当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 完形填空。    I like movies best. Lastweek, I saw a movie calledRobot. It    1    us ...
完形填空。    I like movies best. Lastweek, I saw a movie calledRobot. It    1    us a storyabout the future with robots.  
    It is the year of 2035and people can see robotseverywhere. Robots can helppeople do a lot of things,
like looking    2   theold people or babies, washing, cooking,cleaning or taking dogs for a    3   . Robots
doeverything people ask them to do. But apoliceman    4   Spooner doesn"t like robots.Because he doesn"t think that people can livewell    5    robots. One day a scientist killshimself. He leaves a robot. Some
time laterSpooner finds    6    is wrong with the robots inthe world. A     7   robots have their ownthoughts and want to control the people. If therobots succeed, it will be very 8 forpeople. Susan is another scientist working onrobots. Finally, Susan and Spooner decide   9   work together to fight against theserobots. At
last, they succeed. People control therobots again. I think the movie is veryinteresting.     10    you have
interest in it, whynot go and see it?(     )1. A. tells    
(     )2. A. at      
(     )3. A. wash    
(     )4. A. name    
(     )5. A. and      
(     )6. A. nothing  
(     )7. A. little  
(     )8. A. dangerous
(     )9. A. on      
(     )10. A. When    B. says    
B. after  
B. rest    
B. Call    
B. with    
B. anything
B. lot    
B. lucky  
B. with    
B. If      C. speaks    
C. for      
C. walk      
C. calling  
C. without  
C. something
C. few      
C. danger    
C. to        
C. Because   D. talks    
D. up        
D. meal      
D. called    
D. or        
D. everything
D. lots      
D. exciting  
D. for      
D. As        
1-5 ABCDB  6-10 CCACB
试题【完形填空。    I like movies best. Lastweek, I saw a movie calledRobot. It    1    us 】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。    Life  in  the  future willbe different from that oftoday.  Many  changes  willtake place.  Here  is some
information about things that may happenin the future.        
    1. Cars will run on solar(日光的) power orelectricity and will be much cleaner. They willbe much safer. For example, if you are too closeto another car or if you are driving dangerously,your car will slow down
by itself.        
    2. Because there won " t be any spare land,new cities will have to be built in the sea. Somecities on
water will have two levels. People willlive on the above level; the lower level will beused for traffic, shops
    3. Biotechnology(生物技术) will  make  foodbetter and healthier. Plants that are not affectedby insects or illnesses will be developed. Thetaste of fruit and vegetables will be better andfood will be kept longer.    
    4. New technology will be used to makeTVs that are only 5cm thick. They will havepictures that are
as clear as photos. Electricalappliances(家用电器)will be quieter and will becontrolled by computer ,
they will also use so%less power.      
    5. Many new ways to cure illnesses will besuccessful by using products of geneticengineering(基因产品). Cures will be found forthe flu and the common cold. However, somenew illnesses will appear.1. How much information about things that  may happen in the future is mentioned in thispassage?   A. 3        
B. 4        
C. 5        
D. 62. When your car is too close to another  car or if you are driving dangerously, what   will happen? Your car will ________.   A. stop by itself  
B. slow down by itself  
C. go straight as usual  
D. go fast by itself3. Why will people have to build new  cities in the sea? Because ________.    A. there won"t be any spare land   
 B. it"s very exciting    
C. people can see the sea easily    
D. it"s easy to build in the sea 4. What will the biotechnology be used  for? It"ll make food ________.   A. better  
B. healthier  
C. keep longer  
D. better and healthier  5. The best title for the passage is ________.   A. Get ready for the future  
B. Biotechnology  
C. Electrical appliances  
D. Genetic engineering
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短文填空    Have you ever heard ofan old song called WhateverWill Be, Will Be? It singslike this: When I was just alittle girl, I asked my motherwhat I would be. Will I bepretty? Will I be rich? Here"s what she said tomc: Whatever will be, will be. The future"s notours to see. . . Indeed no one can p _   1     exactlywhat will be in the f   2   , but we can imaginewhat our lives are like.      
    In the future, people will have r   3   in theirhomes. Robots will do the h    4   , such as washingthe d   5  , making the bed and babysitting thechildren and so on Kids w   6   go to school.They"ll study and have lessons at home on c   7   .Books will only be on computers, not on p   8  .They needn"t spend a lot of time g _9    to school.There will be more free time. This may seem i    10     now. But it will come true in the future.1._____2._____3._____4._____5._____6._____7._____8._____9._____10._____
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附加题,任务型阅读。    A strange restaurant called Dalu Robot Restaurant  openedin Jinan on December 13th, 2010. It is
strange because thewaiters there are most robots.And it is the first robot restaurant in China.  
    There are six robots working in thisrestaurant. Two of them send food and drinksfor people, two of
them take care of thecustomers and the other two give theirperformances to customers. They can take
careof about 100 customers at the same time.  
    The 21 tables are set in circles and therobots follow a fixed route to serve diners inrotation (轮流).  
After  serving,  the  robotsreturn to the kitchen to refill their carts for thenext round.    
    These robot waiters are from Dalu ComputerCompany. This company has designed(设计) many
    Wang Changyi, Head Chef of Dalu RobotRestaurant, said, "These robots work well inthe restaurant,
and people like them, becausethey can give better service than real people.Humans can be impatient.
But these robotsdon"t get tired, they just keep working andmoving round and round. And customers
won"tbe shy to order things again and again. " "Therewill be more than 40 robots working in ourrestaurant
later. "
1. What do the robots do after serving?
2. How many customers can the robots take  care of at the same time?
3. Why do people like robots in the restaurant?
4. Choose the meaning of the underlined word  "impatient".    A. 不疲劳的    
B. 不热情的
C. 无耐心的    
D. 不害羞的5. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
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阅读理解Dear Mom,      
       I don"t  think  you understand my life. You think I should be studying all the time. I know you want
me to find a good job when I grow up, but I would like to have a wonderful  time,  too.  You never think
about fun things for me to do like music, sports. Two days ago, when I was watching a football game on
TV, you asked me to stop and do my homework. After finishing my homework, still I couldn"t read my
football magazines. You said I had to go to bed early. That was bad enough, but yesterday was the worst day. I bought some computer games, and put them in my bag so that you wouldn"t see them. I told you I
had to do my homework first. I  knew it was wrong to lie to you, but Mom, I didn"t quite like what you
did to me! I really love you, Mom, but I wish you could try not to be so hard on me.
                                                                                                                                                     Love ,
                                                                                                                                              Zhang Ning

1. Zhang Ning"s mother wants him to_______ when he grows up.A. be a good teacher      
B. find a good job
C. work in a big city      
D. have a good time2. Zhang Ning" s mother asks him to               A. study all the time    
B. do sports
C. watch TV                
D. tell a lie3. Why did Zhang Ning put the computer games in the bag? Because _________.A. he didn"t like them
B. he played them many times
C. he wouldn"t let his mother find them
D. he would play them at school4. What do you think Zhang Ning should do?A. He  should argue with his mom.
B. He  should have a fight with his mom.
C. He  shouldn"t talk to his mom.
D. His letter could help his mother understand him  better.5. What"s the meaning of the underlined word "lie"?A. 躺      
B. 离开
C. 撒谎    
D. 告诉
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       Are you the only child in the family? If so. you are the most important in your family. Parents are the
closest people to you in the world. But a lot of middle school students have a problem. They feel they"re
not as close to their parents as before. They even don"t think their parents are fair to them.
       Some students tell me that their parents often say a lot to them, but never listen to them. Some say
their parents don"t let them play computer games. Others say when they"re making phone calls to friends,
their parents like to ask if they"re speaking to a boy or a girl.  These make them very unhappy. Some
students even decide to leave home because they" re afraid to tell their parents when they do something
wrong, or when they don"t do well in exams. Then they usually think running away is a good way. But
running away may bring them some more problems.
       Problems are part of life. Here are some suggestions for your problems.
       (1) Find a good chance to talk with your parents. Don" t be afraid to tell them your feelings.
       (2)Get help from others, like good friends or teachers.
       (3)Keep a diary to help you know more about yourself and your feelings.
       (4)Show your parents you"re growing up. Then they" ll  feel you" re no longer a small child.
       If you follow the advice, you"ll have a happy life and never think of running away.1. According to the article, _______ are the closest people to the only child.A. teachers                
B. classmates
C. parents                    
D. friends2. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Parents don"t love their children now.
B. Middle school students don" t have any problems.
C. Many students want to run away.
D. Some students don"t think their parents are fair to them3. We should _______ if we have problems with them.A. talk with our parents
B. quarrel with our parents
C. leave our parents
D. not tell anyone4. Why does the author advice us to keep a diaryA. Because it is our homework.
B. Because it can help us practice writing.
C. Because it can help us understand ourselves better. 5. This article is about some middle school students" _______.A. friends                    
B. hobbies
C. families                  
D. problems
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