当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 完形填空。     John was so lazy that he stayed home and watched television all day in...
完形填空。     John was so lazy that he stayed home and watched television all day instead of working. One day his
  1  saw a "Help wanted" ad in the supermarket window. The supermarket needed  2  to put things on the
shelves. She told the manager that her husband didn"t have a job but he was very  3 . She told him that John
would come to apply for (申请) the job. 
      4  she got home and told John about the job, he was just watching television attentively. It made her so
angry that she  5  the TV and ordered him to go and see the manager of the supermarket. John didn"t want
his wife to be angry. So he went.
     On the way, John thought if the manager  6  him the job, he wouldn"t be able to stay at home and watch
television all day long. He would have to .  7  in the supermarket every day.
     Then he had  8  . He decided to tell the manager that something was wrong with his shoulder so he  9  
not raise his arm above his head. He was  10  the manager wouldn"t give him the job. When he arrived at the
supermarket, he told the manager that he needed the job. "Are you strong?" the manager asked.
     John explained that he couldn"t raise his  11  above his head. John told him that he  12  an accident at
home while digging in the garden.
     "How  13  can you raise your arm?" the manager asked. John lifted his arm  14  "Only this high," he said.
"And how high could you raise it  15  the accident?" asked the manager. "This high," said John. And he lifted
his arm above his head.
试题【完形填空。     John was so lazy that he stayed home and watched television all day in】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. wife         
(     )2. A. everyone     
(     )3. A. busy         
(     )4. A. Unless       
(     )5. A. gave off     
(     )6. A. sent         
(     )7. A. play         
(     )8. A. an idea      
(     )9. A. may          
(     )10. A. sorry       
(     )11. A. arm         
(     )12. A. had         
(     )13. A. low         
(     )14. A. a great deal
(     )15. A. before      
B. daughter  
B. someone   
B. old       
B. Because   
B. put up    
B. offered   
B. rest      
B. a question
B. should    
B. sure      
B. leg       
B. took      
B. high      
B. very high 
B. after     
C. neighbor  
C. none      
C. strong    
C. Before    
C. turned off
C. told      
C. work      
C. a lesson  
C. must      
C. afraid    
C. foot      
C. happened  
C. far       
C. a little  
C. if        
D. mother  
D. no one  
D. weak    
D. When    
D. turned on
D. called  
D. shop    
D. an order
D. could   
D. shy     
D. shoulder
D. got                             
D. long    
D. a lot   
D. though  
1-5     ABCDC     6-10     BCADB     11-15     AABCA
     It"s an amazing change when a caterpillar (毛毛虫) turns into a butterfly. That just might explain Taiwan
singer Jolin Tsai"s choice of name for her latest album (唱片/专辑).
     On March 27, Tsai will release Flower Butterfly, her first album for Warner, the company she signed to
     The 28-year-old Tsai is known for the challenges she takes on. This time it is ballet. For the video that
goes with the album, she had to pirouette (用脚尖旋转) 20 times without stopping. It was hard going. When
she started training she couldn"t even manage to spin (旋转) three times.
     "It took me longer to learn the move than anything I"ve ever tried!"she said.
     If the ballet was hard, the photo for the album art may have been harder. Tsai had to hang upside down
from a wire for an hour. It was so that her shadow (影子) would seem like a butterfly spreading its wings.
     But Tsai is facing another challenge. Her old record company (唱片公司), EMI will release an album of
music Tsai recorded when she was with the label. This means that Flower Butterfly will be fighting it out in
the market with old Jolin music.
     But Tsai didn"t seem to care about the problems with her old company:
      "I"ve trained myself to be strong. I hope that other girls will follow my example and be themselves. Don"t
be afraid of what other people say. One day you"ll turn into a beautiful butterfly."
1. Taiwan singer Jolin Tsai is famous for ______.
A. her latest album
B. the challenges she takes on
C. Flower Butterfly
D. an amazing change
2. From this passage, we can know ______.
A. Tsai was good at ballet when she was young
B. it took her a short time to learn the move
C. when she started training she couldn"t even manage to spin three times
D. Tsai seemed to care about the problems with her old company
3. Tsai hopes that ______.
A. one day she"ll turn into a beautiful butterfly
B. her shadow would seem like a butterfly spreading its wings
C. other girls will follow her example and be themselves
D. Flower Butterfly will be fighting it out in the market with old Jolin music
     Miyazaki Umi lives in Odawara, Japan. The 15-year-old girl has learned a lot about China from her father
and her school. She likes Chinese culture very much. She has a dream. She hopes one day she can work in
     Different to Umi, Miyata Natsuiyuki"s knowledge of China all comes from a book, Romance of the Three
Kingdoms. The novel is well known in Japan. In this 15-year-old boy"s mind, Chinese people are like the
heroes in the book - they work hard for their dreams.
     Last week, the two finally got a chance to see China. 2008 is the China-Japan Friendly Exchange Year.
Invited by the Suzhou People"s Association for Friendship, organized by Japan"s Children and Life Culture
Association, Umi and Natsuiyuki, together with another 63 Japanese people, made a trip to China.
     They first went to Shanghai. Then, in Suzhou, they saw Kunqu Opera at the Suzhou Art School.
     Umi and Natsuiyuki said they have found out something new about the country.
     In Shanghai, the high buildings amazed Umi. "It seems as if all the tall buildings in Japan are here in
Shanghai," she said.
     Natsuiyuki saw bicycles everywhere in Chinese cities."You don"t see that in Japan. I think it"s good for
the environment to ride bikes."
     Both the boy and the girl think that people in China are very kind and warm-hearted.
     "Though we only speak broken Chinese and English, they always answered my questions patiently," said
     "If you have any difficulties, they come and help you at once," said Natsuiyuki." Even though you cannot
speak the language, you forget you are in a foreign country."
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
Miyazaki UmiMiyata Natsuiyuki
The girl has learned about China from
her father and her school.
His knowledge of China all comes from a book, 1______.
It seems 2______ all the tall buildings in
Japan are here in Shanghai.
He saw bicycles everywhere in Chinese cities. He
thinks 3______ to ride bikes.
Chinese people always answered her
questions patiently
If you have any difficulties, they come and
help you at once
题型:山东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:山东省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
    A man had a little daughter-an only and much-loved child. He lived for her. So
when she became ill, he became a crazy man. He tried everything to bring her health
    However, his efforts didn"t work and the child died. The father was really sad,
shutting himself away from his friends and refusing to do any activity. He didn"t
want anything to bring him back to his normal self until one night he had a dream.
     A few weeks ago, a group of us decided 1______ (go) abroad together for a holiday. When we 2______
(wait) in the queue at passport control, I suddenly 3______ (realize) that I 4______ (leave) my passport at
home. I rang my parents, but they 5______ (work) in the garden. Luckily, my mother finally heard the phone.
My passport 6______ (find) in my trousers pocket. My mother said, "If you cake a taxi this minute you 
7______ (be) able to get on the plane in time." I 8______ (run) all the way to the plane and when at last I
9______ ( get) on it the other passengers 10______ (start) clapping.
     Last Sunday I found a little boy sitting in the park. A lot of people passed by but never stopped to  1  
why he looked so sad. The boy just sat and watched people pass by. He  2  said a word. Many people  3 ,
but no one stopped. As I got closer. I found his back was so different from others". It had a  4  shape.
Perhaps that was the reason why people just passed by and made no effort to  5 .I sat down  6  him and said,
"Hello!" Then he said in a low voice, "Hi." I smiled and so did he,  7 , we talked there till it got dark. I asked
the boy why he was so  8 . He looked at me and said with a sad look,"Because I"m  9 ."
     "But you remained me of an angel, sweet and innocent (纯真的)," I said.
     He looked at me and said,"  10 ?"
     I said at once, "Yes, I think you are an angel  11  is sent to watch over all those people walking by."
     Hearing this, the little boy jumped up. "I am! I"m an angel!" he shouted, with a twinkle (闪耀的光芒) in
his  12 . I was moved by the happy boy. I was happy  13  he was no longer sad.
     After that, my life also  14 . I learned how to share both happiness and sadness. Sharing as caring. We
give it to others in the same way that people give it to  15 . Remember: You are not alone in the world.
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(     )1. A. walk      
(     )2. A. never     
(     )3. A. cried     
(     )4. A. beautiful 
(     )5. A. volunteer 
(     )6. A. next      
(     )7. A. happily   
(     )8. A. sad       
(     )9. A. rich      
(     )10. A. Thanks   
(     )11. A. who      
(     )12. A. ears     
(     )13. A. because  
(     )14. A. found    
(     )15. A. him      
B. ask       
B. only      
B. jumped    
B. interesting
B. do        
B. on        
B. angrily   
B. fat       
B. different 
B. Please    
B. when      
B. eyes      
B. although  
B. lost      
B. them      
C. find    
C. always  
C. passed  
C. strange 
C. answer  
C. in      
C. shyly   
C. hungry  
C. shy     
C. Really  
C. what    
C. mouth   
C. but     
C. changed 
C. me      
D. say        
D. sometimes  
D. ran        
D. right      
D. help       
D. beside     
D. differently
D. pretty     
D. small      
D. Sorry      
D. whose      
D. nose       
D. so         
D. failed     
D. us