当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 日常生活类 > Jane is a nice girl. She lives in London. She studies(学习) in a middle school. Sh...
Jane is a nice girl. She lives in London. She studies(学习) in a middle school. She gets up at six every day. She likes reading English. She’s a bright girl. She draws pictures well. After school, she often reads newspapers with her grandmother. At seven o’clock in the evening. Jane has supper(晚饭) at home. Every day at eight she does her homework and goes to bed at nine.
小题1:Jane lives in______.
A、England.             B、New York             C、Paris
小题2:What does Jane like to do?________.
A、She likes reading story-books.
B、She likes drawing big pictures
C、She likes learning English.
小题3:She is a_________ girl.
A、nice                 B、clever               C、nice and bright
小题4:What does she often do after school? ________.
A、She draws pictures.
B、She has supper
C、She does some reading with her grandma
小题5:What time does she go to bed? ________.
A、8∶00               B、9∶00                C、8∶35


小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“She lives in London.”理解可知,Jane住在伦敦,故选A。
小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“She likes reading English.”理解可知,她喜欢学习英语,故选C。
小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“She’s a bright girl.”理解可知,她非常聪明,故选C。
小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“After school, she often reads newspapers with her grandmother.”理解可知,放学后,和奶奶一起看报纸,故选C。
小题5:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Every day at eight she does her homework and goes to bed at nine.”理解可知。Jane在九点钟睡觉,故选B。
试题【Jane is a nice girl. She lives in London. She studies(学习) in a middle school. Sh】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空。 (每小题1分,共15分)
Hello, my friends, long time no see! My family and I went on a   1   trip to Europe during our recent vacation. We visited Paris, France, and London, England. Here I want to share my tour of Paris with you.
  2   we set out, we all expected (期望) a fun and interesting vacation. For my sister and me, our stay in Paris had   3   meaning. It was a golden chance(机会)   4    our French, since English and French are the two official (官方的) languages in Canada. My mom doesn’t speak French, and my sister can’t speak it very   5  (she is only in Grade Three).  So it was my duty   6   directions(方向), order food, and deal with any person-to-person communication. I was, of course, really nervous:   7    they couldn’t understand my French   8   I couldn’t understand theirs?
My   9   soon went away. The people in Paris   10   very happy to answer my questions. They listened patiently (耐心地) and carefully, and spoke slowly   11    we could understand. One gentleman was even kind enough to lead us to the hotel we were  12  .
  13   the places we visited? We visited many places in Paris. My sister liked the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe (凯旋门). My mom liked the Louvre Museum(卢浮宫) most. Her favorite painting was the Mona Lisa. Which places did I like? I liked all of them.
 14   its romantic air, people’s friendly greetings (问候) and historic buildings, Paris is a city that we will   15  forget.
A.two weekB.two-week C.two-weeksD.twos-weeks
A.another B.otherC.the othersD.others
A.practiceB.practicedC.to practiceD.practicing
A.goodB.betterC.well D.best
A.ask B.answerC.ask aboutD.to ask for
A.what if B.unlessC.becauseD.instead
A.and B.butC.although D.or
A.sadnessB.happinessC.pleasure D.worries
A.as if B.soundsC.seemedD.smells
A.so that B.so C.that D.such that
A.looking afterB.looking for
C.looking upD.looking down
A.Shall weB.What about C.Let’s D.Why not
A.With B.WithoutC.Under D.Behind

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Every country has its favorite food. Italians like to eat pizza. Indians like to eat hot food. Japanese like to eat fish. In England, one of the most popular foods is fish and chips. People usually buy it in a fish and chip shop. They put it in paper bags, and take it home, or to their workplace. Sometimes they eat it in the park or on the road.  American fast food is the most popular in the world. In a lot of big cities in the world, you can find people eating hamburgers and chips.  Chinese food is also very popular in the world. In many cities you can find Chinese restaurants. Many people in the world enjoy Chinese food because it has different tastes and it’s usually very delicious. 根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正误。你认为正确的句子请在答题卷相应空格内写“T”,错误的写“F”。(共5小题,每小题1分, 满分5分)
小题1:Usually people in different countries like different foods.
小题2:Japanese enjoy hot food.
小题3:Englishmen eat fish and chips in the same place.
小题4:The most popular food in the world are hamburgers and chips.
小题5:You can find Chinese food in many foreign countries.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Most American families like to have a vacation in summer. Summer is a good season for vacation. It is often hot in July and August.
Children do not go to school in those two months. Some people like to stay at home, read books, or watch TV. Many families take their lunch to eat at a place with many trees or a nice lake.
Some people have enough time and money to travel to other countries like France, Japan and Australia. They usually fly to these countries. Many families travel by car or train to see interesting places in their own countries. Their favorite cities are New York, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Not everyone likes to go to busy cities. Some families travel to mountains or beautiful valleys.
小题1:       is a good season for vacation.
小题2:Many people don’t         during their vacation.
A.read booksB.travelC.watch TVD.go to work
小题3:Many families like to have their lunch       during their vacation.
A.in the officeB.near a cinema
C.near a big factoryD.near a nice lake
小题4:If you have        , you can travel to other countries.
A.money and friendsB.friends and time
C.money and timeD.food
小题5:Which of the following is NOT true ?
A.Summer vacation is about two months long.
B.Some people usually go to other countries to travel.
C.Everyone likes to travel to busy cities.
D.It’s often hot in July and August in America.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My uncle __31__ in a zoo . It’s near a __32__ , so every day he goes there to_____ some sports. In the morning, my uncle gets up early(早) and ___34__ breakfast. Then he _35__his bike to the zoo . He gets(到)_36__at 7:30 . The zoo___37__ at 8:30 . There are _38__ animals in the zoo. And he__39__many people every day . My uncle is very tired in the evening. But he is very happy. He likes his job very much. __ 40__the people are all(都) happy in the zoo . They like the animals very much . My uncle likes the animals, too .
A.workB.worksC.to workD.working
A.clothes shopB.parkC.schoolD.market
A.hereB.thereC.to hereD.to there
A.muchB.a lotC.manyD.a

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Alan is a 16-year-old boy. He is the only child in his family. Alan is an American high school student. He lives in New York. Art and music are his favourite subjects(科目). He loves studying and also love sports. He usually goes swimming three or four times every week. Alan’s father works in a restaurant(饭店) near New York. He likes swimming, too. So Alan often go swimming with his uncle. Cool water always make him happy. American students are different(不同的) from us. On Saturdays, he often has parties (派对) with his friends and they always enjoy themselves. On Sundays, he usually studies at home and watches sports programs(节目). His favourite drink is Coke, but Coke is an unhealthy drink. He often eats vegetables and he often does some sports to keep healthy. (健康)
小题1:Alan’s father is a _________. .
小题2:Alan likes ____________________.
A.Art and musicB.singing and sports
C.studying and sportsD.A and C
小题3:How many people are there in Alan’s family ?
小题4:What does Alan often do on Sundays ?
A.He often go swimming with his father.
B.He often has parties with his friends.
C.He usually studies at home and watch TV.
D.He always does some sports.
小题5:What’s the meaning of the underline (划线) word, “unhealthy” in the passage ?

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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