当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 根据短文内容判断正误,正确A,错误B。     When you are ill, you will see a doctor. The doctor will...
根据短文内容判断正误,正确A,错误B。     When you are ill, you will see a doctor. The doctor will write a note to take to the chemist for some
medicine. Chemists are usually good at reading doctor"s notes. But sometimes doctors write too badly and
even the chemists can"t read them.
     One day a woman wrote to a doctor to invite him to have dinner with her family in the restaurant. The
doctor wrote an answer, but he wrote too badly and the woman could not read it. "What shall I do?" she
asked her husband. "I don"t know whether he is going to come or not. I don"t want to call him and say that
I don"t understand him."
     Her husband thought for a few minutes and then he had and idea."Take it to the chemist," he said. "He
will be able to read it for us." The woman went to the chemist"s shop and gave the doctor"s"note" to him. The
chemist looked at it for a long time.
     "Could you wait a moment, Miss?" he said. Then he went to the back of the shop. After a few minutes he
came back, carrying a large bottle (瓶子). He gave the bottle to the woman.
     "Take one spoonful (一匙) every day," he told the woman. (     )1. The doctor invited the woman to dinner one day.                             
(     )2. The woman couldn "t read the note because the doctor wrote it badly.        
(     )3. The husband asked his wife to go to the chemist"s shop and get some medicine.
(     )4. The chemist gave the woman a large bottle of medicine.                      
(     )5. In fact, the chemist didn"t know the meaning of the doctor"s note at all.   
1-5      BABAA
试题【根据短文内容判断正误,正确A,错误B。     When you are ill, you will see a doctor. The doctor will】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空。     I heard a story about a famous scientist who had made several very important achievements. What made
him  1 from others?
    He said it all came from  2  that happened when he was two years old. He tried to  3  a bottle of milk away
from the fridge, but the slippery (光滑的) bottle fell, spilling its milk all over the  4  floor.
    When his mother came in,  5  shouting at him, she said,"Robert, what a great mess (一团糟) you have
made! I have never seen such a big puddle (水坑) of milk. Would you like to get down and play in the milk
for a few minutes  6  we clean it up?"
     Indeed, he did. After a few minutes, his mother said,"Robert, when you make a mess like this, you have to
clean it up at last. So,  7  would you like to do that? We would use a towel or a mop. Which do you prefer?"
He chose the towel and together they cleaned up the milk.
     His mother then said, "We had a failed  8  in how to carry a big milk bottle with two small hands in the
kitchen. Let"s go out and fill the bottle with water and see if you can  9  a way to carry it without dropping it."
The little boy learned that if he held the bottle at the top near the lip (杯口) with both hands, he could carry it
without dropping it.
     This scientist then said that it was at that moment that he knew he didn"t need to be afraid to  10  . So,
what have you learnt from the story?
题型:广西自治区中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. serious         
(     )2. A. an experience   
(     )3. A. pass            
(     )4. A. kitchen         
(     )5. A. from            
(     )6. A. after           
(     )7. A. when            
(     )8. A. experiment      
(     )9. A. look            
(     )10. A. clean the floor
B. similar    
B. advice     
B. bring      
B. bedroom    
B. with       
B. before     
B. what       
B. condition  
B. discover   
B. spill milk 
C. different    
C. a promise    
C. drink        
C. bathroom     
C. because of   
C. as soon as   
C. how          
C. survey       
C. recognize    
C. make mistakes
D. important        
D. an idea          
D. take             
D. living room      
D. instead of       
D. since            
D. why              
D. research         
D. develop                                   
D. realize mistakes 
     Once there was a girl in my class that I thought was beautiful and smart. I believed that she was perfect.
When the time for my birthday came, I  1  her to my party, and she came.
    A few months  2  , it was her birthday. I got a special scarf for her. Thinking about how happy she would
be to receive my gift made me so  3 .
    I asked her when her birthday party was going to be. She replied, "  4   do you want to know? You"re not
invited. You"re just a dog with glasses!"
    I felt really  5  when she said that. I just stood there looking at her. Everyone standing by her came to stand
next to me. Then we all  6 .
    That day, I figured out that even if someone looks perfect, there is a very good possibility that they aren"t.
When it comes to perfection, it"s how someone treats you that is more  7  than how they look.
题型:贵州省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. invited 
(     )2. A. ago     
(     )3. A. excited 
(     )4. A. How     
(     )5. A. good    
(     )6. A. left    
(     )7. A. confident
B. invites
B. before 
B. sad    
B. Why    
B. nice   
B. came   
B. creative
C. inviting 
C. later    
C. relaxed  
C. Who      
C. bad                                                    
C. smiled   
C. important
题型:吉林省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:吉林省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
A. at   B. how   C. sleep   D. story   E. happy   F. something
G. so   H. from   I. better   J. first   K. cleaned   L. healthy
     My friend Peter was kind and lovely. But as a student, he was bad at maths, English and science because
he didn"t have an aptitude (资质) for that kind of study.
     One day we were playing football and the bail got stuck in a tree. Peter climbed the tree to get it, and one
of the teachers, John Marston 9 who was looking out of the window, noticed that he was a talented climber.
Mr Marston was an expert (专家) in climbing. He had climbed many mountains.
     One weekend Mr Marston invited Peter to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Peter really enjoyed the climbing. Mr
Marston told Peter he was a very talented climber for his age. Peter left school three years later with no
qualifications (毕业证), but he kept climbing regularly until he became very good at it. In his early twenties, he
became a professional climber. He said," I"ll always remember Mr Marston because he showed me I had an
ability which no one else, including me, knew about."
1. Which subject was Peter not good at?
2. When did Peter and Mr Marston climb Mount Kilimanjaro? 
3. How did Peter feel about the climbing?
4. What did Mr Marston say about Peter?
5. Did Peter know he had an ability to climb at first? 
     An old farmer lived with his grandson. Each morning, the  1  got up early and read his Bhagavad
Gita (薄迦梵歌).
     One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa! I try to read the book like you  2  I can"t understand it, and I
forget it easily. What"s the  3  of reading it?"
     The grandfather said, "Take this coal (煤炭) basket down to the  4  and bring me back a basket of
     The boy did as his grandfather  5  , but all the water ran  6  he got home. The grandfather laughed,
"You"ll have to move faster next time."
      This time the boy  7   faster, but again the basket was empty. He told his grandfather that is was  8  
to carry water in a basket. He wanted to use a bottle instead, but the old man said, "I just want a basket of
water. You"re not  9   hard enough."
     The boy wanted to show his grandfather that the water would surely run. He again put the  10  into the
river and ran hard. But there wasn"t anything in it again. He said  11 ,"Look, grandpa, it"s useless!"
    "Watch the basket." said the grandfather.
    For the first time the boy  12   the basket was different. It had changed from a dirty old coal basket into
 13   one, inside and out.
     "Boy, you might not understand or remember  14   when you read the book, but when you read it, you
will be  15  , inside and out. That"s what you got from it."
题型:江苏中考真题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. son        
(     )2. A. so         
(     )3. A. time       
(     )4. A. house      
(     )5. A. said       
(     )6. A. as         
(     )7. A. ran        
(     )8. A. difficult  
(     )9. A. hitting    
(     )10. A. hand      
(     )11. A. sadly     
(     )12. A. forgot    
(     )13. A. white     
(     )14. A. nothing   
(     )15. A. different 
B. father    
B. but       
B. place     
B. beach     
B. saw       
B. after     
B. rode      
B. interesting
B. trying    
B.  bottle   
B. hopefully 
B. realized  
B. clean     
B. something 
B. relaxed   
C. grandfather 
C. or          
C. use         
C. lake        
C. liked       
C. until       
C. drove       
C. impossible  
C. holding     
C. basket      
C. excitedly   
C. believed    
C. new         
C. anything    
C. curious     
D. grandmother
D. and       
D. habit     
D. river                                                      
D. did       
D. before    
D. flew      
D. unimportant         
D. studying  
D. coal      
D. happily   
D. remembered
D. black     
D. everything
D. worried