当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 完型填空 。       Do you like bubble gum (泡泡糖)? Do you know when it was      1      ?...
完型填空 。       Do you like bubble gum (泡泡糖)? Do you know when it was      1      ?
     In the 1870s, an American discovered bubble gum.      2     name was Thomas Adams. He wanted to
find the use of a chicle(一种树胶). Chicle is a Spanish     3       for sticky water that comes from one kind of Mexican tree.
     Mr Adams wanted to make rubber     4     chicle. He worked in his home while he tried to find a way to make the chicle become stronger. He had a son     5      name was Horatio. He also helped his father now
and then.
     One day, young Horatio began to chew (咀爵) the chicle while he watched his father work. It did
not    6      very good, but Horatio enjoyed chewing it. Then the young boy began to blow bubbles with the new chicle-which his father had made. Mr Adams had discovered bubble gum     7       .
     Mr Adams gave up trying to find a way to make rubber.      8    , he wanted to try to sell the new gum
that he had made. He thought       9      people might like the taste, too.He was      10       . Soon, the new
gum became more and more popular.
试题【完型填空 。       Do you like bubble gum (泡泡糖)? Do you know when it was      1      ?】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
(     )1. A. created    
(     )2. A. Her        
(     )3. A. word      
(     )4. A. of        
(     )5. A. whom      
(     )6. A. taste      
(     )7. A. by mistake
(     )8. A. Instead of
(     )9. A. another    
(     )10. A. good      
B. create    
B. My        
B. meaning    
B. from      
B. which      
B. sound      
B. by accident
B. Because of
B. other      
B. true      
C. discovered
C. His        
C. sentence  
C. with      
C. whose      
C. look      
C. in time  
C. Instead    
C. the other
C. right      
1-5 CCABC   6-10 ABCBC
     Tim was ten years old. He was not a very good pupil, and he did not like  1  to do homework
because he enjoyed  2  other things in his free time. Frequently he did not do his
homework and when he did do it he always  3  a lot of mistakes.
     One day his mathematics teacher  4 Tim"s homework and saw that he  5  all his
sums right. He was very pleased and rather  6 . He called Time to his desk and said to him.
"You got all your homework right this time, Tim. What  7 ? Did you father help  8  ?"
     Usually Tim"s father did help him  9  his homework, but the evening before this, he had not
been able to, because he had not been at home, so Tim answered, "No, sir, he was very busy last night,
so I had to do it all  10  ."
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. had          
(     )2. A. doing        
(     )3. A. makes        
(     )4. A. looked for    
(     )5. A. had got      
(     )6. A. angry        
(     )7. A. is the matter
(     )8. A. yourself      
(     )9. A. with          
(     )10. A. my own        
B. having    
B. to do    
B. making    
B. looked at
B. has got  
B. sad      
B. was wrong
B. himself  
B. in        
B. lonely    
C. doing        
C. did          
C. made        
C. looked around
C. got          
C. surprised    
C. made you    
C. him          
C. on          
C. alone        
D. has        
D. do          
D. has made    
D. looked up  
D. didn"t get
D. excited    
D. happened    
D. you        
D. to          
D. myself                 
     This story is about a young man. He worked very hard at his lessons. He was too busy to have a
rest. At last, he couldn"t go to sleep. Every night, when he went to bed, he closed his eyes and tried to
sleep. But the more he tried, the more he stayed awake. After a while he decided to visit the doctor.
"I just can"t go to sleep at night. What should I do?" "I have a suggestion," said the doctor. "Try counting
numbers. By the time you reach one thousand, you"ll be asleep. I am sure of it." The nest day the man
reached to the doctor"s office. "Well," said the doctor, "how are you today? Did you try my suggestion?"
The man still looked tired. "Yes," he said, "I tried counting one, two, three…
1. The young man couldn"t go to sleep because _______.
A. he hadn"t finished doing his lessons.
B. he had worked too hard and became ill.
C. he was worked about his homework
D. there was a lot of noise there and he couldn"t have a good rest.
2. The doctor asked the young man _______.
A. to count numbers before he went to bed
B. to put all numbers from 1 to 1000 together
C. to count numbers while he was lying in bed
D. to take some medicine and go to earlier.
3. The young man returned to the doctor"s office the next day because _______.
A. he wanted to thank the doctor
B. he was better and wanted some more medicine
C. he wanted to ask the doctor how to count the numbers
D. he still couldn"t go to sleep at night
4. The young man _______.
A. counted from 569 to 1000
B. counted from 1 to 569 and fell asleep
C. counted from 1 to 569 and got up to drink some tea
D. counted from 1 to 1000 and fell asleep
5. The young man in fact _______.
A. didn"t understand the doctor"s suggestion
B. was not able to count numbers
C. didn"t try the doctor"s suggestion
D. wasn"t ill at all  
     Bryan Lee is an ordinary student.  Different from others, this 16-year-old boy loves making bow (弓)
by hand and then he   _1_   them on the Internet.
     Bryan shares a common   _2_   with his parents.They all love hunting (打猎) and fishing. They often go hunting and go fishing in their free time.
     "I wanted a long bow to hunt with,    3 _  I didn"t have enough money," Bryan said, "So I had to make
one by  _4_   ."
     Bryan said that he was self-taught. He learned how to make bows from the Internet and a few books.
Of course, it wasn"t  _5_  for him at first. However, after lots of hard work,  he   _6   knew how to make
bows that look as good as those sold in stores.
     Bryan    7_   making his first long bow when he was just twelve years old. So far he has made a lot of
money while   _8_   his hobby.  Bryan said that he dreamed of   _9   a bow making factory in the future.
     Bryan usually communicates with his customers on the phone or   10   e-mail.
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(     )1. A. buys      
(     )2. A. style    
(     )3. A. so        
(     )4. A. herself  
(     )5. A. easy      
(     )6. A. hardly    
(     )7. A. avoided  
(     )8. A. missing  
(     )9. A. setting up
(     )10. A. at      
B. sells      
B. fashion    
B. or          
B. himself    
B. hard        
B. gradually  
B. forgot      
B. changing    
B. leaving for
B. in          
C. creates      
C. interest    
C. but          
C. myself      
C. useful      
C. usually      
C. began        
C. enjoying    
C. giving up    
C. by          
     In 1826 a Frenchman named Niepce needed pictures for his business.  But he was not a good
artist.  So he invented a very simple camera soon.  He put it in a window of his house find took a picture
of his garden. That was the first photo.
    The next important day in the history of photography was in 1837.  In that year, Daguerre, another
Frenchman, took a picture of his reading room.  He used a new kind of camera in a different way.  In his
pictures you could see everything very clearly,  even the smallest thing.  This new way of taking photos
was called Daguerreotype.
    Soon, other people began to use Daguerre"s way. Travelers brought back wonderful photos from all
around the world, and people took pictures of famous buildings, cities and mountains. In about 1840,
photography was developed. Then photographers could take pictures of people and moving things. That
was not simple. The photographers had to carry a lot of films(胶卷)and other machines.  But this did not
stop them.  For example, some in the United States worked so hard.
    Mathew Brady was a famous American photographer.  He took many pictures of great people. The
pictures were unusual because they were very lifelike.
    Photography also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century. Some photos were not just
copies of the real world.  They showed feelings, like other kinds of art.
1.  The first photo taken by Niepee was a picture of_____.   
A. his business    
B.  his house    
C.  his garden
2. The Daguerreotype was_____ .   
A. a Frenchman
B. a way of taking photos
C. a kind of camera
3.  If a photographer wanted to take pictures of moving things in the year of 1840, he had to_____ .  
A. watch lots of films      
B. buy an expensive camera
C. take many films and something else with him
4.  Mathew Brady was good at taking photos of_____.    
A. great people    
B.  animals    
C. plants
5. This passage tells us_____.
A. how photography was developed
B. how camera was invented
C. how to take pictures in the world
     It is a weekend, time for Zhou Lan to go to class. She turns her PC on and logs onto the Internet from
home. Then she enters her student number and password (密码). Zhou Lan takes her classes without
stepping onto the campus (校园). She is now a white-collar (白领) worker in a big company.  She needs
to learn more to do better in the company." Staying at home to study is a pleasure," she says. Like her,
most students on the Internet are white-collars. They are so busy that they can"t go to the campus every
     Many colleges now have classes on the Internet. But the government only says "yes" to  the  following:
Tsinghua University,  Peking  University, Zhongshan University, Hunan University and Beijing University
of Posts and Telecommunications (北京邮电学院).
 1. Where does Zhou Lan have classes?
2. What"s Zhou Lan"s job?
3. Why do many people want to study on the Internet?
4. How many universities are allowed to give classes on the Internet?
5. Which is the best title for this passage?