当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 阅读下面的一封信,按要求完成各项任务     I"ve got some information for everyone going to Britain n...
阅读下面的一封信,按要求完成各项任务     I"ve got some information for everyone going to Britain next month. As you know, you"ll be staying with
a family for two weeks. Now the most important thing is money. You should take about £30 in cash(现
金) and about £200 in traveler cheques(支票). Then when you arrive at the airport you"ll be met by our
host(主人) family. You must remember to wear a red shirt so the family will find you easily. I"ve told them
to look out for the red shirts. You"ll also need to take with you 4 photos of yourself and, of course, it"s very
important that you take the school letter. While you are there, if you have any problems, you can call our
agent(代理人). I"ll give you her office phone number now: It"s 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs.
Belcher, that"s B-E-L-C-H-E-R. She"s in the office from 9-5 every day. OK! That"s everything. Have a
good trip.
试题【阅读下面的一封信,按要求完成各项任务     I"ve got some information for everyone going to Britain n】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Money-cash:       £30        
traveler cheques:   (1) ____________________
Wear: (2) ____________________
Take: (3) ____________________
Office phone number: (4) ____________________
Ask for: (5) ____________________
1. £200
2. a red shirt
3. 4 photos of yourself and the school letter
4. 5804436
5. Mrs.Belcher
Dear Lily,
     I"m happy to get your e-mail. I know that you want to be a     1    . And I am sure that you will. I hope
that you can write lots of good     2     in the future.
     But you should know that it"s not easy to be a good writer. First,     3     you really become a good
writer, you should be a good     4    . You should read many books, different kinds of books. You may
not have     5     to watch TV or play games. Second,     6     you want to be a good writer, you should
know all kinds of people"s     7    . Then you could have things to write and write truly.     8    , to be a
good writer, you should keep your body     9     and strong. That"s because you have to write things very
   10    sometimes, and you will be very tired. In a word, I think you should try your best to get everything
ready for your dream job from now on.
     Good luck! 
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(     )1. A. teacher
(     )2. A. letters
(     )3. A. before  
(     )4. A. player  
(     )5. A. room    
(     )6. A. if      
(     )7. A. names  
(     )8. A. Finally
(     )9. A. fat    
(     )10. A. well  
B. doctor  
B. music  
B. after  
B. reader  
B. time    
B. or      
B. friends
B. However
B. fit    
B. quickly
C. writer    
C. e-mails    
C. until      
C. student    
C. friend    
C. so        
C. lives      
C. Afterwards
C. thin      
C. early      
D. singer    
D. books    
D. as        
D. teacher  
D. interest  
D. before    
D. houses    
D. Therefore
D. tall      
D. late      
     Mr Lewis was a dance teacher. He was a nice man and always had a lot of students. One year he
moved to a new town, and was soon teaching many students in the dance school there, but he decided
to move again to a big city. He would have more work there.
     When one of his students heard that he was going to leave, she said to him, “The new teacher won’t
be as good as you are.” Mr Lewis was happy when he heard this, but he said, “Oh no. I’m sure he’ll be
as good as I am ---- or even better.”
     The student said, “No. Five teachers have come and gone while I’ve been here, and each new one
was worse than the last.”
1. ______ came to learn dancing from Mr Lewis.
A. Few students          
B. Few students  
C. Many students        
D. No students
2.Mr Lewis wanted to move to a big city because ______
A. he hated the small town
B. he couldn’t make a living in the small town
C. it would be easy for him to have more work in the city
D. it made him spend more money in the town
3.The student thought that ______
A. Mr Lewis was a good teacher  
B. Mr Lewis was the best teacher
C. Mr Lewis was worse than the last  
D. Mr Lewis would be worse than the last
4.Before Mr Lewis ______ teachers came to the town to teach dancing
A. three          
B. four          
C. five          
D. six
5.From the story we can conclude (推论) that the student wished ______
A. to have a better teacher            
B. to have a worse teacher
C. to become a dance teacher          
D. to see the sixth teacher
     Zhalong is a n__1__ reserve in Heilongjiang in northeast China. It"s one of the w__2__ most important wetlands. The area is a great p__3__ for wildlife. It"s the ideal home for different kinds of plants, fish and
b__4__. Many birds live there. There are a lot of fish in the wetlands, and the birds catch t__5__ for food.
     Each year many people go there to w__6__ the rare red-crowned cranes, b__7__ Zhalong Nature
Reserve has an important living a__8__ for them.Many people don"t understand the i__9__of the wetlands
. We should help them understand and make them take a__10__ to protect wildlife.
     While Tom and Mary were on holidays at the seaside, they enjoyed __1__ the seagulls. They __2__
a lot about these lovely birds.
     They will often come close to you on the beach when they are eating something. If you __3__ a piece
of bread to them, they will soon catch it.
     Seagulls swim well, but they don"t often dive __4__ fish. They are also good at flying __5__ their
large wings. When a seagull is flying, he puts his legs in his body.
     Tom often watched them __6__ close to the ground because he liked the way they __7__ the air with
their wings and brought down their feet before they __8__ the ground.
     Mary liked to see them sliding (滑行) over the __9__ as they often did, without their __10__ moving.
But she said she didn"t like the noise they made.
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题型:江苏期中题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. watch      
(     )2. A. understood  
(     )3. A. throw      
(     )4. A. of          
(     )5. A. with        
(     )6. A. to come    
(     )7. A. help        
(     )8. A. hit        
(     )9. A. water      
(     )10. A. eyes      
B. to watch  
B. learned  
B. take      
B. above    
B. to        
B. came      
B. beat      
B. arrived  
B. land      
B. feet      
C. watching
C. found    
C. send    
C. for      
C. for      
C. come    
C. put      
C. got      
C. sky      
C. legs    
D. watched  
D. thought  
D. pull      
D. into      
D. of        
D. to coming
D. kept      
D. touched  
D. ground    
D. wings    
     Many people like to travel during their vacations. Some people  travel in tour groups because they
think it is safe and cheap. A tour guide takes care of the group and makes sure the group can see a lot
of interesting and beautiful sights. Other   people   like traveling  alone  or  with friends. If you travel by
yourself, you are free to see what you want to see.
     People travel for many reasons. Some people travel  to  learn  more  about  other countries" people,
culture, food and languages. Some people travel for adventure(冒 险). They want to do some different
things, such as skiing, bungee jumping(蹦极跳) and mountain climbing. Other people like to shop when
they travel. They look for new things or cheap ones.
     There are different ways to travel. Some people take trains,  boats or buses, some fly, and others
drive cars. Some people like to travel slowly and spend a long time in each place, while others like to
take quick tours and visit more places in a short time.
1.What does "sights" mean in Chinese in the first paragraph?
A.  视力  
B. 看见    
C. 风景    
D. 情景
2.Why do some people like traveling alone?
A.  Because they want to see interesting sights.
B.  Because they have different ways to travel.
C.  Because they are free to see what they want to see.
D.  Because they want to learn more about people from other countries.
3. According to the passage, people travel for_______.
A. adventure     
B. learning more about another country
C. shopping      
D. all of the above
4. Some people take quick tours because_______.
A. they travel by car.    
B. they like to visit many places in a short time
C. they have much time for traveling  
D. they want to spend a long time in each place.
5. If a person travels for adventure ,he may choose ______ to get a different experience.
A. eating      
B. shopping   
C. bungee jumping    
D. sleeping