当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > 阅读理解。     Our winter is very long and cold. The first frost(霜) of the season usu...
阅读理解。     Our winter is very long and cold. The first frost(霜) of the season usually comes about the middle of
August. Soon the leaves on the maple (枫树) and oak (橡树) trees on the hillsides turn red, yellow, and
brown,  forming a mass of color too beautiful to describe. Gradually(渐渐地) the leaves fall from all the
trees except the evergreens (常青树). The earliest snowfall in the Green Mountains usually comes in
October. Before Christmas, deep snow sometimes covers the fields and mountains. Then I have fun. I
coast(滑行)on my long sled(雪橇)down the steep (陡峭的)hills or go on my skis.After a heavy snowfall,
I go for long walks on my snowshoes. All winter the ponds(池塘) and streams(溪流) lie under their roofs of ice while I skate on them. Late in March the snow begins to melt (融化), the ice breaks, and our long
winter gives place to spring.
1. What season does the writer describe?
A. Summer.
B. Winter.
C. Autumn.    
D. Spring.
2. The first frost there comes in _______.
A. March
B. October  
C. August    
D. December
3. The only trees that keep their color all winter there are the _______.
A. evergreens
B. maple trees  
C. oak trees  
D. apple trees
4. The snow there begins to melt in _______.
A. March
B. February  
C. August      
D. April
5. The writer _______.
A. enjoys winter sports    
B. is fifty-six
C. breaks the ice in winter  
D. lives far from the Green Mountains
试题【阅读理解。     Our winter is very long and cold. The first frost(霜) of the season usu】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。      Some schools are trying to make PE classes more meaningful and interesting to more students, e
specially(特别是) those who hate running.
      Discovery Intermediate School has added tchoukball( ["t?aukb?:l]n. 契可球, 将球投向弹性网,
对手设法不让球在弹回时落在赛区内) It"s a European game similar(相似的) to soccer but more
complicated(复杂的). "It"s interesting," said Lanson Miller. He likes the game. ①"We have to use
______ minds ______ sometimes catching the ball means failure(失败). This is different from other
Teixeira is a junior student at Rock Lake Middle School of Florida, US. She is among the middle school
students around the state who take new PE courses to lose weight.
      Florida passed a law to add in three new PE courses for middle schools this year. They include a
class on dance and gymnastics(体操), and another with sports such as rollerblading(滑旱冰) and bike
      ②"Taking PE is good for students because healthier kids will be able to learn better," said Roxanne
Baker, president of the Florida Alliance for Health. "It"s hard to imagine(想象) that a child goes through
three years of middle school without going to gym. Now they will, thanks to the law."    
1. 在①处填入适当的单词使句子通顺:___________ ___________
2. 将②处译成汉语:                                                      
3. 回答问题:Why did Teixeira take the new PE courses?
4. 写此句的同义句: This has differences from other games.
5. 在短文中找出一句能概括短文意思的句子。
题型:江苏月考题难度:| 查看答案
缺词填空。      I have lived in the countryside since I was a child. There were many k   1    of birds there when I
was young. Every morning, lots of sparrows liked singing and j   2     in the trees outside my window,
while the swallows were busy flying out to f    3     food for their babies. Sometimes in the afternoon, I
could even see eagles f    4    in the sky.
     After twenty years, many of them cannot be seen now. I can seldom see the eagles o   5      the
swallows. The n    6     of the sparrows is getting smaller. Only some of t    7     sing in the morning.
     Why do the birds leave here? First I think it is because the environment is becoming worse now.
The birds can"t find e    8     food for themselves and their babies. Second I think it is because people
often k    9     them for food.
     Without the birds around, we won"t feel happy any more. So we must p   10     them. Why don"t we
do something to help today?
题型:江苏月考题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     This is Part Three in our   1  about family life. We invited two students Josh Franklin and Alice 
Gomez,   2    their weekend chores. They told us about the chores they did last weekend.   
     On Saturday morning, Josh had two big chores   3 . He didn"t like washing the clothes, but he 
enjoyed    4   the garage (车库). "I listened to the radio and sang my favourite songs  5  . I worked,"
he said.   Alice   6  go to the store and buy food for the family on Saturday morning. Her mother usually
 goes with her,    7   his time she went alone. "I like shopping for food. I bought things I like to eat and
 my parents  8  them. " Josh and Alice  9   liked helping with their parents" yard sales. "I like talking to 
all the people,"said Josh. Alice said,"My parents gave me part of the  10 . Now I can buy anything
 I want. "
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏月考题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. series of stories
(     )2. A. to talk with    
(     )3. A. doing            
(     )4. A. to clean up      
(     )5. A. after            
(     )6. A. had to          
(     )7. A. and              
(     )8. A. spent            
(     )9. A. all              
(     )10.A. books            
B. series of story
B. talking to      
B. did            
B. cleaning out    
B. before          
B. has to          
B. but            
B. took            
B. neither        
B. money          
C. some series of story
C. to talk about      
C. does                
C. taking out          
C. when                
C. may                
C. so                  
C. paid for            
C. never              
C. chores              
D. some series of stories
D. talking about        
D. to do                
D. to take off          
D. until                
D. could                
D. or                                
D. cost                  
D. both                  
D. drinks                
根据短文内容判断正 (T)误 (F)  。
     What is time?  We can"t see it and we can"t catch hold of it, but we can feel it passing by.
     Time is always with us in our life.  When we are at the table, time passes away while we are eating.
When we wash our faces,  time slips away(消失) in front of us.  And when we play,  time goes by
unnoticeably(不被注意地) .       
      Time is fair to every one of us.  If you make the best use of it,  time will give you a lot. Otherwise,
you will miss a lot. The lost time will not be found again.
       Today, time is becoming more and more valuable to us. You can always hear people say,"Time is
money. Time is life. "It warns us not to waste any time.
       My friends, we must keep in mind the saying,"Time and tide wait for no man. "Now we are still
young. It"s high time for us to learn more. We must make the best use of every minute and be the
masters of time.
(     )1. Time is a thing that we can see and catch hold of.              
(     )2. Time is fair to everybody.                                      
(     )3. The lost time will be found again.                              
(     )4. Only young people shouldn"t waste time.                          
(     )5. "Time is money.  Time is life" ,we must be the masters of time.  
     Mrs. Ball had a son. His name was Mick. She __1__ him very much and as he was not a __2__
child, she was always __3__ that he might be ill, __4__ she used to take him to see the best __5__ in
the town four times a year to be looked __6__.
     During one of these __7__, the doctor gave Mick all kinds of tests and then said to him, "Have you
had any __8__ with your nose or ears recently?" Mick __9__ for a second and then answered, "Yes, I
     Mrs. Ball was very __11__. "But I"m sure you have __12__ told me that, Mick!" She said worriedly. "Oh, really?" Said the doctor __13__. "And what trouble have you with your nose and ears, my boy?"
"Well," answered Mick, "I always have trouble with them when I"m __14__ my sweater off, because the
__15__ is very tight."
(      )1. A. loved
(      )2. A. rich
(      )3. A. afraid
(      )4. A. which  
(      )5. A. player
(      )6. A. round  
(      )7. A. talks
(      )8. A. answer
(      )9. A. waited
(      )10. A. did
(      )11. A. excited
(      )12. A. already
(      )13. A. angrily
(      )14. A. turning
(      )15. A. collar
B. hated   
B. clever  
B. surprised
B. for    
B. teacher  
B. over    
B. years  
B. thing  
B. thought  
B. will    
B. interested
B. just    
B. seriously
B. taking  
B. nose    
C. missed
C. strong
C. glad
C. but
C. doctor
C. for
C. visits
C. word
C. stood
C. have
C. pleased
C. never
C. happily
C. keeping
C. mouth
D. cared      
D. happy      
D. sure      
D. so        
D. lawyer    
D. after      
D. stays      
D. trouble    
D. looked                    
D. do        
D. surprised  
D. always    
D. carefully  
D. putting    
D. ear