当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > 完形填空。      根据首字母提示完成下面的短文。      My brother e     (1) for half an hour every day....
     根据首字母提示完成下面的短文。      My brother e     (1) for half an hour every day. He s     (2) for ten hours every night. He w     (3) TV for about an hour every day. He s     (4) eats cakes, sweets and meat. He often e     (5) fruit and v     (6). He often w     (7) to school. He h     (8) lunch at school. After lunch, he s     (9)for half an hour. Then he goes on to study. He goes h     (10) at five in the afternoon.
1. exercises   2. sleeps 3. watches 4. seldom 5. eat
6. vegetables 7. walks 8. has    9. sleeps   10. home
试题【完形填空。      根据首字母提示完成下面的短文。      My brother e     (1) for half an hour every day.】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     Long, long ago there was a very foolish thief. Do you know what he did one day? When he wanted
to steal (偷) the bell on his neighbour"s door, he walked up to the door, took hold of (抓住) the bell and
pulled hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The thief was afraid and went home.
     Then he sat down to think, "I must do something about the noise," he said. He thought and thought.
At last he had an idea. "Ah, I"ll put some cotton in my ears. Then I won"t be able to hear the noise." The
next day he went to the door of his neighbour, and took hold of the bell. This time he pulled even harder.
The bell rang loudly, but the thief did not hear anything. With another hard pull he got the bell out. Just
then the neighbour came running out.
     "Steal my bell? I"ll teach you a lesson (教训)," the angry man shouted. And he hit the thief on the
     The foolish thief did not know how the neighbour found out he was stealing the bell. "Why did he
come out just then?" he wondered (感到疑惑).
1. The thief was trying to get _____.
A. his neighbour                      
B. his neighbour"s doorbell
C. some cotton                        
D. a door with a bell on it
2. The neighbour ran out probably (很可能) because _____.
A. he knew his doorbell was being stolen  
B. he thought someone was eager (渴望的)to visit him
C. He realized (意识到) something strange happened
D. Both B and C
3. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The thief understood why he was hit on the nose.
B. The thief knew why the neighbour came out.
C. The thief thought the neighbour could not hear the bell.
D. The thief didn"t want to know why the neighbour ran out just at the time he stole the doorbell.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     Here is a story about a clever dog.  It was a seeing-eye dog.  A seeing-eye dog can help blind (瞎的)
 people walk along the streets and do many other things.
     One day a seeing-eye dog and a blind man __1__ on bus together.  The bus was full of __2__ and
 there were__3__ seats left.  But one man soon stood up and left his seat.  The dog __4__ the blind man
 to the seat, but there was little space (空间) for two people.  The dog began to push the people on each
 side __5__ his nose.  He pushed and pushed until the people moved and __6__ there was __7__ space
 for two people.  The blind man than sat down and the dog got up on the seat at his side.  The dog
  __8__ down and put his head on the leg of the __9__ man. He was very comfortable and soon fell
 asleep.  Everyone on the bus __10__ at the dog. (     ) 1.  A.  got        
(     ) 2.  A.  foreigners
(     ) 3.  A.  no        
(     ) 4.  A.  told      
(     ) 5.  A.  for        
(     ) 6.  A.  at first  
(     ) 7.  A.  less      
(     ) 8.  A.  went      
(     ) 9.  A.  old        
(     )10.  A.  smiled     B.  went      
B.  policemen  
B.  not many  
B.  asked      
B.  to        
B.  still      
B.  enough    
B.  put        
B.  blind      
B.  watched    C.  came    
C.  people  
C.  enough  
C.  carried
C.  with    
C.  at last
C.  few    
C.  lay    
C.  young  
C.  laughed D.  put    
D.  farmers
D.  some    
D.  took    
D.  at      
D.  last    
D.  litter  
D.  jumped  
D.  first  
D.  looked  
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Henry finds a job on a farm.  He is the strongest and youngest.  He eats more, sleeps more, but works
  less.  He doesn"t like to use his head, so he knows little.  He has to do some unskilled (无需特殊技能
 的) work.  He always says he"s tired and hopes to have a good rest.  So he gets less money than others.  
    Winter is coming.  The workers are getting ready for the next year.  Only Henry does nothing.  The
 farmer tells him to cut down some trees in the forest.  The young man has to go there with a chair.  He
 feels lonely (寂寞的) in the forest and is afraid of the animals.  So he looks around and sings loudly.  
 Nobody knows what he"s singing.  After three days, Henry doesn"t cut down any trees.  The farmer feels
 strange.  He wants to find out how the young man is working there.  To his anger (生气), Henry is sitting
  on the chair, cutting the tree.  "Why are you sitting here to cut the trees?" asks the farmer.  "Because I
 can"t work if lying (躺着), sir. " 1. Henry doesn"t like to use his head, so _____.    A.  he knows little knowledge (知识)    
    B.  he is young and strong
    C.  he tries to be a farmer              
    D.  he finds a job on a farm 2. Henry gets less money because _____.    A.  he sleeps more                  
    B.  he does some unskilled work
    C.  he isn"t polite to the farmer        
    D.  he eats more 3. Henry hopes to _____.    A.  make the farmer happy          
    B.  get help
    C.  lie down in the forest            
    D.  cut down more trees
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Mr Jones and Mrs Brown worked in the same office.  One day Mr Jones said to Mr Brown, "We are
  going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening.  Would you and your wife like to join
     Mr Brown said, "Thank you very much.  That is very kind of you.  We are free that evening.  I think,
 but I"ll telephone my wife and ask her.  Maybe she wants to go somewhere else that evening.  "So Mr
 Brown went to the other room and telephoned.  When he came back, he looked very sorry.
     "What is the matter?" said Mr Jones.  "Did you speak to your wife?"
     "No," answered Mr Brown, "She wasn"t there, my small son answered the telephone.  I said to him, "Is
  your mother there, David?" and he answered, "No, she is not in the house," "Where is she then?" I
 asked.  "She is somewhere outside. " "What is she doing?" "She is looking for me. ""1. A small party will be held _____.    A.  at David"s house                
    B.  at Mr Brown"s house
    C.  in the office                    
    D.  at Mr Jones"s house2. Mr Jones asked _____ to the party.     A.  Mr Brown        
    B.  Mrs Brown
    C.  Mr and Mrs Brown            
    D.  all his friends3. Mr Brown spoke to _____ on the phone.     A.  Mrs Brown      
    B.  Mrs Jones
    C.  David            
    D.  David"s friend4. Why was Mrs Brown looking for David? Because _____.    A. he went out of the house
    B. he was answering Father"s phone
    C. she knew David had lost his way
    D. she thought he was playing somewhere outside
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
     It was getting late. There was no noise in the forest. We could only hear the birds singing. And then,
a bear-a big brown bear-came into the forest.
     The bear stopped under a tall tree. He was very hungry. He looked up into the tree. There in the nut
tree was his supper-a supper of nice nuts. But the nuts were high up in the tree. The hungry bear could
not reach them. But he knew how to get his supper. He climbed up the tree.
     Up and up he climbed. He climbed onto a big branch of the tree. He sat there and then shook (摇)
the branch again and again. At last the branch broke. The brown bear fell down with the branch and nuts.
     The bear sat up and looked around. With his big paws he picked up the nuts and ate them up.
1. How did the brown bear get his supper?
A. He climbed up the tree and ate the nuts there.
B. He shook the apples off a tree and ate them.
C. He picked up the nuts on the ground and ate them.
D. He fell down with the branch of the tree. Then he took the nuts and ate them.
2. The bear was     __    .
A. black                                  
B. brown
C. black and white                          
D. brown and black
3. Where did the bear eat the nuts?
A. in a forest.                            
B. outside the forest.
C. near a forest.                          
D. in front of the forest.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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