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题型:0108 期末题难度:来源:
Fill in each blank with a word according to the information given.     Once in a while I was teaching English at a college in Boston, a foreign student came to class and was happy
with the first snow he has ever seen. Very excited, he shyly said to me, "I am writing a poem (诗) about the
    The next day, after more snow had fallen, he said he had bought boots but was having "much trouble with
slipping (滑) and falling." 
    After another heavy snow, I met my foreign student on the playground with deep snow. "How are you?" "I
have thrown away my poem."
1. Once in a while the writer was teaching _______ at a college in ________.
2. The student was so happy with the first snow he has ever seen that he wanted to _______ a ______.
3. The story doesn"t say this, but we can know from it that it _______  _______ in the student"s own
4. When the teacher asked how the student was, she wanted to know if he was _______  _______ with snow
5. It was not easy for the foreign student _______  _______ balance in the snow.
1. English, Boston   2. write, poem   3. never snows / doesn"t snow   4. all right   5. to keep
试题【Fill in each blank with a word according to the information given.     Once in a】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     I"ve 1ived my mother"s desk since I was just tall enough to see above the top of it as mother sat doing
letters.Standing by the chair, looking at the ink, bottle, pen and white paper, I decided that the act of writing
must be the wonderful thing in the world.
     Years later, during her final illness, mother kept different things for my sister and brother, "But the desk,"
she said again, "is for Elizabeth." I never saw her anger, never saw her cry. I knew she loved me: she showed
it in action. But I still remember when I was a young girl, I wanted heart-to-heart talks between mother and
daughter.They never happened. I was "too emotional", but Mother only lived "on the surface". And a gulf
appeared between us. I couldn"t understand her.
     As years passed, I had my own family. I got to know her love, and I wrote to her in careful words and
asked her to let me know in any way she chose that she did forgive me. I posted the letter and waited for her
answer. None came. I became disappointed. I Couldn"t be sure that the letter had even got to mother. It
seemed nothing had happened.
     Now the present of her desk told me why she had never been able to answer me.I cleaned the desk
carefully and found some papers inside-a photo 0f my father and a one-page letter, folded and refolded many
times. It was just my letter!
     Mother, you always chose the act that speaks other than words.1.The writer began to love her mother"s desk ______. [     ]
A.after mother died
B.after she became a writer
C.when she was a child
D.when mother gave it to her 2.The pas sage shows that ______. [     ]
A.Mother was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her
B.Mother was very angry with her daughter in words
C.Mother cared much about her daughter in words
D.Mother wrote to her daughter in careful words 3.The word "gulf" in the second paragraph means ______. [     ]
C.建议 4.What did the mother do with her daughter"s letter? [     ]
A.She had never received the 1etter.
B.For years, she often talked about the letter.
C.She didn"t forgive her daughter at all in her 1ife.
D.She read the letter again and again till she died. 5.What"s the best title of the passage?[     ]
A.A Letter to Mother.
B.Mother and Daugher
C.Daughter"s life
D.Mother"s life
题型:河北省期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读下列语段,把它们组成一篇连贯的短文。(A) Half an hour later, a knock was heard on the farmer house"s door, and there stood the artist, saying, "I
can"t take the smell." "All right," said the lawyer, "I"ll sleep in the barn." And off he went.
(B) A lawyer, an artist and a musician got lost in the woods. At last they came to a farmer"s house and asked
if he could let them stay for the night.
(C)"You"re two sissies (女人气的男子)," said the musician. "I"ll sleep in the barn." Thirty minutes later, came
another knock. When they opened the door, there stood all the animals from the barn.
(D)"Sure," the farmer said. "But I"ve got room for only two of you in the house. The other one will have to
sleep in the barn (牲畜棚) with the animals, and the smell is very bad there." "I"ll sleep in the barn," the artist
(E) In a while there was another knock on the door. "I felt terrible with the smell from the bad food," the
lawyer said in an angry way. The right order is 1.             2.            3.             4.             5.             
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Lucy bought shoes from shoe factory and tried to sell them to people. There were not many   1   in
small villages. People there didn"t want to go to town to buy their shoes. So Lucy   2   a lot of shoes there.
One day Lucy   3   along the street. She stopped in front of a house. There was a small boy beside the door.
Lucy opened the window of her lorry (运货汽车) and asked the boy, "Hello! Is your mother   4  ?" The boy
looked at Lucy. Then he answered, "Yes, she is." "That"s   5  ," Lucy said. She got out of the lorry, took
some   6   and went to the door of the house. She   7   the door and waited for a few   8  , but nobody came
to answer the door.
     Lucy knocked again and waited for a few more minutes, but   9   no one answered. Then Lucy looked
at the boy and said  10 , "Your mother is not at home!"
     "She is!" the boy said.
     "Why didn"t she open the door?"
     "This is not my house!" the boy shouted.
题型:0115 期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:0115 期中题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1.A. shops  
(     )2.A. made    
(     )3.A. moved   
(     )4.A. in      
(     )5.A. bad     
(     )6.A. flowers 
(     )7.A. opened  
(     )8.A. days    
(     )9.A. yet    
(     )10.A. kindly  
B. towns      
B. sold     
B. passed     
B. out        
B. good       
B. baskets    
B. looked at   
B. hours      
B. always     
B. happily  
C. stations    
C. bought      
C. walked      
C. home         
C. instead      
C. shoes        
C. looked for   
C. months       
C. still        
C. angrily    
D. buildings      
D. showed         
D. drove        
D. well            
D. possible        
D. dresses         
D. knocked at                  
D. minutes         
D. already         
D. friendly      
     It was Sunday morning. Tom and his friend Dick went to the river to go fishing. Tom took his dog Tim
with him.The dog usually sat quietly on the river bank.But sometimes when he saw a small animal or a bird,
he would run after and try to catch it.Dick hated the dog very much because the dog frightened (惊吓) fish.
     "Why do you bring your dog here?" said Dick to Tom. "Look at him. He"s running here and there. All the
fish are frightened and swim away. We must keep quiet if we want to catch a fish."
     "You are right," answered Tom. Then he shouted at his dog.
     "Be quiet, Tim." But Tim didn"t listen to him.
      "We"ll never catch a fish now. Shall we go home, Dick?" said Tom. "Next time I shall not bring him
again." "Wait," said Dick. "A fish is biting my line. I can feel it." 
     "Be careful!" said Tom. "Don"t step forward, or you will fall into the water,"
      But it was too late, Dick was so excited that he forgot the danger. He stepped forward to pull the line.
Down fell the boy into the water.
      "Help, help! I can"t swim." Dick shouted, struggling in the river. But Tom could not swim, either, just at
that moment, Tim came out! The brave dog jumped into the water and then pulled Dick onto the river bank
with his teeth biting Dick"s shirt, Dick was saved. He was still holding the line in his hand. On its end was a
big fish.
     "Look," he said. "I"ve caught the fish." 
     "No, you haven"t," said Tom, "Tim caught you and the fish."
1. What did Tom and Dick do on a Sunday morning?
    They           .
[     ]
A. went shopping
B. went fishing
C. went swimming
D. went skating
2. Who fell into the water and got wet?
[     ]
A. Tom
B. Tim
C. Dick
D. Dick and Tim
3. Who was good at swimming?
[     ]
A. Tom
B. Tim
C. Dick
D. Tim and Dick
4. Who jumped into the water to save Dick?
[     ]
A. Tom
B. Nobody
C. Tim and Tom
D. Tim
5. What do you think of the dog? I think the dog was           .
[     ]
A. a useful animal to man
B. a clever animal
C. good at fishing
D. afraid of fish
     Mr. White was a chicken farmer. He had hundreds of chickens, and sold the eggs and the meat and got
quite a lot of money from them, but he lived a very hot part of the country, and he found that his hens could
hardly lay any eggs in the summer. He decided to put air-conditioning (空调) into his chicken-house so that
the hens would lay well all through the year and he could get more eggs and in that way get more money.
     The owner of the air-conditioning company came to see him, and when he saw Mr. White house, he
thought that he might be able to persuade (劝说) him to buy some air-conditioning for that too.
      "Your wife would be much happier and have a nice house to live in then," he said to Mr. White. But
Mr. White was not interested.
     "My wife doesn"t lay eggs."
(     )1. Mr. White hens could lay few eggs when the weather was too hot.
(     )2. Mr. White decided to buy air-conditioning for his house because he wanted to make his wife much
(     )3. The owner of the company hoped to put air-conditioning into both Mr. White"s house and his
(     )4. Air-conditioning in Mr. White"s house would not bring him more money.
(     )5. Neither Mr. White nor the owner of the company wanted to get more money.