当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语的意思写出单词的正确形式 (每空一词)。      On May 12th, 2008, a terrible earthq...
阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语的意思写出单词的正确形式 (每空一词)。      On May 12th, 2008, a terrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan, Sichuan. After that, almost all of the
buildings were destroyed. 1______ (千) of people were hurt or killed. At the 2______ (相同的) time, stories
of how teachers saved the students and often sacrificed (献出) their own 3______ (生命) in the earthquake
are already beginning to move more and more people around the country.
     Tan Qianqiu was a politics teacher, who 4______ (教书) in Dongqi Middle School. On Monday morning
he got up at six as 5______ (平常的). Then he dressed their baby daughter and took the child for a walk
before 6______ (离开) for work. When the earthquake hit, he was in the classroom with his students. After
the earthquake, people found Tan covered four students 7______ (在下面) his body. All the four students
were saved. However, Tan, only 51, left his wife and two daughters forever.
     We all feel 8______ (真正地) sad when we hear such stories. But we are also 9______ (自豪的) of these
teachers. People all over the country regard them as 10______ (我们的) national heroes. We will never forget
1. Thousands  2. same  3. lives  4. taught  5. usual
6. leaving  7. under  8. really  9. proud  10. our
试题【阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语的意思写出单词的正确形式 (每空一词)。      On May 12th, 2008, a terrible earthq】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空。     One day a poor boy, who was selling newspapers from door to door to pay for his schooling, found he
had only ten pennies (便士) left, and he was hungry. He decided to ask for a  1  at the next house. However,
he had another idea when a young  2  opened the door.
     Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. But as he looked  3 , she brought him a large glass of  4 .
He drank it, and then asked,"How much do I owe (欠) you?"
     "My mother teaches me that I should  5  get money for any kindness," she replied,"so you don"t owe me 
 6 ."   
     Many years later, the woman became seriously ill. Then she was sent to a famous  7  in London.
     Dr Kelly was called in to study her illness. When he heard the name of the  8  which she came from, a
strange light filled his eyes.
     As soon as he walked  9  her room, he got to know her at once.
     He did his best to  10  her. Then he gave special attention to her. After some time she got  11 .
     Dr Kelly asked for her final bill (账单) before she left hospital. He  12  it, then wrote something on it  13  
it was sent to her. She was afraid to open it, for she believed it would  14  the rest of her life to pay for it all.
But  15  she opened it, and read these words on it: Paid in full with one glass of milk.
题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. banana   
(     )2. A. father   
(     )3. A. excited  
(     )4. A. coffee   
(     )5. A. always   
(     )6. A. anything  
(     )7. A. park    
(     )8. A. country  
(     )9. A. from    
(     )10. A. examine  
(     )11. A. away   
(     )12. A. looked at 
(     )13. A. after   
(     )14. A. cost   
(     )15. A. finally  
B. chocolate  
B. man     
B. hungry    
B. juice    
B. never     
B. everything  
B. hospital   
B. house    
B. into     
B. protect   
B. back     
B. looked after 
B. because   
B. pay     
B. happily   
C. drink   
C. teacher  
C. thirsty  
C. milk    
C. often   
C. nothing  
C. hotel   
C. street   
C. off    
C. remember  
C. well    
C. looked for 
C. before   
C. spend   
C. quickly  
D. meal     
D. woman    
D. tired    
D. water    
D. sometimes
D. something
D. university
D. town     
D. to       
D. save     
D. worse    
D. looked up
D. when     
D. take                        
D. soon     
     "Can I see my baby?" the happy new mother asked. When the   1   was put into her arms, she felt sad.
The baby had been born without   2  . But the baby"s hearing was   3  .
     When the boy ran home from school one day and   4   in her arms, she knew that her son"s life would
be   5  . The boy"s father asked the doctor   6   something could be done." I believe I could put a pair of
ears on him if they could be   7  ," the doctor said.
     Two years went by. "You are going to the   8   son," said the father one day.   9   would give you the
     The operation was very  10 , and the boy"s life became beautiful. The boy asked his father. "Who  11  
so much for me? I could never do enough for him." "It"s a secret," said his father quietly.
     The years kept their secret, but the day did come. It was one of the  12  days for the son. He stood
with his father over his mother"s casket (棺材).  13 , the father raised the mother"s long thick hair to  14 
 that the mother had no ears!
     "Mother said she was happy that she never had her hair  15 ," he said. "And nobody had ever thought
Mother less beautiful, had they?"
题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. mother     
(     )2. A. hands      
(     )3. A. good       
(     )4. A. sang       
(     )5. A. hard       
(     )6. A. what       
(     )7. A. repaired   
(     )8. A. school     
(     )9. A. Everybody  
(     )10. A. big       
(     )11. A. gave up   
(     )12. A. best      
(     )13. A. Luckily   
(     )14. A. find      
(     )15. A. cut       
B. baby      
B. feet      
B. poor      
B. laughed   
B. easy      
B. if        
B. found     
B. shop      
B. Nobody    
B. small     
B. picked up     
B. warmest   
B. Quickly   
B. show      
B. washed    
C. doctor    
C. ears      
C. weak      
C. talked    
C. happy     
C. that      
C. caught    
C. hospital  
C. Anyone    
C. successful
C. wrote down    
C. safest    
C. Slowly    
C. prove     
C. touched   
D. father      
D. nose        
D. lost        
D. cried       
D. busy        
D. which       
D. drawn       
D. zoo         
D. Someone     
D. unsuccessful            
D. got down    
D. darkest     
D. Politely    
D. learn       
D. kept        
     Susan had long blonde hair and big blue eyes. So did most of the other   1   in her school class, which
troubled her a lot. "I look like everyone else! I"m not special! I"m boring!" Susan   2   to her mother.
     She decided to try to make herself look   3  . She painted big pink spots on her neck and when she didn"t
get attention, she stuck a long plastic nose on top of her real nose. Nobody noticed that,   4  . She took ink
(墨水) and poured it all over her   5  . She wore clown (小丑) clothes to school and stuck leaves in her ears. 
  6   no matter what she did, she still didn"t get any   7   and nobody thought she was special.
     One morning her   8   went to wake her up and told her to get ready for school. She made Susan   9   the
ink out of her hair and clean her neck. "I"m not going to school  10 ! I"m boring!" She buried (埋藏) her head 
 11  the quilt and cried.
     "Susan," her mother said, "you are different. You are unique (独一无二) and special.  12  in the world looks
just like you. Some people have blonde hair like you and some have blue eyes like you, but none of them has
your smile or the twinkle in your eyes or your pink face. Nobody laughs like you, either. Now  13  and get ready
for school."
     Susan went to school that day and looked at all the other kids in her class. " Mom was  14  Nobody looks
just like me." Susan smiled. "I am special. I am unique and I am not  15 !"
题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:浙江省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
题型:四川省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1.A. children    
(     )2.A. complained  
(     )3.A. beautiful   
(     )4.A. too         
(     )5.A. neck        
(     )6.A. Though      
(     )7.A. attention   
(     )8.A. father      
(     )9.A. pull        
(     )10.A. tomorrow   
(     )11.A. under      
(     )12.A. Everybody  
(     )13.A. get up     
(     )14.A. wrong      
(     )15.A. moving     
B. boys        
B. listened    
B. simple      
B. either      
B. nose        
B. So          
B. help        
B. mother      
B. wash        
B. next week   
B. on          
B. Somebody    
B. get off     
B. right       
B. interesting 
C. men        
C. talked     
C. different  
C. also       
C. eyes       
C. But        
C. prize      
C. sister     
C. throw      
C. next year      
C. before     
C. Nobody     
C. put up     
C. special    
C. tiring     
D. women    
D. spoke    
D. happy    
D. neither  
D. hair     
D. And      
D. answer                
D. brother  
D. turn     
D. today    
D. beside   
D. Anybody  
D. put off  
D. common   
D. boring   
                                       A Stranger Saved My Dad
     You were there, walking in the street near the station of Pittsburgh, when the SUV hit my dad"s bike. You
had the courage to take his phone and call an ambulance (救护车), getting immediate help. My dad lost his leg,
but he is up and about now. It could have been so much worse. I know that he wants to thank you, and so do
     My dad doesn"t remember your face, but he knows what you did. I can never explain how important your
call for help was. Soon my dad will be getting an artificial leg (假肢). Every day he wakes up knowing life will
never be the same, but you need to look at the bright side. He does still have his life. He does still have his
family, and his health.
     Two weeks before the accident, my baby sister was born. When he held her, I could see a special look in
his eyes. At that moment, I knew he loved his family, and his life. I have to tell you: you are my hero.
1. Where did the accident happen?
A. On the square.
B. In the street.
C. In the hospital.
D. At the station.
2. How did the stranger help the writer"s father?
A. The stranger telephoned the hospital for help.
B. The stranger helped the injured to stand up.
C. The stranger stopped the SUV from leaving off.
D. The stranger gave a call to the writer"s family.
3. What was the result of the accident?
A. The driver of the SUV lost his life.
B. The writer"s father had his head hurt.
C. The writer"s father had a bad memory.
D. The writer"s father lost his leg.
4. In which order did the story happen?
a. The writer"s father was in hospital.
b. The writer"s father had an accident.
c. The writer"s baby sister was born.
A. a, b, c
B. b, c, a
C. c, b, a
D. c, a, b
5. What does the writer think of the stranger?
A. Clever.
B. Careful.
C. Helpful.
D. Outgoing.
     One day, an old gentleman (绅士) was walking along a street when he met a little boy. The boy was trying
to reach a doorbell which was too high for him. He was a kind-hearted gentleman, so he stopped and said, "I
will ring the doorbell for you." And then he pulled the bell so hard that it could be heard all over the house.
     The little boy looked up at the old gentleman and said, "Now we will run away. Come on." And before the
old man knew what was happening, the naughty (淘气的) boy ran round the corner of the street, leaving the
old gentleman to explain to the angry owner of the house why he rang the bell.
1. Why couldn"t the boy reach the doorbell?
A. He was too tall.
B. He was too short.
C. He was too young. 
2. Why did the boy want to ring the bell?
A. The house was his friend"s home.
B. He is a naughty boy.
C. He wanted the bell.
3. The old gentleman pulled the bell very hard _____.
A. so everyone in the house could hear
B. so everyone in the street could hear
C. but no one could hear
4. The old gentleman was _____.
A. clever
B. kind
C. rich
5. Which of the following is NOT right?
A. The angry owner of the house was at home.
B. The little boy ran away quickly after the old man rang the bell.
C. At last the old gentleman still didn"t know why the boy wanted to ring the bell.