当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 阅读理解。     It was a Saturday afternoon. The weather was sunny and very hot; nobod...
阅读理解。     It was a Saturday afternoon. The weather was sunny and very hot; nobody wanted to stay at home.
Timmy decided to go swimming in the river. His little brother, Bob, wanted to go with him. "Take him
with you, Timmy," said their father, " and you must look after him well."
     When they got to the river, they saw a lot of people swimming in it. Some people had great fun playing
in the water. Timmy told Bob to play on the bank (岸上), and then he jumped into the water. About an
hour later, Timmy swam back to the bank with a fish in his hand. Bob was very happy. He found a bottle
and put the fish into it. Then they went home.
     Bob didn"t do anything else that evening. He just watched the fish in his own room. Suddenly Timmy
heard Bob crying in the room. He ran to him and asked, "What"s wrong with you, Bob?" "The fish is dead(死的)." Bob said. "I thought it was tired, so I took it out of the bottle and put is on the chair. I only
wanted it have a good rest."
It was _____ that day.
A. sunny and windy  
B. windy and hot
C. sunny and hot  
D. humid and hot
2. Timmy went swimming with _____.
A. his father  
B. his little brother  
C. his friend  
D. his sister
3. Bob played _____.
A. with the water  
B. in the water  
C. on the bank  
D. at home
4. Timmy and Bob put _____ in the bottle and went home.
A. two fishes  
B. a fish  
C. a dog  
D. a chicken
5. The fish was dead because _____.
A. Bob took it out of the bottle and put it on the chair
B. Timmy killed it
C. Bob put it into the water
D. the fish was too tired
试题【阅读理解。     It was a Saturday afternoon. The weather was sunny and very hot; nobod】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完型填空。     I think the best place to go on Sunday is the zoo. When you are __1__, you can go there with
your family. __2__ the zoo, there are many animals: elephants, deer, __3__, rabbits and other animals.
Elephants are the __4__ animals on land. I __ 5__ there is a baby elephant in our zoo. So I want to
__6__at it. Yu Xuan wants to go with me. She says, " __7__we go there together?" "Sure!" I say. "
We can __8__ a good time there. But let"s __9__ there at half past four. I have __10__ homework
to do."
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. busy    
(     )2. A. In      
(     )3. A. monkeys  
(     )4. A. youngest
(     )5. A. listen  
(     )6. A. looks    
(     )7. A. Can      
(     )8. A. get      
(     )9. A. goes    
(     )10. A. few    

B. free        
B. On          
B. monkey      
B. smallest    
B. listen to  
B. have a look
B. Could      
B. have        
B. go          
B. little      

C. young    
C. For      
C. two monkey
C. biggest  
C. hear of  
C. see      
C. Shall    
C. be        
C. to go    
C. much      

D. clean      
D. Near        
D. one monkeys
D. tallest    
D. hear        
D. have a see  
D. Would      
D. has        
D. going      
D. many        

      Len was thirty years old, and he had very long hair, He lived in a big city, but one year he did not
find any work there, so he went to a small town and began looking for work there. He went to a lot
of places, but nobody wanted him.
      Then he met an old friend, and this man said to him, "People in this town don"t like long hair. Why
don"t you go to a barber (理发师) ? He can cut a lot of it off and then you can get some work.."
      Len went to a barber and said, "Please cut most of my hair off." The barber began. He cut and cut
for a long time and then he said to Len , "Were you in the army a few years ago?" "Yes, I was." Len
answered. "Why did you ask that?" "Because I have found your cap," the barber answered.
(     )1. Len was twenty years old.
(     )2. Len had very long hair.
(     )3. Nobody wanted Len for work.
(     )4. Len met an old classmate.
(     )5. The barber cut off a lot of Len"s hair.
     The parents of two boys (14 and 16 year-olds) went on a trip for the weekend with friends. They
left early    1     Friday morning, and left the boys at home. That evening the boys       2    their dad"s
car to see a movie. They     3    a good time. After the movie      4    , they got back to the car. They
saw a big hole ( 洞) at the      5    of the car. They were terrified ( 恐惧的) and asked     6   to fix
( 修理) the car. After that they drove it back home. Their parents came back on Sunday, but the boys
didn"t tell them about the hole    7   they were too terrified. The father went out in his     8     . When
he came back, he was     9    and said to the family, "Someone drove     10    the back of my car on
Thursday and now it is fixed well!"
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(    )1. A. on      
(    )2. A. got      
(    )3. A. took    
(    )4. A. stopped  
(    )5. A. top      
(    )6. A. anyone  
(    )7. A. if      
(    )8. A. car      
(    )9. A. worried  
(    )1. A. out      

B. in    
B. drove  
B. visited
B. started
B. back  
B. someone
B. so    
B. taxi  
B. sad    
B. into  

C. of        
C. won        
C. had        
C. depended  
C. head      
C. everyone  
C. until      
C. boat      
C. surprised  
C. up        

D. with    
D. found  
D. turned  
D. finished
D. wheel  
D. no one  
D. because
D. shoes  
D. angry  
D. about  

     On October 8th, when I cooked breakfast for my children, my house started shaking (摇动). It
was an earthquake (地震).
     My children were with me. Ali, who was 5 years old, came to me and asked for breakfast. He ate
a slice of bread when the earthquake came. When we tried to run out, something struck (撞击) Ali.
Humna and I ran out of the house safely.
     Soon Ali"s father came and helped us, but we couldn"t find Ali and my other daughter, Ayesha. We,
with other people, looked for them everywhere. Finally we found Ayesha"s dead (死的) body from
her room. We found Ali six hours later. We could hear him cry at that time. The people said to him,
"We have a bike for you. Don"t cry." He was very happy after hearing it because he wanted a bike
very much. He asked for his bike when he came out, but we had nothing for him except (除……之外)
the dead body of his sister Ayesha.
1. What did Ali do when the earthquake came?
A. He ran into the house.    
B. He played in the yard.
C. He ate a slice of bread.  
D. He helped his mum cook.
2. How many children were there in the family before the earthquake?
A. Two.    
B. Three.    
C. Four.  
D. Five.
3. They spent more than _____ hours looking for Ali.
A. 3    
B. 4  
C. 5  
D. 6
4. Which of the following is NOT true ac-cording to the passage?
A. Ali was 5 years old.
B. Ayesha was dead.
C. The writer bought a bike for Ali.
D. The earthquake came in the morning.
5. The passage is about ________.
A. a bad trip                
B. a clever child
C. a great mother            
D. a terrible earthquake  
     London is such a wonderful city. It is very large. The Thames River runs __1__ the city from west to
east. So the city has __2__ parts: the South and the North. In the North, there are important buildings,
shops, big parks and interesting places.
     The weather in London is good. In winter it is not very cold and in summer it is not very hot __3__ the
 city is near the sea. People say __4__ London is a foggy city and it often rains. It is true. 
     Last year, when I __5__ in London I met one of the __6__ fogs in years. You could hardly see your
hand in front of your face. Cars and buses moved along with their lights on. When evening fell, the weather
__7__ even worse. The fog was as thick as milk. __8__ the buses and cars stopped. I happened __9__
an important meeting on the other side of the town, but it was impossible to find a car. I had to get there
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(     )1. A. about      
(     )2. A. four        
(     )3. A. because    
(     )4. A. what        
(     )5. A. were        
(     )6. A. thick      
(     )7. A. become      
(     )8. A. All        
(     )9. A. to have    
(     )10. A. by car    
B. through    
B. six        
B. so        
B. where      
B. am        
B. thicker    
B. got        
B. Each      
B. have      
B. by bus    
C. in          
C. five        
C. but          
C. that        
C. be          
C. the thickest
C. turn        
C. Every        
C. having      
C. on foot      
D. along      
D. two        
D. or        
D. which      
D. was        
D. thickest  
D. grow      
D. None      
D. had        
D. on the foot