当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 阅读理解。     In Britain, guide (向导) dogs are the "eyes" for many blind people. At f...
阅读理解。     In Britain, guide (向导) dogs are the "eyes" for many blind people. At first, Lucy went to a woman"s home
when she was three months old. For nine months, the woman trained her to walk, sit, stop and lie down.
     When Lucy was one year old, she went to a special school for dogs. It has a street like in a town. Here
Lucy learned to guide a person round holes and across streets. She had to look for holes in the ground and high-
up dangers like trees, too.
     When Lucy passed all her tests, Dick came to the training centre to meet his "eyes". Dog and per-son must
like each other. If they do not like each other, they will not work well together. Dick stayed at the training
centre for four weeks. He learned to walk along the street with Lucy. At the end, they went out into the real
town for practice trips.
     Dick is now back at home after his four weeks" training. Every day he walks with Lucy to his job in a
factory. He is the telephone operator. The other workers love Lucy. She spends the day in a corner of his office.
When they get home in the evening, Dick cleans Lucy"s feet and gives her the evening meal - meat and
dog-cakes. 1. The text is mainly about _____. A. blind people
B. Dick
C. a guide-dog named Lucy 
D. blind dogs  2. What did Lucy learn to do? A. To guide a blind person safely.
B. To live in a town.
C. To run with a blind person.
D. To jump over holes. 3. At the training centre, Lucy and Dick _____. A. did not work well together
B. practised sitting and lying down
C. did not like each other
D. practised walking 4. From the text we learn that Lucy _____. A. guides Dick to the training centre
B. lives together with Dick
C. spends the day with Dick"s other workers
D. is staying with Dick for another four weeks 5. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text? A. Dick trained Lucy to guide him to work.
B. Lucy is helpful to Dick.
C. Dick had to pass all tests before he met Lucy.
D. Lucy helps Dick to clean his feet.
试题【阅读理解。     In Britain, guide (向导) dogs are the "eyes" for many blind people. At f】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空。     "Let"s go," Grandmother Smith said to Josh. She put two fishing poles and an old  1  box in the truck.
"If we"re late,  2  will stop biting (咬). It"s best to go fishing in the morning,  3  they have had breakfast!"
She started the truck.
     On the way, Josh  4  the white box at his feet. It was full of lures (鱼饵), which looked like little toys.
Josh wanted to touch them, but Grandmother her head. 
     On arriving at the like, Grandmother  5  the poles and a picnic basket, and Josh carried the box. They
walked to the fishing area.
     "I"ll be happy when you  6  your first fish!" Grandmother said. She spread out a tablecloth and sat on it.
She opened the basket and pulled  7  a box of cookies. Josh took a cookie and ate it  8  his grandmother
worked on his pole. Very soon, Grandmother handed the pole to him. "When fish are hungry, they will bite  9  
anything. I used to catch fish with bread, but now I like to use  10 . Would you like to pick one out?"
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      "You are not going to day camp (野营) unless you have finished your summer school lessons," Mrs.
Brown told her daughter Penny. "You know that is the rule." Secretly, Mrs. Brown hated that Penny had to
spend her summer studying. She tried to tell herself that is was good for Penny because life wasn"t always
fun and games.   
      "Why do I have to go to summer school?" thought Penny angrily."It"s not my fault (过错) that we had
to move."
      Two months ago, Penny"s family had moved to a new state. She had to take a test for her new school.
So she had to take some summer school lessons for starting in the fall. She had missed several weeks of
school to prepare for the move. So now Penny went to summer school each morning. It wasn"t that she
didn"t like her teacher. Penny just thought it was silly to have to go to school in the summer.
      Within a few minutes, Penny was in her room studying. Mrs. Brown smiled as she saw it. She decide
she would steal some time to play with Penny this afternoon.
      An hour later, Penn came out her room."You worked hard this morning, Penny. Good girl. Let"s go to
play outside," said Mrs. Brown.
1. Mrs. Brown thought it was more important for Penny ___________.
A. to go to day camp than to study
B. to study than to go to day camp
C. to learn her rule than to study
D. to spend her time playing games
2. In fact, Mrs. Brown wouldn"t like Penny to _____________.
A. go to a new school
B. have fun in the summer
C. move with the family
D. study for the whole summer
3. From the passage we know that ______________.
A. Penny didn"t like her mother
B. Penny hated to go to summer school
C. Penny didn"t want to go to day camp
D. Penny wanted to move to a new state
4. Penny had to __________ if she wanted to study in a new school.
A. take a test
B. miss some lessons
C. go to day camp
D. go to summer school in the afternoon
5. Which is NOT right?
A. Penny spent one hour studying in her room.
B. Penny came to a new state together with her parents.
C. Penny did not like her teacher in the summer school.
D. Penny had to miss her lessons for the move to a new state.
     (A)Lana asked for a job in a TV station. She was asked to meet Mr. Baker, the manager, at 9∶00 a.m. in
his office.
     (B)To her surprise, he seemed pleased with her. She was even more surprised when he asked her if she
could start the work soon. It seemed she had got the job at last.
     (C)"I may not get the job," Lana said to herself. Just then, Mr. Baker came through the door and hurried
into his office.
     (D) "You"ve never worked in a TV station before, have you?" he asked. Lana felt upset and answered no.
Now she was even more sure that she would not get the job. Then Mr. Baker asked her some other questions.
     (E)A moment later, the secretary took Lana in. Lana said sorry for being late. Mr. Baker did not seem to
mind. He took out her letter for the job and studied it.
     (F)Lana was a few minutes late. Mr. Baker wasn"t in the office when she got there. His secretary told her
to wait outside the office.
The right order is: 第一段A 1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____
     Catherine and Martin met in England before they came to Australia. At that time, Martin was a minister
(牧师) in a church, and it was three (1)v______ away from Catherine"s. One evening, they happened to have
dinner (2)t______ in a restaurant. They (3)e______ their talk and laughed a lot. The young man soon won
Catherine"s (4)h______, so she asked him whether he would marry her in church. The minister was very
surprised and said that her (5)q______ came quite unexpected. Catherine realized that he had not understood
her (6)c______. So she laugh and said, "What I (7)m______ is, when I get married in church, will you be the
minister who marries me and my husband?" They both laughed, and they had a nice evening.
     However, their talk that evening put an idea into Martin"s head. He realized that he had (8)a______ fallen
in love with Catherine and he wanted to marry her. So a few days later, he visited her and asked her to marry
him. Catherine felt proud and pleased, and (9)a______ it. Soon after they were married, they (10)m______ to
     At six o"clock Andy"s favourite programme, "Travel with us", was on TV. Andy wanted to get home in  1
 for that. But then, just as he was leaving his office a little  2 , a man rang up and kept speaking for the next
fifteen minutes. "I can  3  get home in time if I hurry," Andy told himself as he  4  out of the office. As he
drove off in his car, he  5  that there was little petrol (汽油) left."I"ll have to stop at Fenton"s," Andy thought.
He  6  Fenton"s because one should get petrol by oneself at this station."You do all the work yourself, but you
pay  7  for the petrol," he used to complain. At Fenton"s, the pump (油泵) was not working well and it  8  
ages to get petrol. So when Andy got home, it was already two minutes past six. Just then the phone rang.
"Shall I answer it?" Andy thought. He tried to watch the programme and forget the phone. But it  9  ringing
and finally he picked it up.
     "Mr Andy Barton?" a  10  said. "Fenton"s Petrol Station here."
     "Fenton"s?" Andy said. "Why, I was at your place only a few minutes ago, getting some petrol. Did I  11
 something behind or what?"
     "No, you didn"t, Mr Barton. But could you  12  round now and pay for your petrol? And please hurry!
We close at half past six!"
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(     )1. A. minute  
(     )2. A. faster  
(     )3. A. just   
(     )4. A. stepped 
(     )5. A. wondered 
(     )6. A. hated  
(     )7. A. little  
(     )8. A. cost   
(     )9. A. kept   
(     )10. A. woman  
(     )11. A. lose  
(     )12. A. look  
B. time   
B. sooner  
B. almost  
B. walked  
B. noticed 
B. liked  
B. the same 
B. spent  
B. stopped 
B. man   
B. leave  
B. come   
C. space 
C. earlier
C. hardly 
C. came  
C. thought
C. passed 
C. a lot 
C. took  
C. started
C. child 
C. forget 
C. show  
D. place   
D. later   
D. still   
D. rushed  
D. felt    
D. chose   
D. a little
D. paid                         
D. tried   
D. voice   
D. fall    
D. move