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YoYo Ma was born in 1955 to Chinese parents living in Paris. He began to study the cello with his father at four. A year later, when he was     36  years old, he gave his first concert. The family soon moved to New York, America. Later he joined Julliard School, a school   37  gifted musicians. He went to Harvard University to study music and graduated in 1976.
YoYo soon became famous for his concerts. He always tries to play the cello with music from different countries like Brazil and China. He wrote   38  for the film Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It sounds brilliant.
YoYo is sometimes forgetful. He once   39  his cello in a taxi in New York. He was really
  40  because it’s worth US $2,000,000.The taxi driver took it to a police station. YoYo was very thankful.
A.a storyB.an articleC.musicD.a poem


【主旨大意】本文主要介绍了大提琴家Yo Yo Ma四岁开始学琴,5岁开始开音乐会,在1976年哈佛大学毕业,他变的非常出名。他有时是健忘的。
小题1:根据句意“他为电影crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon写了音乐”,可知选C。
小题1:leave sth in place意为“把某物忘在某地”,forget意为“忘记某事或忘记做某事”。根据句意“他把他的大提琴忘到了出租车上”。因此选D。
试题【YoYo Ma was born in 1955 to Chinese parents living in Paris. He began to study t】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
I heard a story about a famous scientist who had made several very important achievements.
What made him   41  from others?
He said it all came from   42  that happened when he was two years old. He tried to  43 
a bottle of milk away from the fridge, but the slippery(光滑的) bottle fell, spilling its milk all over the   44  floor.
When his mother came in,  45  shouting at him, she said, “Robert, what a great mess(一团糟) you have made! I have never seen such a big puddle(水坑) of milk. Would you like to get down and play in the milk for a few minutes   46  we clean it up?”
Indeed, he did. After a few minutes, his mother said, “Robert, when you make a mess like this, you have to clean it up at last. So,   47  would you like to do that? We would use a towel or a mop. Which do you prefer?” He chose the towel and together they cleaned up the milk.
His mother then said, “We had a failed   48  in how to carry a big milk bottle with two small hands in the kitchen. Let’s go out and fill the bottle with water and see if you can   49  a way to carry it without dropping it.” The little boy learned that if he held the bottle at the top near the lip(杯口) with both hands, he could carry it without dropping it.
This scientist then said that it was at that moment that he knew he didn’t need to be afraid to
  50 .So, what have you learnt from the story?
A.an experienceB.adviceC.a promiseD.an idea
A.kitchenB.bedroomC.bathroomD.living room
A.fromB.withC.because ofD.instead of
A.afterB.beforeC.as soon asD.since
A.clean the floorB.spill milkC.make mistakesD.realize mistakes

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Gordon Williams’s hobby may seem strange to people when they meet it for the first time. But it is a traditional craft(手艺).He builds model ships inside old bottles.
Gordon has always loved ships, especially sailing ships from the old days. His interest in this hobby began many years ago when he visited a museum in Ottawa, Canada, where there was a display of model ships in bottles. Gordon thought the display was wonderful. But he wondered how the craftsman got the ship through the thin neck of the bottle. Gordon decided to find it out.
He found an old master craftsman who was willing to teach him the necessary skills. First, Gordon takes an old bottle. Then he puts in a layer of putty(一层油灰),carefully shaped and painted it look like the sea. Next he builds the ship. To get the ship through the neck of the bottle, Gordon holds down the masts(桅杆).Once the ship is inside the bottle, he takes a long, thin tool to raise the masts.
Gordon has completed well over one hundred models. His wish is to build bigger model ships, such as aircraft carriers. This will be more challenging, as he will have to build the ship actually inside the bottle. His hobby certainly needs time, patience and a steady hand.
小题1:What’s their opinion when people first meet Gordon’s hobby?
小题2:How did Gordon become interested in this hobby?
A.He met a craftsman who would like to teach him.
B.He saw a show of model ships in bottles.
C.He had a journey to Canada.
D.He has collected many sailing ships.
小题3:For Gordon, the most difficult step that he wanted to learn was _______.
A.to shape the bottle like a ship
B.to paint the layer of putty like the sea
C.to get the ship through the neck of the bottle
D.to put the layer of putty into the bottle
小题4:Which of the following pictures shows the last step of Gordon’s work?

小题5:Gordon’s new plan is more challenging because he will _______.
A. build a bigger model ship inside the bottle
B. build more than one hundred ships
C. put a bigger model ship inside the bottle
D. make an aircraft carrier
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Mr. White was holding a party at home to celebrate his sixtieth birthday. To make him happy, one of his women friends __21__ to sing a song for him. Now she was singing. One guest turned to a __22__ by his side and criticized the singer.
“What a __23__ voice!" he said. "Do you know __24__ she is?"
“Yes," was the answer, " She is my wife. "
“Oh, I beg your pardon,” the man said. "Of course her voice isn"t bad, __25__ the song is very bad. I wondered who wrote that awful song?”
“I did," was the answer.

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Once, the famous scientist Einstein travelled to many places in America to give lectures. He travelled in a __26__, and soon made friends with his driver.
Each time Einstein gave the lecture, his driver __27__ sat in the front row and listened to him very carefully. The __28__ lecture was given so many times that the driver learned it well enough to give it himself.
One day, when Einstein was __29__ about it, he asked the driver to give the lecture for him in a small town.
That evening, both Einstein and the driver went into the lecture room. __30__ there had seen Einstein before. When the driver took his place, everybody applauded (鼓掌). Then he began the lecture. __31__ it was over, the people warmly applauded. The driver turned to look at Einstein. Einstein nodded with a smile on his face.
When they began to leave the lecture room, a man __32 __ them and asked the driver a very
__33__ question. The c river listened carefully, then he __34__ and said the question was interesting but really quite easy. To show how easy it is. I"ll ask my __35__ to answer it," said the driver.
A.busB.train C.planeD.car
A.always B.never C.sometimesD.hardly
小题3:A. different   B. same   C. uncomfortable  D strange
小题4:A. spoken   B. told   C. said   D shouted
A.Somebody B.Everybody C.Nobody D.Anybody
A.If B.AlthoughC.HoweverD.When
A.difficult B.easy C.relaxingD.perfect
A.smiled B.cried C.refused D.jumped

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Last year my dad got a new job in a small town,__51__ my family moved there. On my first __52__ at the new school I was really worried. The teachers were friendly, but the __53__ was the other students. They didn’t seem friendly. I knew nobody and I couldn’t __54__ understand what they said.
During the break all the other students went out. I didn’t know where to go, so I ___55___ in the classroom. After a while, a ___56___ came back in and came up to me. I ___57___ what he wanted to do. He took ___58___ out of his bag and said to me,“Would you like something to ___59___?”It was an apple. Suddenly I felt really ___60___ and we began to talk.
It was Tony who gave me the apple and now he is my best friend. I am thankful to the apple, which started our friendship.
小题1:A. or                   B. so                    C. but
小题2:A. day                  B. spring                 C. winter
小题3:A. project                B. custom               C. problem
小题4:A. hardly                B. ever                  C. even
小题5:A. danced               B. stayed                 C. sang
小题6:A. woman               B. girl                   C. boy
小题7:A. knew                B. wondered               C. thought
小题8:A. something            B. anything                C. nothing
小题9:A. eat                  B. drink                   C. read
小题10:A. shy                  B. happy                  C. lonely
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