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完型填空。      Long ago, a young man often said that he was very   1   and owned nothing. One day, an old man
walked   2  . He heard the young man"s words and said, "Hello, young man! What are you   3   about?
You have nothing? That"s not true! You have the most expensive things in the world,   4   you are a rich
person." The young man was very surprised and asked, "  5   do you say that? You can see I have nothing?
What are these expensive things?" Then   6   old man said, "If you sell your eyes to a rich blind man, you"ll
   7   a lot of money and can get everything you want. Would you like to sell them?" The young man didn"t
want to be blind, so he said, "NO." The old man asked again, "Then what about   8   your hands for some
gold?" The young man shook his   9   for the second time. Finally, the old man said,"Now you understand.
You have the most expensive things in the world." So, the old man taught both the young man and us a
lesson-  10  is the most important for us.
试题【完型填空。      Long ago, a young man often said that he was very   1   and owned not】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
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(     )1. A. poor        
(     )2. A. across      
(     )3. A. talking     
(     )4. A. but         
(     )5. A. What        
(     )6. A. the         
(     )7. A. save        
(     )8. A. putting up  
(     )9. A. eye         
(     )10. A. gold       
B. rich          
B. past         
B. drawing       
B. and         
B. When         
B. a            
B. buy         
B. washing      
B. leg           
B. time     
C. healthy        
C. through       
C. singing        
C. so          
C. Why             
C. an           
C. make          
C. turning       
C. hand          
C. health        

D. strong     
D. away       
D. telling    
D. however    
D. How                       
D. /            
D. collect    
D. selling    
D. money      

1-5 ABACC   6-10 ACDDC
     A traveler was once staying in a village of another country. One day, she held up her camera to take
pictures of the children at play. Suddenly the young ones began to shout in protest (反对). 
    The traveller"s face turned red and she said sorry to the head for what she was doing, and told him
she had forgotten that people in some places thought a person would lose his soul (灵魂) if his picture
was taken. 
     She explained (解释) to him the operation of a camera for a long time. Several times the head tried
to say something, but he couldn"t. 
     When she was sure she had put the head"s fear (害怕) to rest, the traveler then let him speak. With
a smile, he said, "The children were trying to tell you that you forgot to take off the cap (镜头盖)!"
1. The children shouted when the traveler was taking pictures of them because ______.
[     ]
A. they didn"t want to have their pictures taken
B. The traveler was not doing well with her camera
C. They didn"t want to stop playing
D. The traveler forgot to take off the cap on her head
2. The traveler said sorry to the head because ______.
[     ]
A. she thought it was not right to take people"s pictures without telling them beforehand (事先)
B. the children would lose their souls
C. she had stayed in the village too long
D. she didn"t take a picture of the head first
3. The traveler explained how to use a camera to the head because ______.
[     ]
A. the head wanted to learn how to take pictures
B. She was afraid of the head
C. She wanted the head not to worry about what she was doing
D. The head was very interested in her camera
4. Which of the following is NOT true?
[     ]
A. the head was afraid that the traveler held up her camera to take pictures of the children at play.
B. The traveler didn"t understand why the children shouted.
C. The traveler knew something about people in some countries.
D. The children wouldn"t mind if the traveler took pictures of them.
      Mr. Bill liked shooting very much but he was never good at it. A month ago some of his friends visited
him in his house and saw a new target (靶子) which Bill had put several days ago in his garden.
      His friends went nearer and looked at this beautiful target. There was a hole (洞) right in the middle of
the target. When they asked who had shot the target, Bill said he had. They all laughed and said, "How far
away were you, Bill? Two feet?" But Bill said he was fifty yards (码) away.
      Then Mr. Bill"s wife explained about the hole in the middle. She said, "Bill went to a shop and bought a
very big piece of wood. He brought it home in a car, put it in the garden and shot at it from fifty yards away.
Then he drew a target round the hole and cut the wood."
1. One day some of Bill"s friends saw ______ in his garden.
[     ]
A. a very big piece of wood
B. a very nice target
C. a hole
D. a very beautiful picture
2. Why did Bill"s friends laugh? Because ______.
[     ]
A. Bill shot the target right in the middle
B. The target was very beautiful
C. Bill shot the target only two feet away
D. They didn"t believe that Bill could shoot the target in the middle
3. What did Bill do after he shot at the wood from 50 yards away?
[     ]
A. He drew a target round the hole.
B. He bought it in a car.
C. He put it in the garden.
D. He cut the wood.
4. Bill was ______.
[     ]
A. good at shooting
B. not a good shooter
C. interested in drawing pictures
D. interested in making targets.
     It can be dangerous to travel by sea. Ships sometimes sink far away from land. When this happens,
the sailors (水手) have to get into small boats. If another ship does not come and help them and they do
not have enough food or water, they may die.
      Most people believe we must not drink sea water. They believe that if we do, we shall be very ill
because of all the salt in the water. A doctor called Alain Bombard did not believe this. He thought that
people could stay alive by drinking sea water and eating small fish, animals, and plants from the sea. On
19 October 1953, he set out in a small boat to cross the Atlantic Ocean. He did not take any food or water
with him. 
     Every day Dr. Bombard drank just a little sea water. He also caught fish and they had water in them.
He took small plants from the sea, which gave him more food.
     Dr. Bombard became hot, tired and quite ill, but after 65 days at sea he was still alive. He traveled
2750 miles from one side of the Atlantic Ocean to the other, and on 24 December 1953, he reached
     He lost 20 kilos, but he showed that people could live on sea water and animals and plants in the sea.
1. What is this story about?
[     ]
A. Drinking sea water.
B. A dying sailor.
C. A clever doctor.
D. A happy journey.
2. Alain Bombard wanted to show that ______.
[     ]
A. sea water was dangerous
B. fish and plants were good for people
C. people could drink sea water and not die
D. sailors often died when they were traveling on the sea
    Today is Saturday, Tom"s wife is cleaning the house. 
    "Look at all these umbrellas." Tom"s wife says to him. "There are eight and they are all broken (坏的)."
    "I want to take them all to the umbrella shop. Let the shop keeper — Mr Smith mend them." Tom says.
    Tom takes them to the shop. Mr Smith asks him to get them home on Sunday. Tom goes home from the
shop by bus. He sits beside an old woman. She has an umbrella on the floor near her.
    On the bus, Tom takes the old woman"s umbrella by mistake. 
    "Hey!" The woman says. "That"s mine." 
    "I"m so sorry." Tom says and gives the umbrella to the old woman.
    On Sunday, he gets the umbrellas from the umbrella shop and gets on the bus. He sits down, a woman says
to him, "You take so many umbrellas. You certainly have a successful (成功的) day!" She is the old woman
Tom met on Saturday.
1. Tom"s wife finds the broken umbrellas _________.
[     ]
A. in a shop
B. in their house
C. on the bus
D. in the street
2. Tom takes the umbrellas to a shop _________.
[     ]
A. to sell
B. to mend
C. to throw away
D. to give them to others
3. On the bus, Tom _________.
[     ]
A. takes a woman"s umbrella.
B. finds his umbrella.
C. buys an umbrella
D. gives his umbrella to an old woman.
4. Who can mend the umbrella?
[     ]
A. Tom.
B. Tom"s wife.
C. The old woman.
D. Mr Smith.
5. What does the old woman think of Tom?
[     ]
A. a shop keeper.
B. an umbrella seller.
C. a thief.
D. a mender.
    Tom is five years old. He has no brothers or sisters. He is a lovely boy. He doesn"t go to school because
he is too young. He likes to play with other children in the small park every day.
     The park is near his building. In the park there are interesting things to see and play with.
     Tom"s parents love him very much. They often buy him nice things. This time, his mother buys some
new clothes for him. The clothes are expensive and nice. Tom is very happy to wear them. 
     "Mum, can I go out and play with my friends? I want them to see my new clothes," asks Tom. "All
right, but please keep your clothes clean," says Mum. "I am going to do some cooking. We will have supper
after your father comes back." At about six, his father comes back from work. And Tom goes home for
     "Why do you have much earth (泥土) on your clothes?" asks his mother.
     "Because I have some falls (摔跤)," answers Tom. "You should not make the nice clothes dirty", Mother
     "I"m sorry, Mum", says Tom, "But I have no time to take off my clothes when I fall."
1. Tom ______.

[     ]

A. is six years old
B. is a student
C. is five years old
D. has a brother and a sister
2. How do you know Tom"s parents love him very much?

[     ]

A. They let him play with other small children.
B. They let watch TV all day.
C. They often buys some nice things for him.
D. Tom doesn"t go to school.
3. How does Tom make his clothes dirty?

[     ]

A. Hi friends make his clothes dirty.
B. He has some falls.
B. He doesn"t like the new clothes.
D. He takes off his new clothes and puts them on the dirty earth.
4. The word "lovely" means ______.

[     ]

A. 淘气的
B. 可爱的
C. 好看的
D. 喜爱的
5. Which is not right?

[     ]

A. Tom doesn"t go to school.
B. There is a small park near his home.
C. Before Tom falls, he takes off his clothes.
D. Tom often goes out to play with his friends.