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阅读理解。         The Blacks and the Whites are good neighbors.
       They know each other well. Sometimes they have dinner together.      
       Yesterday,Mrs Black invited the Whites to have dinner again because it was her birthday. In the afternoon,she came home from work early.    
       On the way home,she went to the market and bought a lot of food. First she bought some beef because Mr Black liked it best. And she knew that Mr White liked chicken and Mrs White’s favorite food was fish. So she bought some chicken and fish. She also bought some vegetables and fruit. She wanted to get everything ready for the dinner. When Mr Black came back home,Mrs Black was busy cooking. “Happy birthday!"   
       Mr Black said and brought her a bunch of flowers. “Oh,thanks. What beautiful flowers!Would you please put them in the sitting room? I’m busy now.”  
     "OK,”said Mr Black. “And I can help you put the candles on the birthday cake. ”   
     "A birthday cake?”Mrs Black said,“I forgot to buy it. ”    
     "Never mind. I’ll buy it now. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”Mr Black said while he was running towards the door.    
      Just then,the doorbell rang. They were the Whites. In their hands there was a big birthday cake.         1. The Black family and the White family ___________.   A. live next door to each other        
B. live in different cities        
C. live in the same house        
D. are going to the park 2. It  was ___________birthday yesterday.                             A. Mr White’s                  
B. Mrs White’s        
C. Mr Black’s                    
D. Mrs Black’s   3. Mrs Black bought ___________but she forgot to buy___________.   A. a lot of food;fruit        
B. everything;vegetables        
C. a lot of food;a birthday cake        
D. some flowers; meat 4. What present did the Whites bring?   A. A bunch of flowers.        
B. A big birthday cake.        
C. A box of fruit.        
D. A lovely dog.  5. Why did Mrs Black come home early?   A. Because she had to get everything ready for the dinner.        
B. Because Mrs White told her to do so.        
C. Because she wanted to go shopping with Mrs White.  
D. Because she was ill.
1-5  ADCBA
试题【阅读理解。         The Blacks and the Whites are good neighbors.       They know each】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
         One day Mr Brown sees a young woman in the street with children. He is very surprised because all the children are wearing the same clothes. White caps,blue coats and yellow trousers.   
       "Are all these children yours?"he asks the woman .  
        “Yes ,they  are. ” she  answers.    
      "Do you always dress them in the same clothes?” asks Mr Brown.    
      "Yes,answers  the  mother. “ When we have four children,we dress them in the same clothes because we don’t want to lose any of them. It is easy to see our children among other children because they are all wearing the same clothes. And now we have ten,we dress them like this because we don’t want to take other children home by mistake. When there are other children among ours,it is easy to see them because their clothes are different. ”  1. How many people does Mr Brown see in the street one day?  A. Ten.                          
B. Eleven.    
C. Four.                          
D. Ten children.2. Why is he surprised? Because _____________.  A. all the children are boys    
B. all the children are in the same clothes    
C. all the children are lovely    
D. all the children are wearing the same trousers3. Why does the woman dress her children in the same clothes? Because_____________.  A. she has so many children    
B. she loves her children    
C. she doesn’t want to take her children home    
D. she wants to see her children easily among others4. What kinds of clothes are the children wearing when Mr Brown sees them?    A. White caps,blue coats and yellow trousers.    
B. Blue caps,yellow coats and white trousers.   
C. Yellow caps,white coats and blue trousers.    
D. White caps,yellow coats and blue trousers.5. “We don’t want to take other children home by mistake.” 这句话的汉语意思是:_____________.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Mr Edison was a professor. He worked in a    1     . He was busy with his research work all the time.
But his wife whose father was a    2     businessman had nothing to do at home and    3     a lot of time
dancing. It was the woman"s birthday one day. There    4     a birthday party in their house. All their friends
were invited to   5      it. That afternoon, when everything was ready, Mr Edison came back from his lab,
being    6     . As soon as she saw him, she called out, "Oh dear! Our guests will soon come, but you    7    
the old clothes! Go to change the best ones!" Mr Edison had to go upstairs. The party had been on for
half an hour, but he didn"t come downstairs. The woman felt   8     . She looked out a few times and then
told her girl servant to go to    9     what had happened to him. To the girl"s surprise, the professor was
   10    in a bed. For Mr Edison, it was time to go to bed after he came upstairs and took off his clothes.
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(     )1. A. cinema  
(     )2. A. rich  
(     )3. A. took  
(     )4. A. will be  
(     )5. A. hold  
(     )6. A. hungry  
(     )7. A. are wearing
(     )8. A. happy    
(     )9. A. look up  
(     )10. A. afraid  
B. theatre
B. poor  
B. spent  
B. would be
B. appreciate
B. tired
B. will wear
B. shy    
B. find out
B. awake  
C. university
C. nice  
C. used  
C. has been
C. watch  
C. sorry  
C. are putting
C. sad    
C. think over
C. asleep
D. park        
D. foolish      
D. gave        
D. had been    
D. attend      
D. satisfied    
D. will put on
D. strange      
D. send for    
D. alone        
     Long long ago the Mouse King had a beautiful daughter. When she was old enough to be married,
he called together the oldest and cleverest mice to talk about it.
     "My daughter," He said, "is far too beautiful to marry just anybody. I have decided to marry her to
the greatest thing in the world. Now, who shall it be?"
     "The sun," the first mouse said at once,  "is the greatest thing in the world. It shines over the whole
world. "
     "Why, then, I shall marry her to the sun," said the Mouse King.
     "But," said the second, "a cloud can cover the sun. "
     "Then, she must be married to the cloud. "
     "But," said the third, " the rain breaks through the clouds and puts an end to them. "
     "That is true. I must marry her to the rain. "
     "But," cried the fourth, "no matter how hard the rain falls, it cannot wash away the trees. "
     "Then she must be the tree"s wife. "
     "But," shouted the fifth, "a strong wind can blow down the trees. "
     "Very true. Then the wind must be her husband. "
     "But," remembered the sixth,"  no matter how hard the wind blows, it cannot blow away the earth. "
     "Then I must marry her to the earth. "
     "But," called out the seventh," the earth is covered by the wooden floors of men"s houses. "
     "Then she shall marry the wooden floor at once. "
     "But," the last said slowly, "no matter how strong the wooden floor is, a mouse can bite his way
through it. "
     "It is clear that a mouse is the greatest thing in the world," the happy Mouse King said, with a smile
on his face.
     And that was why the Mouse King"s daughter married a mouse at last.
1. How many mice are mentioned in the passage?
A. Eight
B. Nine
C. Ten
D. Three
2. Which mouse had a beautiful daughter?
A. The old one
B. The cleverest one.
C. The first one
D. The Mouse King.
3. Who thought the wind should be the daughter"s husband?
A. The second mouse
B. The fourth mouse.
C. The fifth mouse
D. Both A and C.
4. What was the result?
A. There was no result.
B. All those would be the daughter"s husbands.
C. The daughter would be married to a mouse.
D. The daughter would live alone.
5. Why was the result so?
A. Because all the mice agreed.
B. Because all the mice wanted to have a rest.
C. Because the Mouse King thought a mouse was the greatest thing in the world.
D. Because the daughter was glad.
      An American went to Paris and bought a picture from a French artist (艺术家). The American thought the picture was very good. But when he came back to his room and was going to put the picture on the wall,he couldn"t tell the top from the bottom of the picture. He turned the picture this way and that,but he still didn"t know.
      He thought and thought. He hung(悬挂) the picture in the dining room. Then he asked the artist to dinner.When the artist came,the American said nothing to him about the picture,he went with the artist into the dining room to have the meal. When the artist began to eat,he looked at the picture for some time. When he began to eat the fish,he put on his glasses and looked at the picture again. Before he began to eat his apples,he stood up and walked to the picture and looked at it carefully. At last when he began to have his tea,he looked again and found the picture was upside down (颠倒).
      "Why,my friend," he said,"the picture is upside down. "
      "Indeed! But why did it take you so long to find that out?" said the American. "You painted it, didn"t you?"
1. The American asked the French artist to dinner because       .
A. he wanted to thank the artist
B. he wanted to ask the artist to draw another picture for him
C. he wanted to know if he hung the picture right
D. he wanted to teach the artist a lesson
2.The artist looked at the picture several times,but he didn"t say anything,because       .
A.he couldn"t tell the top from the bottom at first, either
B. he thought it was an ugly picture
C. he wanted to say something after the meal
D. he thought it was right to hang the picture like that
3. Which of the following is NOT right?
A. Sometimes even an artist can"t tell the top of a picture from its bottom.
B. The American was clever.
C.The French artist gave the picture to the American as a present.
D. The American liked the picture very much.
4. How many times did the artist look at the picture before he found it was wrong?
A. Only once.
B. Twice.
C. Three times.
D. Four times.
5.Why didn"t the American ask the artist as soon as he came into the house?
A. Because he thought it would be foolish to do so.
B. Because he didn"t want the artist to lose face.
C. Because he knew the picture was upside down.
D. Because he was hungry.
     When the Americans were getting ready to send their first man to the moon,an old Irishman(爱尔兰人)was   1   
them on TV in a hotel room.There was an Englishman in the room,    2   .And he said to the Irishman,"The Americans
are very   3   , aren"t they? They are going to send some people to the moon. It"s a very   4   way from our world." "Oh,
that"s    5   ,"the Irishman answered quickly. "The Irishmen are going to send some people to the sun in months"    6   .
That"s much    7   away than the moon,you know. "The Englishman was very    8   when he heard this. "Oh,yes, it is,"
he said. "But the sun is too   9   for people to visit."
     The Irishman laughed and answered,"Well,the Irish are clever, too, you know. We   10   go to the sun during the
day,of course. We"ll go there during the night."
(     )1. A. reading
(     )2. A. too
(     )3. A. kind
(     )4. A. short
(     )5. A. nothing
(     )6. A. later
(     )7. A. far
(     )8. A. angry
(     )9. A. warm
(     )10.A.don"t
C.of course
C.long ago
C.want to