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阅读理解。       For many American teenagers, having a part-time job is an important part of growing up. A part-time
  job can teach teenagers important skills like responsibility, independence, teamwork and leadership.
  Young people can expend their social circles beyond their   c:lasr mIates bv making friends with
  co-workers.  And many teenagers find tliat earning their own money gives them a sense of pride and
  freedom. The US government allows teenagers to apply for jobs at age 14. Popular part-time jobs
  include working in ice cream stores, coffee houses, and clothing stores. During the school year, teenagers
   may go to work a few times a week after their classes, then work for longer on the weekends.
       In the summer, top jobs for teens include working at camps, swimming pools and amusement parks.
  These jobs are great for young people who want to be active and have fun while making money.
       A favorite job for many teens is babysitting, and they can start hefore age 14 if the parents agree.
  After the children are sleeping and beforn the parents come home, babysitters have lots of freedom.
       As long as Lhey stay in the house and make sure the kids are okay, babysitters can do their
  homework, enjoy a snack, watch TV, or talk on the phone with friends. It can be stressful to balance
  school, homework, and a part-time job. Still, many American teen- agers value their work experience
  and the skills they gain on the job.l. The writer thinks a part-time job can teach teenagersmany skills except _____.A. responsibility    
B. teamwork    
C. leadership    
D. organization2. American teenagers can work when they are _____ years old by law.A. fourteen        
B. thirteen      
C. twelve        
D. eleven3. Where do American teenagers like to work most in thesummer?A. At a shop.                    
B. In the office.
C. At acamp.                    
D. At a clothing store4.  American teenagers like to babysit because they _____.A. can start before age 14
B. can make more money
C. like to play with children
D. have lots of freedom5. We can infer that American teenagers _____ from thelast paragraph.A. enjoy working more
B.  hate going to school
C. don"t have much homework
D. chink that skills are important
1 -5 DACDD
试题【阅读理解。       For many American teenagers, having a part-time job is an important 】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
     Now more and -more students have their own cellphones.  Do you have
one? If you    I    , you will know how useful they are.  With one, you can call your parents or friends    2   you want.  However, there are risks with
     Sending messages is a good way   3   in touch with your friends. But you
can also receive some spam messages(垃圾信息)     4   you receive a rude
message, do not reply to it.  If a message tells you    5   you have won a big
prize, don"t believe it. When someone you don"t know calls you and asks you to go out, don"t go.
     If you don"t know how t0    6    these problems, ask your parents for help.   Let them know who your friends are, and when and where you use your
phone.     7      your parents" help, you won"t have to worry about     8     
unwanted(不需要) "calls or messages.
     Some kids   9    a lot of time playing games and sending messages. They     10    do it in class.  It"s a waste of time and it"s bad for your learning.  
Studies are always important. Turn off your cellphone and put it in your
schoolbag before class. Don"t play with it in class.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
invent, by, fishing, hard, use, kite, up, to, special, name, one
     In an age of  computers, people do almost    l   on the Internet: they watch movies, listen to music,shop and find  information with search engines like Google.
     Google is a powerful search engine. Type a key word into it and you"ll find2   youwant.  3   I"m not here to promote (宣传) Google. I"d like   4 _ you how the word"
Google"  became a verb (动词) out of a successful company"s name.
     In the US, when people want to   5   something on the Internet, they don"t say,"
Let"s    6     for it on the Internet ! " Instead, they say,  " Let"s Google it ! " Americans
use the Dhrase often in their daily life.
     The verh "Google" is becoming   7 .The Oxford-English Dictionary added it   8   a word in 2006.
     In China, the same goes for Baidu, a popular Chinese search engine. Talk to
Chinese youth   9   searching a topic online and they might say,  "Let"s Baidu it ! "
     The changes of language are    10  .What is a world? Let"s Google it! Let"s Baidu
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. thing    
(     )2. A. whatever            
(     )3. A. And                
(     )4. A. telling            
(     )5. A. look for            
(     )6. A. search              
(     )7. A. popular and popular
(     )8. A. as                  
(     )9. A. in                  
(     )10.A. amazed
B. everything  
B. wherever    
B. However    
B. to tell    
B. find out    
B. to search  
B. much popular
B. for        
B. about      
B. amaze      
C. nothing              
C. however              
C. Although              
C. to talk              
C. see                  
C. searching            
C. more and more popular
C. with                  
C. with                  
C. amazing  
D. something          
D. whenever            
D. But                
D. to say              
D. find                
D. searched            
D. much more popular  
D. in                  
D. to                  
D. to amaze
       There should be no weekend homework for us. Five days given to school are enough for the modern students, who have many other interests. With
homework for Sunday, when can we find time to help around the house, join in a football or basketball game, volunteer at some public places, or just rest? Because of all these other acitivities, weekend homework is usually not done until Sunday night. It is often done so poorly that on Monday teachers scold (责备)  the whole class of students who have no idea of what the learned
lessons are about.  Without homework for the weekends, students could go
to school on Monday well-rested and willing to study. Teachers, don"t you
agree with us?
       根据短文内容 ,判断下列 句子的正误,正确的用 "A"表示,错误的用 " B"表示 。
(      )1. If there is no homework on Sunday, we can play or stay at home
(      )2. Weekend homework is usually done on Monday morning.
(      )3.  Modern students have to study in school for five days.
(     )4. The students are often scolded by the teachers on Monday morning,
because they don"t do their weekend homework.
(     )5. The students think that teachers never agree with them.
题型:专项题难度:| 查看答案
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talk,  name,  sit,  dog,  become,  visit,  for,  walk,  come,  with