当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 根据上下文,在空格处填上适当的词,使其意思完整、语法正确,每个空格限填一个词。      Yesterday morning an old woman (1) ...
根据上下文,在空格处填上适当的词,使其意思完整、语法正确,每个空格限填一个词。      Yesterday morning an old woman (1)             a lot of things in a shop. She put them in a
big (2)            . She was going to carry it to the car, but the box was heavy and the car wasn"t
(3)            . At that time Li Ping and Han Mei were (4)             by the car and talking. When
they (5)             the old woman and the big box beside her, they went to (6)             her. They
lifted the heavy box and (7)             it to the car. Suddenly the box (8)             down and one of
Li Ping"s feet was (9)             hurt. He had to lie in bed in the hospital for several days. He became
worried about his lessons. But his friend Han Mei said," (10)             worry about your lessons. I
will come to help you with your lessons after class every afternoon."
1. bought    2. box       3. near     4. walking     5. saw
6. help        7. carried   8. fell       9. badly       10. Don"t
试题【根据上下文,在空格处填上适当的词,使其意思完整、语法正确,每个空格限填一个词。      Yesterday morning an old woman (1) 】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。       One morning, Jim Reed checked his e-mail. He found a strange message on the e-mail. It was from a
woman in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He had talked to her on e-mail many times in the last ten days. All the
other messages were fun and interesting to read, but this message was different.
       The message said, "Good-bye loved kowihn yu I amj leaving."
       Mr. Reed was frightened by the message. He tried to understand the words that were not spelled right.
He quickly wrote a message to his new friend. 
      "What do you mean by the message you just sent me?"
       He waited but did not get an answer. He wrote back, "Please talk to me."
       Finally, she wrote, "I am fallg asleep waht it say gildgye ti ny friends." Mr. Reed thought hard about
this message. "Is she going to kill herself?" he thought.
       "What is your phone number?" he typed. The woman sent a phone number. Mr. Reed called. At first the
phone was busy. Then it just rang and rang. He called directory assistance in Pittsburgh. They connected him
with the police. Reed told his story. Then he faxed them what his friend wrote.
        The police and paramedics quickly went to the woman"s house. When she didn"t answer the doorbell,
they broke in. They found her on the floor near the computer. She told them, "I took 60 pills." The paramedics
rushed her to the hospital.
        "Mr. Reed did a great job of saving this woman," the police captain said. "If he hadn"t guessed at the
e-message, she would be dead now." The woman is fine now, and she thanks Mr. Reed for saving her life. 1. Mr Reed ___________.[     ]
A. met his new friend by telephone
B. saw his new friend somewhere before
C. wrote e-mail to his new friend for ten days
D. talked with his new friend about strange things 2. The e-message he found was strange ___________.[     ]
题型:北京市期末题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。       I was not quite seventeen when I decided to join the US Army. My mother tried her best to    1    
me out of my dream, then finally signed the papers that would allow me to be a solider.
      One day, nearly two years after the Philippines (菲律宾) became my     2   , I was told to go to the
office of Lieutenant Colonel (中校) Boyd. He seemed to be a kind man, but I was pretty sure that he hadn"t
called me in to    3    the time of day.
       Standing before his desk, I waited     4    as he read through some paperwork. Then he looked up.
"Why, Private (二等兵), haven"t you written to your mother for more than six months?" 
       I felt weak in my knees. Has it been    5    long? I thought. 
       "I don"t have anything to say, sir." 
       Lieutenant Colonel Boyd told me that my mother had got in touch with the American Red Cross,
which in turn informed me about that. Then he said, "Go to that desk, and you"ll find some paper and a
pen. Sit down right this minute and write to your mother, Private?"
       "Yes, sir." 
       When I finished a short letter, I stood before him again. 
       "Private, I"m     6    you to find something to say to your mother at least once a week. Do you
understand?" I did. 
        Some thirty-five years later, my     7    mother"s mind was not as good as it used to be, and I had
to place her in a convalescent home (疗养院). As I     8    her own things in a big old strong box, I found
some letters tied with a bright red ribbon (缎带). 
        They were the letters I had     9    from the Philippines. I sat on the floor of her room that afternoon
reading each one, tears (眼泪) running down my face. I now realized how deeply I, as a    10   , had made
her worried by my careless thoughts. 
        The lesson I learned may have been too    11    to help my mother, but it"s still    12   me good. 
        These days I don"t need an officer standing over me to write my loved ones on a regular basis (定期).
题型:北京市期末题难度:| 查看答案
      Mrs Green was walking along a San Francisco street. Suddenly a man took her purse and ran. Mrs.
Green was very angry. She had ten dollars, her bus pass, and the keys to her house in her purse. Mrs.
Green ran after the thief. The thief ran one block (街区), two blocks, three blocks.
      The thief was a young man, so he could run fast. Mrs. Green was not a young woman - she was
73 years old - but she could run fast, too. Mrs. Green stayed right behind the thief. Mrs. Green was
wearing two chopsticks in her hair. The chopsticks had sharp (尖的) ends.
      Mrs. Green took the chopsticks out of her hair. "Maybe I can stab (刺,戳) the thief with these
chopsticks," she thought. "Then he will drop my purse." 
      The thief ran into a building. Mrs. Green followed him. "Help! Stop him!" she shouted. "He has my
purse!" Two police officers were walking near the building. They heard Mrs. Green and ran to help her.
One police officer stayed with Mrs. Green. The other police officer ran after the thief.
       The police officer found the thief at the corner of the building. The thief was looking in Mrs. Green"s
purse. When he saw the police officer, the thief dropped the purse and ran away.
       A few minutes later the police officer caught the thief. He was found under a car and taken to jail
(监狱). The thief will stay in jail for a long time. But the thief was lucky. He was lucky that the police
caught him! Why? 1. What did the thief take from the woman?[     ]
A. Ten dollars
B. Keys
C. A purse
D. A bus pass2. Where did the thief hide?
题型:北京市期末题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。        There was a pleasant feeling of anticipation  (期盼) in the air on my first working-as a teacher day.
But it was not to last.
       It was a Saturday, and I was on the way to my aunt"s. Sitting in the bus, I     1    what I would do to
deal with my little sister and her friend, who were both in     2     third year of primary school. My     3    
and that girl"s mum expected me to help their children with spoken English, and had agreed to     4     me.
       I started my two girl "class". Their school books were on the desk, but I didn"t use them,      5     my
own teaching plan. 
       At the beginning, the girls were calm and studied     6    . But an hour later, after a 15 minute break,
they quit concentrating on study. Instead, they ran about the     7     giggling (咯咯笑) madly, paying     8     
attention to me.
       The room got messier-books and toys covered the floor. I was just about to     9    this when suddenly
the door opened. Their parents looked stunned (受惊吓的).
        My aunt asked, "You have finished the task?" My face    10   , I lied and nodded slightly. Before the
girl"s mum could hand me the money, I     11    out of the house. I knew I couldn"t accept it.
        Being a teacher with a messy ending is surely    12   
题型:北京市期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。      Tracy sat at the kitchen table daydreaming. She was thinking about the used bike she planned to buy.
She was making a list of things she wanted to do to fix up the bike. On her list, Tracy had written new
seat, paint, and bell. Then she thought, "I want to make sure drivers see me on my bike. I"ll add reflectors
to my list."
       Tracy"s dad walked into the kitchen. "What are you doing?" he asked.
       "Oh, I"m just thinking about the bike I want to buy", Tracy said. "I had hoped to earn enough on my
paper route the first week to buy it, but I only made fifteen dollars. I hope the bike is still there after I get
paid next week."
        "Well, if you would like to earn the money tomorrow, you can help me," Tracy"s dad said.
        "Doing what?" Tracy asked eagerly.
        "I"m washing windows in the morning," her dad said. "I could use five dollars" worth of help."
         Even though it was a Saturday, Tracy got up quite early. She washed the inside of all of the windows.
By twelve o"clock, she finished and had the money in her hand. Just as she was ready to leave, her mom
called to her, "Tracy, did you make your bed?" Tracy rushed to her bedroom and made her bed. Finally, she
headed for the door. She raced down the street to where the bike was for sale. Luckily, It was still there. The
owner noticed Tracy looking at the bike. "Would you like to buy it?" asked the owner.
        "I sure would! I have twenty dollars," Tracy answered, pulling the money out of her pocket. 
         Within minutes Tracy rode away wearing a huge smile. She circled the block several times. She wanted
her friends to see her on her new bike.
题型:北京市期末题难度:| 查看答案
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