and she got very rich. Before she died, she talked to her friends
about "giving something to the children"s hospital." No one knew that the "
something" was $18 million!
1. Gladys Holm often visited the hospital and gave children toy bears because
A. she had too much money
B. she had a lot of toy bears
C. she had never got married and had no children
D. she liked children very much
2. People started to call Gladys the "Toy Bear Lady"_____.
A. after she visited the children in hospital many times
B. after she died
C. before her friend"s daughter was ill
D. before she worked with his boss
3. Everyone was surprised that_____.
A. Gladys lived such a long life
B. Gladys lived in a small house outside Chicago
C. Gladys had so much money
D. Gladys always gave her friends nice presents
4. _____, so she got rich.
A. Gladys made $15,000 a year as a secretary
B. Gladys did what the boss told her to do
C. Gladys got the money from the boss
D. Gladys did another job in the hospital
5. When Gladys Holm became a millionaire,_____.
A. she spent most of the money on nice presents and things
B. she stopped working
C. she still lived in the same way
D. she could hardly wait to tell her friends and family
  In 1638, John Harvard donated some money and about four hundred books
to a new university. This was the beginning of the library at Harvard University.
The gift was so important that the university was named for John Harvard.
  Thomas Bray began the first free lending library in the late 1600s. He set up
more than 30 or these libraries in the American colonies. However, the idea for
this kind of free library ended when Bray died in 1730. In 1731, Benjamin
Franklin and some friends started the first subscription library in the United
States. In a subscription library people pay money to become members, but they
may borrow the books without paying again.
  In the United States, every child had a free education. This idea soon led to
free libraries. One of the first libraries that used tax money to buy books was a
library in Peterborough, New Hampshire. This library was set up in 1833.
1. The main idea of paragraph 2 is _____.
A. Franklin started the first subscription library
B. in a subscription library people pay money to become members
C. Bray and Franklin were important in the history of public libraries
D. Bray died in 1730 and Franklin died in 1833
2. The underlined word "borrow" means _____.
A. read and write with no help from another person
B. use for a short time and then return
C. like very much
D. lend
3. The reading does not say it, but we can guess that _____.
A. there were free schools in the United States before there were free libraries
B. free schools and free libraries in the United States began at about the same
C. the library in New Hampshire also had a free school in it
D. there were free libraries in the United States before there were free schools
4. Havard University began _____.
A. in 1731
B. in 1730
C. in 1833
D. in 1638
5. At the library that Franklin started, _____.
A. children could use books for no money at all
B. people paid a little money in the beginning but none after that
C. people paid a lot of money in the beginning but none after that
D. both A and B
  Daniel is an American young man. He lives on the    1    floor of a tall
building. His office is more than ten kilometers away. He must get up early 
   2    a quarter past six, and    3    home at seven. The lift takes him down. Then
he    4    to the bus stop. The stop is only two    5    metres from the building.
There he   6   No. 11 Bus. He begins     7    at eight and finishes it at five. Then
he comes back. He takes the lift up to the   8    floor. Then he     9  up the three
floors on foot, just for exercise. He cooks and eats his supper, and watches TV
until   10  . After that Daniel usually falls into bed for night.
(     )1. A. fifte en      
(     )2. A. in            
(     )3. A. leave          
(     )4. A. walk          
(     )5. A. hundred        
(     )6. A. drives        
(     )7. A. to work        
(     )8. A. twelve        
(     )9. A. climb          
(     )10. A. nine twentieth
B. fifteenth  
B. on        
B. left      
B. run        
B. hundreds  
B. takes      
B. works      
B. fifteen    
B. jumps      
B. nine twenty
C. fiveteen      
C. about        
C. le aves      
C. went          
C. hundreds of  
C. by            
C. work          
C. twelfth      
C. go            
C. nine-twentieth
D. fiveteenth  
D. at          
D. lives      
D. walks      
D. hundred of  
D. catch      
D. worked      
D. fifteenth  
D. climbs      
D. ninth twenty