当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 阅读理解。  One night a thief(小偷)broke into an old man"s house. He made some noise an...
阅读理解。  One night a thief(小偷)broke into an old man"s house. He made some noise
and woke up the old man and his wife. The The husband told his wife to be
  while he said quietly, "My dear, these days thieves axe clever, If they take
off their clothes and put them on the table,  the people in the room will fall
asleep and can"t wake up."
  When the thief heard this, he took off his clothes at once and was ready to
steal (偷). At this moment, the husband suddenly shouted in a loud voice, "Stop
the thief! Stop the thief!" The thief was very frightened. He ran away as fast as he
could and left his clothes on the table.根据短文内容,判断下面句子的正误(T/F)。
(     )1. One night, a thief broke into an old man"s house.
(     )2. The old man didn"t wake up when the thief came into his room quietly.
(     )3. The thief took off his clothes on the table and the old man couldn"t wake
(     )4. At last, the thief stole some clothes and ran away.
(     )5. The old man was very clever and brave (勇敢的).
试题【阅读理解。  One night a thief(小偷)broke into an old man"s house. He made some noise an】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读短文,并根据其内容选择正确答案。  Mr and Mrs Smith have just opened a small restaurant. In order to attract
customers (吸引顾客),, they put a notice(布告)  in front of the restaurant, which
said "Meals on the House for Three Days."
  A foreign student who didn"t know much English happened to pass by the
restaurant on the second day.  It was lunchtime and he felt very hungry. "Well,
here is a restaurant.  I am going to have something to eat."   He, walked to the
restaurant when he  saw the  notice. "American people are really s tr4nge. They
even eat meals on the house!  But how can I get up to the top of the house?"  he
said to himself.
  He looked around and found a ladder against a tree nearby.  He was very
glad. But as he reached the top,   he heard someone shouting at him, "Hey, what
are you doing up there?"   Mr Smith was looking at him angrily, and beside him
was a policeman. "Doesn"t your notice say "Meals on the House for Three Days"?
Is it just a joke?" the foreign student answered.
  On hearing this,  both Mr Smith and the policeman laughed.   Do you know
what"s the meaning of MEALS ON THE HOUSE? Look it up in the dictionary.1. Mr and Mrs Smith were the _____ of the small restaurant.A. waiters                      
B. owners
C. cooks.                      
D. neighbours2. The student was _____.A. an American                
B. a Chinese
C. a Japanese                  
D. a foreigner3. The student passed by the restaurant which was opened the day before _____.A. when he went to school
B. when he arrived in America
C. when he learned some English
D. when he felt very hungry.4. The story happened in _____.A. England                    
B. Australia
C. the USA                    
D. Canada5. "Meals in the house" here means _____.A. "eating in the house"
B. "serving meals at the house"
C. "you can eat meals in the house"
D. "you can eat without paying"
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。  When you are next in Hawaii, be sure to stay at the Garden Hotel. Whether
you come on business or on holiday, you will find everything as comfortable and
as convenient as you would expect in a first-class international hotel.
  Every bedroom has its own private bathroom, telephone, wall-to-wall
carpeting and colorful, modern materials and furniture in the local style.
  In the Mitsui Restaurant, you can choose your meals from as wide a variety
of dishes, both Eastern and European, as you will find anywhere in the country.
In the Beach Bar, you can drink with your family and friends in air-conditioned
comfort, to the music of internationally known musicians. Or you can take your
drink outside into the beautiful garden that gives the hotel its name, or to the
tables that surround the swimming pool. Throughout the hotel, you will find the
service is both friendly and efficient.
  The Garden Hotel is right on the beach, only five minutes from Hawaii"s
modern shopping center. Here you will find all that money can buy, at prices you
can afford.1. Every bedroom at the Garden Hotel have _____.A. a colorful, local style telephone
B. a bathroom with a carpet from wall to wall
C. local style furniture
D. comfortable and modern furniture"2. The Mitsui Restaurant serve _____.A. both Eastern and Western varieties B. food from all over the world
C. American style food D. local style food3. "service is both friendly and efficient" means _____.A. you can get what you want quickly and pleasantly.
B. you can serve yourself, you family and your friends
C. internationally known musicians will serve you
D. you can meet your friends there in air-conditioned comfort4. The Garden Hotel lies _____.A. on the beach not far from Hawaii"s excellent shops
B. on the beach where you will find all the money can buy
C. close to shops where everything is cheap and justly famous
D. just off the coast, five minutes from the shop.5. You will _____ at the Garden Hotel.A. sleep well
B. eat well
C. have fun
D. all of the above
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根据这封信的内容,完成下面任务。Dear editor
  I live in a beautiful city.  Many visitors come to my city.  There are so many
colourful peacocks (孔雀) here.The peacocks mostly live on the grass Land of
Dongfeng Square. They are given food freely by visitors. They usually  throw
food to them,  and don"t think about at all whether the food is right or not.  Some
of the peacocks became ill, some even died after eating the bad food given by the
visitors. I"m sure most of the visitors who throw food to the peacocks really like
the birds, but they don"t realize (意识到) that they may be doing them harm
(伤害). The visitors should be told what they have done is very harmful to the
birds, and this kind of thing must be stopped from happening.
  Perhaps we can build some small shops beside Dongfeng Square to sell
peacock food. It"s our duty to give more love to these beautiful birds and to look
after them carefully.
Sun Yan1. Many visitors come to the writer"s city to _____.A. do some shopping
B. see beautiful peacocks
C. play on Dongfeng Square
D. eat nice food2. Some peacocks became ill and died because some visitors _____.A. didn"t give them any food
B. gave them no much food
C. threw them some bad food
D. loved them and played with them3. Some shops can  be  built  beside Dongfeng Square so that they may _____.A. for visitors
B. sell food for peacocks
C. make the square more beautiful
D. have the beautiful birds4. From the passage we know people should _____.A. live and play with the birds
B. stop the birds from eating too much
C. give right food to the birds
D. give more food to the birds .5. 请翻译划线部分:
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阅读短文,完成下列任务。  What are the qualities of a good friend? Trustworthiness (值得信赖) is a
great quality to look for a friend.  But in order to  ( 为了) " have good friends,  
you have to be a good friend. Are you a friend? Do people trust you?  Do they
tell you their secrets?  What do you do with their secrets? ff you tell A"s secrets
to B, B,B, it, trust, find, with, hard, you, their, would, to, secrets. B may think,
"Since (既然)  you told me about A"s secrets, you  would  tell  somebody  
else  my secrets." Then A would find out that you haven"t kept his secrets and not
open his heart to you any more.  Maybe it"s the end of your friendship. So ff you
want to be a good friend, you need to close your mouth and hold your tongue.1. Because we axe good friends, I can tell you somebody else" s secrets_____
(√/×)2. 根据上下文,将划线部分连成句子。___________________________________________________3. What would you think ff Simon told  you Peter" s secrets?4. What"s the meaning of the word "friendship"?A. 友谊  
B. 友好的  
C. 朋友般的  
D. 够朋友5. If you want to have more friends, what do you think is the most important thing you will do?
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根据两封信的内容,选择正确答案。Dear editor
  I"m not a good-looking boy and I"m not good at studying. Some people don" t
even want to talk to me.  So I usually feel lonely.  Sometimes I think that if I want
ed to leave home,  nobody would care. How can I stop feeling like this?
Dear Peter
  Without knowing more about you, it is hard for me to give you some good
advice. But first, I am sure that you are wrong that nobody would care if you left
home.  What about your parents? And other family members?  It seems that you
are very sad. You" d better talk to your parents. They will be able to help you.  
Second,  I"m sure there"s someone in your class who feels lonely, too.  You never
know how other people feel inside.  Try to make friends with them.  Or you may
join a club to meet new people and to keep yourself busy. You need to find
happiness in yourself. Write a list of all the good things about yourself. Learn to
like yourself, and then others will see your confidence(自信心) and like you,
Your friend1. What" s the trouble with Peter?A.He doesn"t like his parents.
B. He doesn"t like others.
C. His parents don"t like him.
D. He isn"t good at studying and feels lonely. 2. Why does Peter write to the editor?A. Because he wants to make friends  with him.
B. Because he wants to ask the editor to  help him.
C. Because he wants the editor to know  about him.
D. Because he wants to give the editor  advice.3. If Peter joins a club, he can _____.A. meet new people and make friends  with them
B. keep his friends busy
C. study hard but never think about others
D. become g good-looking boy4. What does the editor"s first advice tell  Peter to do?A. To see a doctor
B. To talk to his parents
C. To talk with his teacher
D. To help others5. Peter will probably (很可能) feel _____ when he reads the letter from the
editor.A. sad          
B. lonely      
C. glad      
D. afraid
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