当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 >         用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确、(每个单词限用一次)。         seem succeed write other who...
试题【        用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确、(每个单词限用一次)。         seem succeed write other who】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
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         seem succeed write other who interview think by beat made
1. successful  2. writer  3. has made  4. seems        5. think
6. by               7. other   8. beating      9. interview 10. whose
根据短文内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用" A ",错误的用" B "。
     Max is a clever boy. He lives with his mom and sister. He has many dreams and always wants to have adventures(冒险).  One day he leaves home and goes on a trip.    
     Max finds a small boat and sets sail(启航).He arrives at a strange island. There are monsters(怪物)
living on the island. They find Max and want to eat him.    
     Max tells them that in the place where he comes from, he is aking. The monsters believe him. Carol is
one of the monsters. He gets mad easily. But he is kind. He makes Max King of the Island.They become
good friends and decide to build a"big fort(堡垒) on the island. But as they build, there are disagreements(不一致) among the group.  Also, Max has to be careful not to let Carol find out he is not really a king.  
     Will Max and his monster friends be able to build the fort? WillCarol find out Max"s secret? Leam the
answers in the movie Where theWild Things Are (《野兽家园》).  The  film  will  hit  Chinese cinemasnext month.
(     )1. This is an ad for a movie.
(     )2. Max always wants to have adventures, so he asks his parents to sail with him.
(     )3. Max finds a small island and the monsters on the island are very kind to him.
(     )4. Carol is the king of the island.
(     )5. Carol always believes Max is a king.
     Are you in style? Do you know Lollipop(棒棒堂) ? Do you know the members of it? They are Owodog(庄濠全),Xiaoyu(杨奇煜),Prince(邱胜翎).William(威廉).A-wei(刘俊纬)and Xiaojie(廖俊杰).       
     Owodog is the captain of the group.  His birthday is October 30th. He is good at dancing. His favorite singer is Jay Chou.There are four people in his family-his parents, his sister and he.  
     Xiaoyu is the lead singer of the group.His birthday is July Sth.  He is good at singing and he can play the guitar. There are four people in his family-his parents, his brotherand he.  
     Prince is a handsome boy. His birthday is April 14th. He likes black and white. Autumn is his favorite
season. There are four people in his family-his parents, his brother and he.  
     William is handsome. His birthday is October 7th. There are five people in his family-his grandmother,
his parents, his sister, and he. Do you know what he likes? He likes playing basketball, playing baseball,
swimming and going to see the movies.    
     A-wei is a humorous boy.  His birthday is October 15th.  He is not tall.  He is good at dancing and likes helping others. There are six people in his family-his parents, his three sisters and he. 
     Xiaojie is a polite boy. His birthday is September 25th. He is good at dancing. There are five people in his family-his parents, his brother and he.

1. Who has the biggest family of the six members?      
A. Owodog.          
B. A-wei.      
C. Xiaojie.            
D. William.
2. Who was born on October 7th?    
A. William.          
B. Xiaojie.        
C. Xiaoyu.            
D. Prince.
3. What"s Prince"s favorite season?      
A. Spring.            
B. Summer.      
C. Autumn.          
D. Winter.
4. Prince likes some colors. They are       .   
A. red and yellow      
B. black and red  
C. white and yellow    
D. black and white  
5. There is a member in Lollipop who likes sports. He is       .   
A. Xiaoyu          
B. A-wei          
C. William            
D. Prince
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coach  however  lift  try  few  hurt   in   never  lost  win 
     The world"s shortest man, He Pingping, who was just 74.6cm tall, died in Rome on March 13, 2010 at the age of 21, where he was to take part in a TV show.
      He was born in 1988 in Wulanchabu, China and was officially(官方地)
recognized as the world"s shortest man in 2008.
      Guinness World Records said he had made a "huge impact around the
      Mr He was in the Italian capital to take part in the filming of a television programme  called   77ze   Record Show. According to the TV production
company, he had already filmed two episodes(插曲)  of the programme when he began to feel unwell.
      " He started to feel ill and we decided to take him to hospital.  He entered hospital two weeks ago and had all kinds of tests. Being a very special person he had to go through all sorts of tests.  He went into intensive (加强) care
three days after he was admitted. "
      He said that Mr He died on Saturday aftemoon, and at the request of his
family,his body would l)e returned to China to be bunied.
1.  He Pingping died at the age of ____________ .
A. twentv      
B. twenty-one    
C. twenty-two    
D. twenty-three
2. The meaning of the underlined word "impact" is -___________  .
D. 力量
3. He Pingping died in __________________on March 13, 2010.
A. a TV show    
B. Rome        
C. an accident    
D. a chest complaint
4. He Pingping took part in the filming of a television programme called_____________
A. The Record Show                    
B. Guin,ness World Records
C. The World"s Shortest Man,            
D. The China"s Shortest Man,
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.  He Pingping died in China on March 13, 2010 at the age of 21.
B. He Pingping was recorded in Guinness World Records.
C. When He finished filming the programme, he began to feel unwell.
D. He Pingping"s family requested his body be returned to Rome to be buried.
     Have you ever had the experience of drinking water that was just boiled(煮沸的)? It hurts you because it"s too hot. But if you wait too Iong, the water may get cold.    
     Can you find a bottle that you can drink water comfortably but can"l be hurt by the hot water.  
Scientists found drinking 40-degree water is best for our health. Now a girl has found the bottlc. She is a
middle school student named Xiang Zeyu. She  is  from Xi"an, Shaanxi.  She is studying at Xi"an Aizhi
Midclle School.  The 15-year- old girl came up with the idea when she heard her younger sister complain
that her boiled water was toohot or too cold to drink. She decided to make all inveIltion that could tell the proper time to drink the boilecl watu. Xizing and her classmate Li Jingyi first bought a tem lierature
detector(检测器)that had been set to sense the temperature at 40 degrees.  Then they connected(连接)it
to a music chip,a switch(开关)ancl a can with electric wires(电线).After they cov- ered the can with a
bigger bottle, their invention was ready.  Powered by two AAA batteries(电池),the bottle works well. "
Pour the boiled water into the bottle and turn on the switch, then wait. The bottle will begin to sing when
the temperature is right 40 degrees," Xiang said. rro invent this bottle, Xiang and her classmate spent ~50
and one whole week of their spare time. 
1.  How many degrees of water is best for our body?       
A. 40.              
B. 45.          
C. 80.        
D. 50. 
2.____invented the bottle.     
A. A 15-year-old boy        
B. Xiang Zeyu        
C. Xiang Zeyu and her classmate        
D. Xiang Zeyu"s classmate  
3. Why did Xiang zeyu invent the bottle?       
A. She was hurt by boiled water.       
B. Her classmate was hurt by boiled water.        
C. Her younger sister complained.the boiled water.        
D. Her younger sister was hurt by the boiled water. 
4. How much did Xiang and her classmate spend on the invention7      
A.  ¥40.          
B.  ¥50.        
C.  ¥30.      
D.  ¥90. 
5. What things did they use to make the bottle?        
A.  A temperature detector,a music chip,a can with electric wires,a switch,a bottle and two AAA
B.  A temperature detector,  a music chip,  a can with electric wires, and two AAA batteries.        
C.  A temperature detector,a can with electric wires,  a bottle and two AAA batteries.        
D.  A temperature detector,  a music chip,  a can, and two AAA batteries.