当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 任务型阅读。     Now and then we all get ill. Then we usually go to see a doctor. Doct...
题型:0115 期中题难度:来源:
任务型阅读。     Now and then we all get ill. Then we usually go to see a doctor. Doctors know a lot about what makes
us ill. They may give us something to take. The medicine often makes us well again.
     But sometimes the doctor"s medicine doesn"t work. A sick person does not get well. The pain will not
go away. This happened to one man. He was in hospital, but he was not getting well. Then he found a new
"doctor" inside himself. This "doctor" was his own sense of humor. He saw funny films. He read funny
books. And something wonderful happened. Laughing took away his pain. Then he was able to sleep and
rest. His own happy feeling helped him to feel well again. He said laughing was his best "medicine". His
doctor thought so, too.
     Another man was ill, and he had a terrible pain in his back. The doctors could not stop it from hurting.
So the man began to "Picture" his pain. In his head he "drew" a picture of a dog. He imagined it as a real
dog. And he made friends with the dog. And his pain went away!
     These stories may surprise you. But more and more people are getting well in this way. So visit the
"doctor" inside your own head and you can stay happy and well. 1. Does medicine always work?
2. Who is the first sick man"s new "doctor"?
3. Who made the second patient well again, the doctor or the "dog" in his head? 
4. Why does the writer ask us to visit the "doctor" inside our head?
5. What can you learn from this story?
1. No, it isn"t.
2. His own sense of humor.
3. The "dog" in his head.
4. We can stay happy and well.
5. Sometimes a patient can help himself in his own way. (To stay happy is a good way for people to keep
试题【任务型阅读。     Now and then we all get ill. Then we usually go to see a doctor. Doct】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     Once there was a girl who really hated her name. Her name was Ghagra Geeta Bali. She hoped she could
be born again to have a nice name like Rita.
     One Tuesday, Ghagra Geeta Bali and her mother went shop-ping. There were many children outside a
music store. The store had an activity to sell tapes. Everyone who bought a tape had a chance to see the singer
of the songs. This singer was a great favorite with teenagers. Ghagra Geeta Bali liked him, too.
     To take part in the activity, everyone had to give his or her name. Then a girl would write down the names
and pick one to meet the singer.
     But when her mother asked if she wanted to take part, Ghagra Geeta Bali said no. She did not want to say
her name in front of so many people. But her mother went up and said, "Please write down my daughter"s
name. It is Ghagra Geeta Bali. There she is..." and she pointed to her daughter. Then everyone turned to look
at Ghagra Geeta Bali. At that moment, she wanted to disappear into a hole.
     However, she received a call from the music store the following week. They told her that she was very
lucky. "It is all because of your name," the store owner said. "The singer thought you were such a brave girl
and he couldn"t wait to meet you. So, get ready for the time of your life, Ghagra Geeta Bali!" 1. Ghagra Greeta Bali went to ______ with her mother one day. [     ]
A. do some shopping
B. make a music tape
C. meet children in the store
D. meet a singer 2. The store held an activity to sell ______ that day. [     ]
A. clothes
B. school things
C. tapes
D. cheap food 3. If a child wanted to meet the singer of the tape, he (she) had to write down his (her)            . [     ]
A. address
B. name
C. telephone number
D. school 4. Ghagra Greeta Bali didn"t hope others knew her name because she thought her name sounded ______. [     ]
A. nice
B. bad
C. beautiful
D. wonderful 5. Ghagra Greeta Bali got a surprise from ______. [     ]
A. her mother
B. the singer
C. the store
D. her teacher
题型:0115 期中题难度:| 查看答案
动词填空。     My aunt is an engineer in America. She (1)________(work) in the Company of Microsoft since 1996.
Last month she (2)________(come) back to China. We were happy to see her on Thanksgiving Day. After
lunch, we showed her around our hometown.
     "This hotel (3)________(build) last year. Look, the workers (4)_______(put) up another one over there."
     "What a great change!" she said.
     "We (5)________(plant) more trees and flowers in the town soon. And we"ll do something to stop the
factories from (6)________(pour) the waste into the river." I told her.
     My aunt was very pleased with what she had seen. When we asked her (7) ________(stay) longer, she
answered."No, I can"t. I must (8)________(fly) to Beijing tomorrow. I have an important lecture to give.
If I (9)________ (have) time, I"ll certainly come back again. Though I Live in America, I"ll always be
Chinese. I should do something for our hometown. Let"s (10)________(make) contribution to it together.
题型:0115 期中题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Mrs. White was wealthy. She lived alone in a large comfortable house where her children and
grandchildren frequently (定期) came to visit her. However she was   1  . She spent a lot of time
thinking about her old age and about her dead husband. Her children   2   about her and asked
Dr. Green to see her.
     Mrs. Green was an experienced doctor, She knew old people became sad in their ways and don"t
like to be   3   what to do. She decided to get to know Mrs. White before she said anything. During
the visit, Dr. Green asked Mrs. White to give her a   4   of the house. Mrs. White was   5   her house
and happily agreed. As they walked from room to room, Dr. Green noticed that there were a lot of
violets (紫罗兰) in every window. She asked, "Why do you have so many violets?" Mrs. White replied,
"I love these flowers and they grow so fast that I have more and more." When the tour of the house
was over, Dr. Green said "I have one   6   to make. Whenever you   7   a friend or a neighbour that is
ill or getting married, give them one of your violets."
     Mrs. White said nothing about the doctor"s advice and for a few months   8   the visit, she didn"t
give away any of her violets. Then one day she was invited to the   9   of her neighbour"s daughter. She
put a ribbon (彩带) on one of her potted (盆栽的) plants and took it to party. Later one of her friends
was sick so she took a violet plant to him in the hospital. Gradually (渐渐地) she began to give more
and more her potted violets to her  10 .
     Over the years she  11  so many that she became known as the  12  lady.
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题型:0101 期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:0101 期中题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. unhappy     
(     )2. A. talked       
(     )3. A. told          
(     )4. A. view           
(     )5. A. familiar with  
(     )6. A. decision       
(     )7. A. watch          
(     )8. A. during         
(     )9. A. wedding        
(     )10. A. grandchildren   
(     )11. A. sold out       
(     )12. A. first           
B. lonely    
B. thought   
B. invited     
B. tour        
B. interested in      
B. agreement   
B. need        
B. after        
B. lecture     
B. children    
B. set up      
B. famous      
C. bored        
C. worried       
C. ordered        
C. sight         
C. fond of        
C. suggestion      
C. want           
C. before        
C. meeting        
C. neighbors     
C. kept on        
C. violet      
D. surprised   
D. learned     
D. proud of                           
D. plan        
D. hear        
D. until       
D. funeral     
D. relations   
D. gave away   
D. helpful     
     Mount Qomolangma is the highest mountain in the world. It is in the Himalayan (喜玛拉雅) Mountains
between Nepal (尼泊尔) and China, and it is 8900 meters high. Sir Edmund Hillary from New Zealand and
Tenzing Norgay from Nepal were the first people ever to climb Mount Everest in 1953. Men from several
different countries climbed it after that.
     Junko Tabei, a Japanese was the first woman to make this difficult climb. A Japanese newspaper-television
company chose the fifteen women from mountaineering clubs to climb Mourn Qomolangma in 1975. The
group climbed for several days. Then there was an accident. The heavy ice and snow hurt ten of the women.
They had to stop climbing. The other five went on climbing.
     Only Ms. Tabei was able to climb the last 70 meters. She was standing on the top of the world. She was
the first woman there. Ms Tabei was 35 years old at the time. She started climbing mountains in 1960. She
still climbs mountains. She is not an ordinary Japanese housewife. Ms. Tabei makes money for her trips by
teaching English and piano to children. She climbs a mountain about every three years. She has climbed some
of the highest mountains in six countries. Finally, she wants to climb the highest mountain in every country in
the world. When she reaches the top of a mountain, she thinks, "I"m glad that I"m at the top."
1. Mount Qomolangma is ______.
[     ]
A. an ordinary mountain
B. the highest mountain in the world
C. in the southwest of China
D. close to Nepal
2. The climber from New Zealand first climbed Mount Qomolangma in ______.
[     ]
A. 1975
B. 1960
C. 1935
D. 1953
3. What happened to ten of the women climbers on the way to the top of Mount Qomolangma?
[     ]
A. They were too tired to climb to it.
B. There was no air for them.
C. The heavy snow stopped them.
D. They were hurt by heavy ice and snow.
4. How many women climbed up to Mount Qomolangma in 1975?
[     ]
A. One.
B. Five.
C. Ten.
D. Fifteen.
5. What kind of person is Ms, Tabei?
[     ]
A. She"s a housewife who has climbed many high mountains in the world.
B. She teaches children English and piano to make money.
C. She"s a usual housewife who helps a lot at home.
D. She climbed the highest mountain in the world many times.
     John, 83, got on a Chicago bus and saw a sign saying that senior citizens could ride for half fare. When
he dropped his three quarters in the box, the driver asked him for ID card. John took out an ID card. "You
need a special CTA (Chicago Transit Authority) card, "said the driver. John didn"t have it because he lives in
New York and was in Chicago visiting his two sons. 
     "Put in another three quarters," said the driver, "or get off the bus."
     John said, "Give me back my quarters and I"ll get off."
     "I can"t-it"s in the box. If you don"t get off, I"ll call the police, "said he, which he did. Two police cars
pulled up.
     "That"s what you called me for?" one policeman asked after hearing the story. Another policeman then
said to John, "I"11 give you three quarters."
     John shook his head, "Why should you give me the quarters? He has to give me my quarters."
     "Come on." the policemen said. "We"ll get you your card." So they took him downtown to the CTA office.
But the people there wouldn"t give him a CTA card-he needed a picture.
     "What about his quarters?"one policeman asked. The officials discussed, and the decision was made to
give John"s quarters back.
     John got on another bus later, dropped the three quarters in the box, and said, "I"m a senior citizen..."The
driver looked at John and nodded. He didn"t know how lucky he was to be a sensible (通情达理的) man.
1. With a Chicago Transit Authority card ______.
[     ]
A. men of authority can ride on a bus for half fare
B. senior citizens can pay only half fare for a bus ride
C. men of authority can ride on a bus paying only-three quarters
D. senior citizens can pay only three quarters for a bus ride
2. John needs a special CTA Card most probably because ______.
[     ]
A. he is not a senior citizen
B. he is not a citizen of Chicago
C. he is only visiting his two sons
D. he has lost his ID card
3. The decision made by the CTA office was ______.
[     ]
A. to give John a CTA card then and there
B. to refuse to give John"s quarters back
C. to return the three quarters to John
D. to ask him to pay more
4. The second driver let John ride on his bus because ______.
[     ]
A. now John produced his CTA card
B. he knew John was a very difficult man
C. he was kind enough to help the aged
D. the policemen were with John
5. The suitable title for the above passage is ______.
[     ]
A. Giving No Quarters 
B. Giving No More Quarters
C. A Sensible Driver
D. A Senior Citizen