当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。     Last July, many newspapers carried a moving photo: a woman pu...
根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。     Last July, many newspapers carried a moving photo: a woman pushing a tricycle (三轮脚踏车) in the
rain. According to one of the newspapers, the woman is the head teacher of Hoping Primary School in
out-of-the-way Huaiyang County. Her name is Li Ling.
     At only 27, she was known as the most beautiful teacher of 2009. In 2002, after leaving school, she
set up a primary school in her hometown in order to help rural children get education. She has borrowed
more than 100,000 yuan for school facilities (设施) since then.
     Because the students couldn"t afford books, she went to Zhengzhou during the summer vacation to buy
second-hand reading materials for them. She went alone, riding her tricycle through the streets under the
burning sun, with only one aim (目的)—to set up a simple "reading room" for 300 students.
     "Each time I see students from other schools sitting and reading in a bright reading room, I feel sad. I
also want to set up a reading room for my students, even the simplest one,"she said.
     She is a beautiful young rural teacher, and always ready to help her students.  1. In which season was the picture taken?A. Spring.
B. Summer.
C. Autumn.
D. Winter.2. At the age of _____, Li Ling set up a primary school in her hometown.A. 17
B. 20
C. 22
D. 273. Which of the following has the same meaning as the underlined word "second-hand"?A. Similar.
B. Popular.
C. Not new.
D. Not difficult.4. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?A. The photo became well-known.
B. Li Ling set up the school to make money.
C. Li Ling is very rich.
D. Li Ling works in Zhengzhou City.5. What does the writer think Li Ling is like?A. Silly.
B. Smart.
C. Great.
D. Clever.
1-5: BBCAC
试题【根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。     Last July, many newspapers carried a moving photo: a woman pu】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     Lily is a poor fourteen-year-old girl. Her parents died when she was little, and she now lives with her
 grandma. They are so poor that Lily"s grandma has to recycle (回收) things on the street to make a living.
  She works hard to give Lily the things that she needs in life.
     One day, a man riding his bike very fast knocked Grandma down when she was walking on the street.
  Grandma was badly hurt and she had to be in bed for a long time. Lily was very sad, and she had to look
  after her grandmother and herself. After school, she did all the housework herself. And she also did the
 recycling to make some money on weekends. After doing this, she knew how nice Grandma was. It made
  her really appreciate what Grandma had been doing for her.
     Fortunately, Grandma got well a few months later. Lily made up her mind to be a doctor. She wants to
  help people who are in need and make a lot of money to help her grandma. She works hard because she
  knows it will not be easy to make her dream come true. And she will never give up. 1. What"s the story mainly about?     A. An accident.
    B. A poor family"s life.
    C. The importance of recycling.
    D. A poor but hard-working girl. 2. What do we learn about Lily"s grandmother?    A. She is funny.
    B. She is rich.
    C. She is strict with Lily.
    D. She is very kind to Lily.3. Which of the following is true?    A. Grandma can"t walk any more.
    B. Grandma needed a long rest after the accident.
    C. Grandma got hurt in a car accident.
    D. Lily recycled things every day.4. Why does Lily want to be a doctor?    A. Because she hopes to help others.
    B. Because she wants to become rich.
    C. Because she hates recycling.
    D. Because she wants to leave her family.5. What does the underlined word "appreciate" mean?    A. 迷惑
    B. 怀疑
    C. 讨厌
    D. 感激
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     根据短文内容完成表格。     Nadya Vessey was born with an illness and her legs would never grow. At the age of 16, both of her
legs below (低于) the knees were cut off. Nadya Vessey hasn"t let that destroy her. She recently
changed herself into a mermaid (美人鱼).    
     It was a little boy that started Nadya"s change. One day a little boy saw her take off her prosthetic
(修复术的) legs and asked her why she didn"t have any legs. After thinking quickly, she asked him
whether he had heard of The Little Mermaid. He said "Yes", so Nadya told him that she was a mermaid. Nadya said, "He was surprised and said "wow, that"s cool" and ran off to tell his dad".     
     The idea of a mermaid became clearer and clearer in Nadya"s mind. After thinking it over, she wrote
to the Weta Workshop two years ago, asking if they could make her a prosthetic tail (尾巴). She was
surprised to get the reply that they agreed. The Weta Workshop"s director was happy to make it happen
and wanted Nadya to be beautiful. It took the Weta Workshop two years to make a special suit for
Nadya. After practicing in the local swimming pool, Nadya went to the open sea and tried out her
mermaid suit. Nadya was pleased with it.     
     It is really surprising. It"s wonderful to watch Nadya swim and to see her dream come true.The Information About Nadya
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     I live in a small doll’s house.My master is a girl    1  Danielle   She loves  me very   2   .  She  puts
beautiful clothes on me and combs(梳)my hair every day.    
     I look like a girl from the Tang  Dynasty(唐朝)of China. are red and blue.  I    3  gold  shoes  and
small gold hair clips.
     Danielle is going to take me   4   Japan for the Doll Festival.I can see many dolls there.Sometimes
I  feel   5   because  I  am  Danielle’s only doll. I have no    6   ,    and  I  never see any other dolls.  I
want to have doll  friends and talk   7   them.   I want to talk about our clothes,   houses  and   livers.I
want to   8   the Japanese dolls a  lot  of  questions.1 want to ask the Kokeshi dolls(小木偶)why they
have no arms or legs.They are usually   9   .I like to talk to young dolls.
     Danielle says I can meet  some  boys’ dolls   10   the festival too. I hope  I  can  make  friends with
some of them.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A.called  
(     )2. A.much    
(     )3. A.wear      
(     )4. A.on        
(     )5. A.happy    
(     )6. A.family    
(     )7. A.about    
(     )8. A.have      
(     )9. A.old women
(     )10.A.at        
B.is called    
B.1ittle girls
C.is call  
C.old man  
D.dress up
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题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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     Mrs. Jack was always     1   lots of time and money in     2   the shopping.
     It was winter, Mrs. Jack wanted to do a lot of shopping, she waited    3  
it was Saturday when her husband was    4  , and she    5   him to the shops
with her and      6     for  everything.   They went to a   lot   of    shops  and
supermarkets, and Mrs. Jack     7   a lot of things, and Mr. Jack certainly had
to     8   all these things.  Mrs. Jack often     9   and said,  "Look,  Joe!    10  
that beautiful! "
     He then answered, "All right, dear.How    11   is it?" and took his money
out to pay for it.
     It  was dark when they came out of  the last    12   and Mr.  Jack was so
    13   that he didn"t stop    14  about those things.Suddenly his wife looked
up and said, "Look at that beautiful moon,  Joe!" Without    15   ,  Mr. Jack
answered, "All right, dear, How much is it?"
     Tom and Mike were good friends.   Sometimes   they were   kind to each
other, sometimes they were not. But some of their classmates said they were
like brothers. One day they went out for a walk together. At noon they were
very hungry and they went into a restaurant to have lunch.  The waiter came
up to them and asked, "What can I do for you?" "Please bring us two apples
first." said Tom. When the waiter put the two apples on the table, Mike took
the bigger one at once. Tom got angry. "You are impolite (没 礼 貌). Why
didn"t  you take the smaller one? " Tom said.  "But I was right, " said  Mike
with a smile.  " If I   let you take first,   which one will you choose? "  "Of
course I"ll take the smaller one."  said Tom.  "Yes, " Mike said, "If you take
the smaller one, the  bigger one will be  mine.  Don"t you think so ?"  "Oh."
Tom couldn"t answer.
根据短文内容, 判断下列各句正(T)误(F)。
(     ) 1. Tom and Mike were not kind to each other.
(     ) 2. They went out to sit in a restaurant.
(     ) 3. The waiter brought them two apples before the meal.
(     ) 4. Mike took the bigger apple.
(     ) 5. At last Tom had the bigger apple.