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If someone says to you: “ Give me five”, do not search your pocket to get five yuan! It will make others laugh! The person’s not asking for your money, but your fingers.
In the US, “ give me five” or “ give me the high five” is a popular gesture ( 动作 ). You can see it often in films or on TV. It means the clapping ( 拍  ) of each other’s raised right hands together.
People do it when they meet for the first time or something happy happens. For example, a student has good marks in exams or wins a lottery ticket ( 彩票  ). If a football team wins a game, the players will give high fives to everyone around to celebrate.
This gesture may come from the old Roman gesture of raising the right arm for the king. This showed that the person raising his arm did not have a sword ( 剑 ) in his hand.
Why not try to give the high five to your friends?
小题1:“ Give me five” is a gesture to ______________.
A.ask for moneyB.celebrate success
C.search one’s pocketD.play
小题2:The gesture “ give me five” is the clapping of _________.
小题3:When you ________, you give your friends high fives.
A.lose your moneyB.go back home
C.win a football gameD.do badly in exams
小题4:The gesture started in _______ according to the story.
小题5:Why did the Romans raise the right arm for the emperor?  Because ________.
A.they were proud of their emperor
B.they were happy to see the emperor
C.they wanted to show there were no swords in their hands
D.We don’t know



试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了美国一条重要的交际用语give me five,文中介绍了它的含义及由来。
小题3:根据People do it when they meet for the first time or something happy happens.描述,可知选C。
小题4:根据最后一段This gesture may come from the old Roman gesture of raising the right arm for the king.描述,可知选A。
小题5:根据This showed that the person raising his arm did not have a sword ( 剑 ) in his hand.描述,可知选C。
试题【If someone says to you: “ Give me five”, do not search your pocket to get five y】;主要考察你对日常生活类等知识点的理解。[详细]

As a kid, everyone wants to learn how to ride a bike. Here is some advice to_1_ you be on your way.
The bike. Start with a bicycle and it’s small enough for your feet to touch the _2_. If you lose your balance, you can put your feet to the ground _3_.
Training grounds. You need a big place for the first part of your practice. Be sure to wear something to keep _4_.
Keeping your balance. It’s very important to learn how to keep your balance. You may practice this easily. _5_ your bike to the higher place. Sit on the bike seat  _6_both feet on the ground. Lift both feet a few inches to let the bike roll down. If you start to fall, just put your feet on the ground. Try practicing this several times _7_ you get your balance.
Pedaling(踩动). After you get your balance, it’s time to _8_ learning how to pedal. Start by sitting on the bike seat. With your left foot on the ground and your right foot on the pedal, then push _9_ on the pedal. Push off with your left foot. Keep on practicing until you learn it well.
Braking(刹车). Catch them lightly at first, slowly increasing the pressure to get to a full _10_. Remember that braking hard while going fast can cause you fall over.
A.holdB.help C.feelD.wish
A.at firstB.at lastC.on time D.at once
A.dangerous B.safeC.warm D.cool
A.TakeB.Bring C.Give D.Ask
A.under B.over C.with D.after
A.becauseB.thoughC.until D.after
A.startB.keep C.enjoyD.finish
A.upB.down C.in D.on
A.look B.stopC.beginning D.turn

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Chicago  On  a  Budget
How to have fun in Chicago without spending a lot of money?
○ The Art Institute of Chicago has a fine collection of photos and paintings. The ticket is $10.00,but go on Tuesdays and you’ll get in free(免费).
○ The Sears Tower is the world’s third tallest building. By going to the 103rd floor, you can get a great view of the whole city! All for only $8.50.
○ There are free concerts in Grant Park in summer. They are held Wednesday through Saturday night at 7:30 p.m.
○ Attend the taping of a TV show for free. The Oprah Winfrey Show and The Jenny Jones Show both offer tourists free tickets. For The Oprah Winfrey Show you’ll have to book tickets at least a month before.
Places to stay
You can get a hotel for $100 to $ 300 a day. However, you can get a room in the dormitory(宿舍) at Roosevelt University for $215 for a whole week! But you have to stay for 30 days to get this great rate(优惠).
小题1:This passage is written for telling us ___________.
A.Chicago is a big and beautiful cityB.where we can see fine photos and paintings
C.how to make a cheap trip in ChicagoD.there are many free concerts in Chicago
小题2:It will cost you _________ if you visit the Art Institute instead of the Sears Tower on Sundays.
A.moreB.lessC.the sameD.none
小题3:You may go to ________ if you like to get a great view of the whole city.
A.the Art InstituteB.the Sears Tower
C.Roosevelt UniversityD.Grant Park
小题4:You have to spend at least _____________in all to stay in a dormitory room at Roosevelt University at a good rate.
小题5:According to this passage, which of the following statements in NOT TRUE ?
A.You are free to go to the Art Institute on Tuesdays.
B.Free Grant Park concerts are held four nights a week in summer.
C.The Sears Tower is the world’s third tallest building.
D.You can get tickets to The Oprah Winfrey as soon as you arrive.

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My parents had some strange rules when my sister and I were growing up. For example, they never    1   us soda or juice. Our choice was water or iced tea   2   no sugar. My mom’s   3   for it was that she didn’t like kids who only drank sweet drinks, or worse, kids who did not like    4  ! She wanted to teach us to like water or    5   unsweetened drinks that did not come in a bottle. We, on the other hand, wanted to    6   a coke when we ate out. Now I can make my own decisions, but I    7  choose juice or soda. I don’t __ 8___ it. It’s not because I don’t like it. I’m just used to drinking water. Many people    9  to think that a kid needs juice. If the child can’t get it, he or she will secretly buy this kind of drink elsewhere. I found this really    10  , since I was raised    11   no juice or soda, and I didn’t really    12   only having water. Now people    13   kids to make their own choices,    14   I grew up in a family where the children’s opinions were seldom (很少) 15   for, and the parents made the final decisions.
A.neededB.sold C.bought D.left
A.another B.the otherC.othersD.other
A.orderB.replyC.obey D.achieve
A.think about B.take careC.pay forD.think out
A.onB.with C.byD.for
A.give upB.care aboutC.take pride inD.agree with
A.allowB.design C.teach D.cause
A.asB.sinceC.but D.though

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I’ve been working in a school for more than twenty years. Many parents often ask me, “How can you teach your child good study skills? How can he or she get the homework done as quickly as possible?” Here are some tips:  
1. If the child is as young as nine or ten, ask him or her to prepare a small notebook to write down the homework given by his or her teachers. By developing this habit, he or she will learn to be much more responsible (负责的).
2. Find a good place to study. This should be a quiet place that is free from everything but study things. No games, radios, or televisions. Once you have decided on a place to study, this should be the only place where your child does his or her homework and studies. There should also be a very specific time for homework to be done. Usually, homework should be done as soon as the child gets home from school. This also goes for the kids who take part in after-school activities. Of course, it is a good idea to allow the child to have a healthy snack before the work begins.
3. Also remember that it is the child’s duty to do his or her homework. Some children give up easily and go to Mom and Dad for help when they have a problem. Try to let them solve it first. By doing this, they will get a sense of success from overcoming problems. In this way we help them to help themselves.
小题1:Asking the kids to keep a notebook to remember their homework will make them ______.
A.remember moreB.learn more
C.more responsible D.more interested in studying
小题2:The place where the children study must ________.
A.be free for everything
B.have a TV set and a computer
C.be quiet, bright and free from things for entertainment
D.be big, clean and tidy
小题3:What does the underlined word “overcoming” mean in the passage?
小题4:According to the passage, the children should _____ when they have trouble with their homework.
A.ask their parents for helpB.try to solve the problems by themselves
C.wait for their teachers’ helpD.put it away and have a snack
小题5:This passage is written _________.
A.for parents to help their children study well
B.for the children who want to improve their work
C.for teachers to teach their students
D.for housewives to make their kids happy

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At lunchtime, Bonnie and Ruth sat together like they always did at school. Ruth and Bonnie were best friends and best friends always sat together for lunch. They  1  sandwiches, cupcakes and almost everything.
But today things were   2  . Bonnie looked upset, and Ruth did not know why. “Why are you sad today, Bonnie?” Ruth asked. “Because my daddy    3  his job yesterday,” she said. “And we may have to move. My mom and dad are very unhappy and they always argue. I am   4 . What is going to happen to us?”
Bonnie’s news made Ruth very sad, too. What would school be like   5  Bonnie? What could she do to help her friend? When Ruth went home she told her mom the bad   6 .
“What can I do to help?” she asked.
“I’m not sure, Ruth,” said her mother sadly.
Ruth thought and thought. She thought while she ate supper and she thought while she did homework. She even thought when she brushed her teeth before going to bed.
“What can I do?” she  7 .
The next day was Saturday and Ruth woke up very early. She dressed and ate a quick breakfast,  8  went to find her friends. They all decided to    9  together to help Bonnie. They pulled weeds, played with babies and walked dogs. They even put on a Talent show in Ruth’s backyard. All the adults paid one dollar to watch the   10  sing and dance and do magic tricks. After the performance, the children   11 their money. They had made three hundred dollars! Ruth’s mom took them to the grocery store and they bought food, soap, paper towels, and all kinds of things that a person might need.
When they left the store they went to Bonnie’s house and each of the children   12  carried a bag to the door, rang the doorbell and ran away quickly. They had so much fun with   13  secret surprise! They knew it would make Bonnie very happy.
Ruth felt happy too,   14 she had helped her friend. She knew it wasn’t much, but all she needed to do was to show her friend that she cared   15 . I think Bonnie got the message, don’t you?
A.changed B.lostC.enjoyedD.got
A.worried B.lonelyC.disappointed D.surprised
A.storyB.result C.newsD.report
A.dreamtB.answered C.talkedD.wondered
A.parentsB.actorsC.students D.children
A.countedB.saved C.sent D.spent
A.though B.andC.because ofD.because

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