当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 完形填空      Do you have the ability to live cheaply? Now here"s a true story of an...
完形填空      Do you have the ability to live cheaply? Now here"s a true story of an American girl, Sarah.    1   Sarah left university, she began to live in New York City on her own. She   2    a job in a publishing house, but
the salary(薪水)was _ 3   . $ 30,000 a year. Her parents thought her life would be hard, but Sarah   4  
live on her salary and still saved $5, 000 in a year. How was that __5   in one of the most expensive cities
in the world?
      Cheap living   6   starts with keeping the big cost small. For most people, that   7 _ housing. So Sarah chose to share a flat with three other friends. Her next biggest cost was _8  . When she ate out, she went
to cheap restaurants.    9  . she bought a $9.99 whole chicken at a local restaurant. She then   10_ the
chicken bones(骨头) home and made soup out of them. Nowadays young people often 11   a lot of
money on entertainment(娱乐). But Sarah said, "I enjoy walking 12   in New York City. I love going
to museums and parks." Did Sarah feel poor _13   cheap living? Not really.  She even managed to take
two trips, one to the Netherlands, 14   to Portland." Don"t think of saving money as something   15_. It"s a kind of game," said Sarah.(     )1. A. Until      
(     )2. A. found      
(     )3. A. more than  
(     )4. A. can        
(     )5. A. difficult  
(     )6. A. already    
(     )7. A. helps      
(     )8. A. food        
(     )9. A. Soon        
(     )10. A. prepared  
(     )11. A. pay        
(     )12. A. along      
(     )13. A. by        
(     )14. A. another    
(     )15. A. hard       B. Because        
B. tried          
B. less than      
B. may            
B. possible      
B. sometimes      
B. becomes        
B. rest          
B. Finally        
B. took          
B. lend          
B. up            
B. up            
B. the other      
B. interesting    C. After          
C. asked for      
C. shorter than  
C. could  ,      
C. useful        
C. hardly        
C. makes          
C. studying      
C. Once          
C. caught        
C. spend          
C. down          
C. at            
C. others        
C. nice           D. Unless        
D. looked for    
D. higher than  
D. might        
D. different    
D. always        
D. means        
D. playing      
D. Again        
D. picked        
D. save          
D. around        
D. between      
D. the others    
D. great        
1-5 CABCB 6-10 DDACB 11-15 CDABA
试题【完形填空      Do you have the ability to live cheaply? Now here"s a true story of an】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
任务型阅读   摘录要点,阅读短文,然后完成内容摘要。每空不超过三个词。    
      There are many things that you should be careful with when you are alone at home.  Read the following  situations to protect yourself.     
      ●Keep the door locked when you are alone at home. Many people think it"s the best way to protect      themselves.    
      ●Keep a list of phone numbers to call for help-such as 110, the police station or a neighbor"s number    
      ●Be careful with the electrical appliances(电器).  If you don"t know how to use them, ask your parent. Make a safety check before going to sleep.
      ●Look through the keyhole when you hear the doorbell. If there are strangers, ask " Who"s that?" with   the door locked and say" Come back later. " Don"t tell them that your parents are away.  Say" Mum"s         having a shower. "or "Dad"s having a sleep. "
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Protect Yourself When Home Alone
You are alone at home
Keep the door    1  
To    2  
Keep a list of phone numbers
Before   3  
Make a safety check of the electrical appliances
Talk to the strangers
Ask "  4   ?”with the door locked.
Don’t say your parents   5  
      It was September 30th. When Tom   1  (wake) up, it was 8:00. He got up as   2  (quick) as possible. He   3  (have) no time to eat breakfast, so he went to school   4   (with) breakfast.  When he got to the
school gate, the gate was   5  (close). He realized that it was Sunday. What a careless boy!
     American  eating  is  funny. People  in  America  eat  almost everything with a  fork. And it seems that
holding a knife in one"s right hand longer than a few seconds is thought to be against good table manners.
     The system is that if it is necessary to use a knife, people take the fork in their left hands, and cut off a
piece of meat or others. Then  they  put  the knife down, transfer the fork to  their  right  hands, and then
transfer the food to their mouths with  the fork.  This is clearly funny, but it is considered  good  manners.
     There are several results of this system. First,if it is not necessary to use a knife, Americans don"t  use
one, because this greatly complicates(使复杂化)things. Therefore, sometimes they will try to cut things like potatoes and even bacon with a fork. Second, since only one implement(器具)is being used, food has to be chased around the plate with the fork. Third, tables are usually laid with one knife and two forks. The outside fork is for the salad. There is no  need for foreign  visitors to follow the  American system and
try to eat the salad with only a fork, but if you do use your knife, remember to save it for the meat.
1. The word "transfer" most probably means “________”.
A. move something from one place to another    
B. make up and down
C.take away
2. From this passage we can know that _______.
A. Americans never use knives with their right hands
B. Americans eat everything with a knife
C. Americans use a fork to put food into their mouths
3. According to the passage, Americans eat potatoes with a fork probably because ______.   
A. they are too busy to use a knife    
B. there is no knife
C. they think it is complicated to use a knife
4. Which of the following about American eating is NOT true?
A. Holding a knife in one"s right hand longer is not good table manners.
B. Americans will not use a knife if they don"t need.
C. Foreign visitors are not allowed to use knives.
5. The best title for this passage is _______.
A. Right Hand or Left Hand    
B. Knife or Fork
C. Eating Customs in America

     Bill was going to visit Wang Dawei in Chongqing for several days.  Before he left America, Bill tried
to learn about Chinese food and Chinese ways of doing things. He wanted to be polite. He learned that
most people in China eat rice, drink tea, and take off their shoes when they go into a friend"s apartment.
Bill even learned to use chopsticks.
     At the same time, Wang Dawei learned about American food and American ways of doing things.
He wanted to be friendly. When Bill came to Wang"s house, Dawei told him to keep his shoes on. Later
they went out for dinner. They ate pizza and drank Coke. The next few days, they had breakfast in a
coffee shop and ate hamburgers in a fast food restaurant.
     On his way back to America, Bill was thinking about why he never ate rice or drank tea or ate with
chopsticks. He never took off his shoes when he visited Wang"s family. He thought that living in China
was just like living in America.
(     ) l. Bill learned about Chinese food and other things before coming to China.
(     ) 2. Bill knew most Chinese eat rice, drink tea and wear their shoes in their houses.
(     ) 3. Wang Dawei was friendly to Bill, so they went to the restaurant to eat Chinese food.
(     ) 4. Finally Bill didn"t have Chinese food at all.
(     ) 5. Wang Dawei made Bill feel at home at last.

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     Most people want to work, but it is    1   in today"s world to find work for everybody.  The economics(经济)of the world need to   2   by 4% each year     3   the old number of jobs for people.Often this is not   4    , and so more working people are   5   work. Some people have no jobs now   6   new machines can   7   the work of many people in a short time. Also, machines do not   8   more money and longer holidays. In all of the countries of the world, machines   9   work from people, both in factories and on the farms.
     Lots of people are      10   the cities each day to look for jobs, but only a small number of them can find