当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 根据短文内容补全下列句子。     Dick was a twenty-year-old man. His father was a teacher and t...
根据短文内容补全下列句子。     Dick was a twenty-year-old man. His father was a teacher and taught chemistry in a middle school and
his mother worked in a shop. They lived a happy life until his parents died one night when there was an
earthquake (地震). Luckily his sister had taken him to see their aunt in the city and they were not at home.
Everything was destroyed in the earthquake and the two children got into trouble. Thanks to their aunt, who
was not rich, they grew up but they lived a hard life. Dick"s sister was so sad that she became a nun (修女).
After Dick finished middle school, he found a job in a hotel and began to work there.
     One day the young man fell to the ground while he was cleaning a window on the second floor. He was
sent to the hospital and the doctor looked him over. One of his legs was broken and he had to stay in hospital.
He said to the nurse, "I"m a poor man, madam. Arrange a third-class ward for me, please."
     "Can"t any body help you?" she asked. 
     "No, madam," answered Dick. "I have only a sister. She"s a nun and she"s poor, too."
     "I don"t think so," the nurse said angrily. "Nuns usually marry God. And God is the richest person in the
world, you know!"
     "Well, then," Dick said with a smile, "Please arrange a first-class ward for me and send the bill to my
brother-in-law (姐夫)." 1. Dick and his sister lived a happy life until ______.
2. Their aunt was not rich, so they grew up but ______.
3. After Dick finished middle school, ______.
4. Dick asked the nurse to arrange a third-class ward for him because ______.
5. "Ward" means ______ in Chinese.
1. his parents died one night when there was an earthquake
2. they lived a hard life
3. he found a job in a hotel
4. he didn"t have enough money to pay the bill
5. 病房
试题【根据短文内容补全下列句子。     Dick was a twenty-year-old man. His father was a teacher and t】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     Tom was from Canada and he had come to New York for a holiday. One day he was not feeling well,
so he asked a man of his hotel to find a doctor. The man said, "Thomas Brown is a good doctor." Tom said,
"Thank you very much. Is he expensive?" "Well" the man answered, "he always asks his patients (病人) for
two dollars if they are first visit. One dollar if they are later visit." Tom decided to save one dollar, so when
he went to see the doctor, he said, "I"ve come again, doctor." For a few minutes the doctor looked at his
face carefully without saying anything. Then he said, "Everything"s going as it should do. Oh, I gave you
medicine last time, didn"t I? Just go on with it." 1. Tom came to New York ______. A. to see a good doctor
B. for a holiday
C. to feel ill
D. to find a doctor 2. Doctor Thomas Brown asked for ______ for the first time. A. one dollar
B. two dollars
C. nothing
D. three dollars 3. The doctor looked at Tom"s face carefully because ______. A. he knew Tom
B. he had seen Tom before
C. there was something wrong with his face
D. he wanted to know if Tom had been here before 4. Tom said,"I"ve come again, doctor." Because he ______. A.wanted to be friendly to the doctor
B.wanted to make the doctor happy
C.wanted to make the doctor angry
D.tried to make the doctor believe that he had been to him before 5. The doctor knew that ______. A. Tom didn"t want any medicine
B. he hadn"t seen Tom before
C. he had given Tom some medicine before
D. Tom wasn"t feeling ill
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
asked  ago  because  well  going  little
But  after  try your best  herself
      Mr Brown likes singing very much, but he is very bad at it. (1) He went to dinner at a friend"s house
last week, and there were some other guests there, too.
      They had a good dinner, and then the hostess went to Mr Brown and said, "You can sing, Peter. Please
(2) sing us something."
      Mr Brown was very happy, and he began to sing an old song about the mountains of England. The guests
listened to it for a few minutes and then (3) one of the guests began to cry. She was a small woman. 
      One of the other guests went to her, put his hand on her back and said, "Please don"t cry. Are you English?"
      Another young man asked, "Do you love England?" "No," she answered, "I"m not English, and I"ve never
been to England. I"m a singer, and I love music!"
1. 将划线部分(1)合并为一句:
     He went to dinner  ______ at a friend"s house last week. 
2.  完成句子,使其意思与划线部分(2)相同。
     Please sing _______ us.
3.   在划线部分(3)中,one 指代 ________. 
根据短文内容,判断正误(T) (F) 。
(     )4. Peter was Mr Brown’s given name.                                       
(     )5. Mr Brown didn’t do well in singing.                                    
(     )6. The guests asked Mr Brown to sing them a song.                          
(     )7. All the guests listened to him very carefully and happily.              
(     )8. Mr Brown sang a popular song.                                           
(     )9. One guest heard Mr Brown’s song and cried because she came from England.  
     It was windy and cold when a store owner was sticking a sign above his door that read "Pets for Sale."
Just as he expected, soon a little boy appeared at the sign."How much are you going to sell those dogs for?"
he asked.   
     The store owner answered, "Anywhere from $30-$50." The little boy reached into his pocket and pulled
out some change. "I have $2.37; can I  1  them?" The store owner smiled, and then turned back and called.
Five little dogs ran down toward  2  but one was falling behind.
     Immediately the little boy  3  it and said "What"s wrong with that little dog?" The man explained that the
little dog was born disabled, it would never be able to walk  4 .
     The little boy got really  5  and said "That"s the dog I want to buy!" 
     The man replied "No, you don"t want to buy that little dog. If you really want him, I"ll give him to you."
The little boy got quite  6 . He looked straight into the man"s eyes, pointing his finger and said, "I don"t want
you to give him to me. He is worth every  7  as much as the other dogs and I"ll pay the  8  price. In fact, I"ll
give you $2.37 now and 50 cents every month  9  I have him paid for."
     The man said, "You really don"t want to buy this pet. He is never going to be able to run, jump and play
like other dogs!"
     On hearing this, the little boy reached down and rolled up his trousers leg to show his left leg  10  by a
big metal stick. He looked up at the man and said, "Well, I don"t run so well myself, and the little dog will
need someone who  11 ."
     In life, it doesn"t matter  12  you are, but whether someone appreciates you for what you are, accepts
you and loves you unconditionally.
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(     )1. A. look after  
(     )2. A. him         
(     )3. A. received    
(     )4. A. quickly     
(     )5. A. encouraged  
(     )6. A. sad       
(     )7. A. bit         
(     )8. A. right       
(     )9. A. after       
(     )10. A. invented    
(     )11. A. understands
(     )12. A. how        
B. look at 
B. her    
B. ordered 
B. quietly  
B. excited 
B. bored   
B. part   
B. high   
B. until   
B. protected
B. respects
B. what    
C. pay for  
C. it       
C. showed   
C. properly 
C. worried  
C. angry   
C. kind     
C. fair     
C. since   
C. provided  
C. remembers
C. who      
D. depend on 
D. me        
D. noticed   
D. politely  
D. surprised 
D. afraid    
D. one       
D. full                                           
D. although  
D. supported 
D. collects  
D. where     
     Are you the kind of person who likes staying in unusual places? If the answer is "yes", then try the
world"s coldest hotel in Jukkasjarvi in the north of Sweden. But go in winter or all you"ll find is a pool of
water, because the hotel melts every spring!
     The man who runs the Aortic Hall Hotel is Nils Yngve Bergqvist. He is also the man whose idea it was.
He built his first hotel for an art show in 1991 and he designed the present hotel-over 200 metres
square-himself. It took workmen about two months to put 1,000 tons of snow onto a wooden board. As
the weather got colder, the snow froze and then they removed the board. The whole building and everything
in it is made of snow - except for the wooden front door. There"s a theatre, a jazz club, a radio station and
a large ice bar. As you can imagine, hot drinks are popular with the guests! The rooms have no doors, there
is no furniture, no heating and everyone sleeps on…yes, that"s right…ice beds. But the 800 people who have
stayed at the hotel this winter seem to like it. If you want to stay in one of the ice rooms, it will cost you
about £30 a night. You won"t be very comfortable, but you will receive a survival certificate (生存能力证书)
from the manager!
     When the winter is over, Nils holds his competition every year to predict the day that the hotel will fall.
The person that guessed the day correctly last year received a large painting from an Aortic Hall show.
Bergqvist"s ice hotels are becoming world-famous and he loves his work. He"s already excited about his
next project-an ice hotel that will be bigger and better, he says.
1. Can you visit the Arctic Hall Hotel in summer?
2. Where is the Arctic Hall Hotel? 
3. How much does the hotel cost for one night?
4. What will the manager do next?
5. Why is the Arctic Hall Hotel unusual? 