当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > Laura Brent is a manager in an important company. She has three children—the eld...
Laura Brent is a manager in an important company. She has three children—the eldest is 10, and youngest is three. “My job was only possible because my husband David was prepared to take my place and become a house husband,” she says.
More and more couples are finding this arrangement suits them better in today’s world, where women are rising to the top of their careers faster and more easily than they did in the past. Many men, on the other hand, like the idea of staying at home and looking after the children. “My children see a lot more of me than I saw of my father when I was young, and I think it’s better for them, especially for the boys,” says David. “It works just as well for Laura.”
“Now I can come home from a hard day at work, and immediately relax with the children, instead of having to do the housework and the cooking,” she says.
Is there anything David misses about going out to work?
“Not really. I suppose the worst thing about looking after children and doing the housework is not having a lunch break! It’s a lot harder than most men think.”
小题1:How many people are there in Laura’s family?
小题2:Who does most of the housework in the family?
C.The children.D.David’s parents.
小题3:What does Laura usually do after coming back from work?
A.Cook for the family.
B.Take children from school.
C.Take a good rest with the children.
D.Wash dishes and sweep the floor.
小题4:What does David think of his job at home?
小题5:One of the reasons why men choose to stay at home is that______.
A.children hate to stay with their mothers
B.men are better at looking after the children
C.women do better at work than they did before
D.children want their fathers to help them with the homework


小题1:细节理解题。由第一段第二句“She has three children…”可知劳拉的家庭是五口之家。
小题1:细节理解题。由第一段句“…my husband David was prepared to take my place and become a house husband,”可知
小题1:细节理解题。由第三段句“Now I can come home…and immediately relax with the children, instead of having to do the housework and the cooking,”可知。
小题1:细节推断题。由第二段大卫说的话“My children see a lot more of me than I saw of my father when I was young, and I think it’s better for them, especially for the boys”可知。大卫认为他照看孩子,更有益于男孩的成长。
试题【Laura Brent is a manager in an important company. She has three children—the eld】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]

I love it at night. It’s peaceful. And when it cools down I sometimes do some ironing. I don’t really care for it. I work full-time and I am too busy for most housework. I remember the old woman who taught me to iron. I was about 15 and I had to get a job taking care of a woman to make a living. She had been an able-bodied, healthy woman until the accident that caused her to be paralyzed.
The woman sat in an electric wheelchair all day. She could only move her head and arms. She would tell me how to do things. She would teach me in great detail on the correct ways to do things. Her home was perfect and beautiful. She would follow me around in her electric wheelchair to make sure I did everything exactly right. I’m sure she had been a perfect homemaker. She would have me fold(折叠) everything, including socks. I would complain silently and wish terrible things on her. She taught me the right way to make the bed. I know sometimes she’d get frustrated(沮丧) and impatient with me. I knew she wanted to do it herself. But she never shouted or scolded. She only insisted I do it right. I didn’t like it much, but I did it.
Today I can iron pretty well. I know where to start on a shirt and the right way to do the trousers. Now when I think about it, I don’t think she is an old lady. I think she might have been about my age now. Anyway, when I iron, I think of her and silently thank her for all the things I learned.
小题1:The writer used to take care of the lady because ________.
A.she wanted to learn to do housework
B.she was a friend of the lady’s
C.she had to earn some money
D.she couldn’t find a room to live in
小题2:The underlined word ‘paralyzed’ in the first paragraph may mean ‘______’.
A.destroyedB.deafC.seriously illD.unable to walk
小题3:The little girl was ______ when the lady taught her how to do housework.
A.encouraged to learnB.unwilling to learn
C.delighted to learnD.recommended to learn
小题4:Now the writer ______.
A.is still afraid of the ladyB.hates the strict lady
C.admires the disabled ladyD.is very grateful to the lady

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Bob is six years old.He is old enough to go to school. On the first day,his teacher taught him three words,“I,you,he”.Then the teacher said,“I am your teacher.You are my student.He is your student. He is your classmate.”When school was over,Bob went home. His mother asked him,“What has your teacher taught you today?”Bob said with a smile,“Listen,Mum and Dad,I am your teacher.You are my student.He is your classmate.”His mother said,“No,dear.You’re wrong.”Then she said,“I am your mother.You’re my son.He’s your father.”The next day,Bob’s teacher asked Bob to make sentences with“I,you and he”.
Bob stood up and said,“I’m your mother.You’re my son.He is your father.”All the students in Bob’s class laughed.
小题1:Who taught Bob new words in the school?
A.Bob’s teacherB.Bob’s friends
C.Bob’s fatherD.Bob’s mother
小题2:How many words did the teacher teach?
小题3:Did Bob understand what his teacher taught him?
A.Yes,he did.B.No,he didn’t.
C.No,but he understood what his mother said.D.The writer doesn’t tell.
小题4:What do you think of the boy?
A.He is not clever.B.He is helpful.
C.He is polite.D.He is kind.
小题5:Who laughed in the class the next day?
A.Bob’s mother.B.Bob’s classmates.
C.Bob’s teacher.D.Bob’s father.

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Mother’s Day is coming. It is a time to let Mom know she’s special to you. Finding the right gift for Mom on that day is not always easy. We often want something personal and thoughtful. But how can we make? These following ideas may help you.
Gift of Time
Moms just want to spend time with their children so make it a Mother-Daughter/ Son Day. Spend the whole day with her. Do the things she likes doing with her.
Home Video
Take your family videos and make them a short home video. She can enjoy it whenever she misses you. Although it may take a lot of time, the process(过程) can be great fun and the result is often priceless(无价的).
Mom Mix
Make a CD for her. It’s a collection of all the songs that remind her of you and your growing up.
Write a Letter
Write a letter instead of a simple card. Write about all the good memories you have with her and all the things she has done for you.
People send carnations(康乃馨) on Mother’s Day. You can easily spend a lot of money on them. If you have flowers in your garden, or can handpick them, it can be a great gift.
Make a dinner and invite her over. You can also take it over to her house and surprise her. Just don’t forget to wash the dishes after the dinner.
小题1:Why is it not easy to find a right gift on Mother’s Day?
A. Because we want to save money   B. Because mothers don’t like gifts
C. Because we always want to get something special
小题2:Making a home video may be _________.
A fun   B. boring    C. easy
小题3:What does the underlined word “remind” mean in Chinese?
A 使…防范   B. 使…想起   C. 使…经过
小题4:How many kinds of ideas have been mentioned here for Mother’s Day?
A 4    B. 5    C. 6
小题5:From the passage we know ________.
A you can buy a big cake for your mom on Mother’s Day
B. writing a letter is better than sending a simple card to your mom on Mother’s Day
C. inviting your mom to eat in a restaurant is a good gift for her.
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It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
I really only meant it as a joke.  I wasn"t trying to steal anything honestly.
My friend Matthew started bringing his new cell phone to class last week. He was walking around bragging (吹嘘) about it to everyone. He was saying, "My cell phone can download (下载) the newest 41 off the internet."Then he 42everyone by downloading a game and starting to play it. The pictures and sound were really 43 .
44 class, he would use his cell phone to watch TV. The rest of us didn"t have a phone like 45 , so we had to crowd around him. I was just trying to see the screen, 46 there were so many other kids that I could not see it clearly. I was getting really jealous (嫉妒).
But then yesterday, he forgot his cell phone at the end of class. He left it right on his desk. 47 noticed it was there except me. I decided to teach him a lesson. I took his phone quietly off the desk, and put it in my own bag. My 48 was to give it back to him the next day. I 49 wanted to see his reaction (反应). Maybe he would stop being such a show-off.
But this morning he rushed into class, screaming and yelling (吼叫). He was very 50 and almost mad. He started accusing (指责) different people of 51 his phone, but I had it in my 52 the whole time. He even started fighting with another classmate 53 Matthew was sure that person had taken it. The teacher sent them to the headmaster"s office. They 54 got in a lot of trouble. Now I don"t know what to 55 ! If I tell him that I took the cell phone, he"ll think I stole it. If I don"t tell him, then I really did steal it. How did I get into such a trouble?

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Amy"s family has fun. They mail a diary(日记簿、日记) to each other. Everyone writes something in it. Amy"s brother is open. He tells many things about his life. Amy"s sister is Lazy. She doesn"t write much. Amy"s dad writes stories. Her mom is talkative. She writes a lot. Everyone enjoys the diary.

Hello, dear family! I am having a fun week here at The Mall. I had lunch with Pan and Jack on Monday. On Tuesday, I designed a new dress. Yesterday, Tom told me a funny joke. He always makes me laugh!
Hi, everyone! I made a chocolate cake yesterday. That’s Amy"s favorite. I wish I could mail you a piece, Amy! It"s really delicious.
Today was warm and sunny. Your father and I went for a walk in the park. We also waited your Aunt Betty. She told us some good news. Your cousin John got a new Job! Oh, I"m writing too much, aren"t I? We really miss you all. Take care!
Hi, all! Last week I was feeling sad. I had a bad day at work. My boss was angry at me. But the next day was better. I did a good job and my boss was very happy, so I felt better. Sometimes my work is hard. But I am really thankful for my job.
Dear ones, let me tell you a story. A long, long time ago, A man lived a house on a hill. He had a candle. He lit the candle every night. Everyone could see the light. Then one night, something wonderful happened…
Hello! I miss you all. However, I don"t have much time to write this week. I"ll write more next time.
Bye, everyone!
小题1:Where do Amy"s family members write their diaries?
A.On the same family diary.B.On their own diaries.
C.On Amy"s diary.D.On Mother"s diary.
小题2:When did Amy design a new dress?
A.On Monday.B.On Tuesday.C.Yesterday.D.Today.
小题3:What does the brother think of his job?
A.The job makes him sad.B.The job always gives him pleasure
C.The job is too easy.D.The job is a challenge.
小题4:What did the mother do today?
A.She made a chocolate cake.B.She did nothing but walk in the park.
C.She got a new job.D.She went for a walk and visited Aunt Betty.
小题5:What"s the best title for the passage?
A.Amy and her family.B.Amy and her diary.
C.A family"s diary.D.Amy"s father writes stories.

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