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My life is always full of sadness and little joy. However, no matter(无论) what happens, I can always face it bravely.
Last year,  I couldn’t believe the   1   that I could enter the only key high school in my hometown.  Then I rushed to my home and told my parents.  But my father didn’t  seem as    2        as I was. He just kept smoking without saying a word and my mother put her head down and couldn’t help   3  .
I knew very well what my family was   4___ . My mum had been ill in bed for 2 years. We lived a hard life and I couldn’t continue my schooling. I felt so upset(心烦意乱) but I could say   5    to my parents. I decided to help my father with his work   6   my family.
To my surprise, things completely changed   7     the beginning of the new term. My head teacher came to my family with some money, which was   8     by my schoolmates. He encouraged me, “Always have a dream.” With tears in my eyes, I stepped into the key high school.
I have been studying hard since I entered the high school. No matter when I meet difficulties, I always   9     my teacher and schoolmates. I have a college dream and I must work hard for it, no matter how  10    life is. Just as a great man says, “When one door shuts, another opens in life.”
A.support B.to supportC.supportingD.supported
A.dream ofB.think ofC.hear ofD.talk of


:首先,应了解完形填空的命题特点,完型填空的命题特点:以记叙文为主,且首句不设空;突出对语篇的理解,加大对信息词汇量的考查;注意结合文意,考查对词语的辨析与惯用搭配的掌握情况。在此基础上,通读全文,把握大意,可以捉关键句来捕获有效信息,如通过细读文章开头的几句,我们就可大抵知道本文所要表达的。本文属于记叙文,题材是关于励志类,主要内容:记叙一位家庭贫困的学生受到老师和同学的资助进入了自己考取的高中继续学业,并怀揣着大学梦想,不断奋斗的故事。第1空考查了名词的辨析,根据句意可知“我不敢相信我能进入高中学习的消息”,因此,应选news,其他均不符合题意。第2空根据前文可知“我”听到“消息”是十分惊讶与兴奋的,“but”一词表示转折关系,再从后文可知“我”的家庭很贫困,父亲并没有像我一样如此兴奋,因此应选excited,But my father didn’t  seem   asexcited as I was.第3空由下文“我”的家庭条件十分艰苦可知,母亲是听到“消息”后,情不自禁地哭泣起来,应选crying。第4空考查介词的用法,句意是我非常清楚自己的家是如何的,应选like。第5空讲我十分心烦,但我又不能向父母说任何事,应选nothing.第6空动词不定式表示目的状语,应选to support  。第7空由句意可知在新学期开始前,这一切都发生变化,应选before。第8空考查动词词义的辨析,由题意应选raise筹集。第9空考查动词短语的辨析,由题意可知是我总是记起我的老师和同学,think of 意思为想起,记起。第10空句意是无论生活多么艰难......,应选hard。解题技巧:跳过空格,通读全文,快速了解文章大意;弄懂大意,逐句细读,边选边答;重视对基础知识的学习与归纳,提高解题能力;仔细推敲,认真复查。
试题【My life is always full of sadness and little joy. However, no matter(无论) what ha】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Zhang Jin was so lucky to have a free trip to Thailand. But he didn‘t 35 to have a dangerous experience. The next day, when Zhang Jin arrived in Bangkok (曼谷), he was shocked to find himself in a city 36 with street battles (战斗) between two groups. One group was supporting the Thai government while the other was 37 it and had street battles with the 38 . Two people were killed and hundreds injured. Because of it, 240,000 foreign tourists, including over 3,000 Chinese people like Zhang, failed to leave and had to 39 in the country.
"We were 40 on the streets. But we felt at home with other Chinese from HongKong or Taiwan," said Zhang. 41 , the Chinese government sent flights to bring the people back. Now, all the Chinese tourists are safely back home. "The moment the plane left Thailand, we cheered for joy," said Zhang.
Last week the street battles finished. 42, the country‘s tourism industry(旅游业)needs 43 to return to normal. Tourism is the 44 part of the country‘s economy (经济), Thailand is called "Land of Smiles" and has some of Asia‘s best beaches. It has made ¥17 billion from 15.5 million tourists this year.

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 was born in Brussels, on June 25th, 1928. His real name was Pierre Culliford. At first, he almost became a dentist’s assistant. Luckily, he got a job in a cartoon studio. There he met and worked with some of Europe’s most famous comic book artists such as Franquin and Morris. Unfortunately the studio closed down and Peyo decided to become a full-time comic artist. He found himself a pen name from his childhood nickname ‘Pe- yot’.
Peyo became successful as a comic (连环画) artist. He decided to draw what he really loved,
stories based in the Middle Ages. He created the character Johan and drew some Johan strips (漫画) for the Belgian daily newspaper ‘Le Soir’ and then for ‘Spirou’ magazine. Johan soon became a huge success and one of the magazine’s main characters.

For Johan’s ninth book of adventures, Peyo needed a group of imps (小精灵) to build a magic flute. At a meal with his friend Andre Franquin. he asked Franquin to pass him the salt. But he couldn’t remember the word so he said, “Pass me the … um… the smurf!”. Franquin handed it over and answered, “Here’s the smurf. Onee you’ve smurfed with it you can smurf it back to me!” And so the name and language of the little imps were invented. The readers soon fell in love with these little smurfs, who love having fun, live in mushroom-shaped houses and speak a strange and wonderful language.
The Smurfs films were first seen on Belgian television and then in France and the Netherlands. In 1981. The Smurfs was on the American NBC TV Channel for the first time, but the success didn’t stop there. The success of the Smurfs became planetary in the 80’s because of the cartoons. There are few regions left where people don’t know smurfs, but their name changes in every county; the Smurfs, die Schlümpfe, Los Pitufos, I Puffi. de Smurfen, les Schtroumpfs… and 蓝精灵 in Chinese.
In August 2011, the Smurfs make their return to the big screen again, this time in 3D! Peyo left us on December 24, 1992, but the Smurfs have continued their many adventures and are today looking forward to a bright and even more exciting future.
小题1:Peyo’s real name was       .
小题2:Peyo tried many different jobs except       .
A.as a dentist’s assistantB.the one in a cartoon studio
C.as a full-time comic artistD.as a newsagent
小题3:The Smurfs        .
A.are a group of blue imps from Peyo’s book
B.are serious and hate having fun
C.soon became one of the ‘Spirou’ magazine’s main characters
D.will be in the movie on December 24th, 2011
小题4:The last paragraph tells us        .
A.The Smurfs have come back to their big screen home.
B.Peyo has left for another country.
C.The Smurfs’ story stops after Peyo left us.
D.There might be more works about Smurfs in the future.

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One of Jack’s friends loves money very much, and he never gives anything to __1__. Soon he becomes very rich.
One day, while he was walking near a river__2__ his friends, he slipped( 滑倒)and fell into the river. His friends ran to help him, and one of __3__ kneeled(跪)on the ground, held out his hand and said, “Give me your __4__, and I will pull you out!” The rich man’s head went under the __5__ and then came up again, but he didn’t give his hand. Again another one tried, but again __6__ thing happened.
Then Jack said,“__7__ my hand and I will pull you out!” The rich man took his hand, and Jack pulled him out of the water.
“You don’t know our __8__ very well,” he said to __9__, “when you say “Give’ to him, he does nothing, but when you say ‘Take’, he does what you tell him__10__.”
A.afterB.andC.with D.before
A.theyB.themC.him D.friends
A.a sameB.the sameC.a second D.same
A.GiveB.GivingC.Take D.Taking
小题8:A. friends   B. friend          C. hand         D hands
A.anotherB.the otherC.others D.the others
A.doingB.doC.to doD.does

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Li Hua is thirteen years old. He’s a    1 .He’s the only child in the family. He doesn’t    2   his things.
One morning when the students of Class Two are having    3  English class. Li Hua goes to the door and says, “   4  I come in, Mr. Wang?”
“Oh, you are   5   again,” says the teacher. “Can you tell me why you are late?”
“My grandma   6  some apples, bananas and bread in my schoolbag this morning. I take the schoolbag with me after I have   7  . But   8  my way to school. I find there are no    9  in my schoolbag. I have to    10   and take them.”
小题1:A. boy B. girl C. man
小题2:A. look at  B. look like  C. look after
小题3:A. a  B. an  C. /
小题4:A. May  B. Must  C. Am
小题5:A. early B. right C. late
小题6:A. puts B. gives C. gets
小题7:A. breakfast B. lunch C. supper
小题8:A. in B. on C. at
小题9:A. books B. oranges C. water
小题10:A. back  B. come back C. go back
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Mr. Smith is from England. He teaches French in our school. His English classes are very interesting. He likes us and we like him.
Mr. Smith has two children--Tom and Mary. Tom is seven and his sister Mary is four. Tom goes to school but Mary doesn’t. Mr. Smith likes to wear a T-shirt and jeans. Football is his favorite sport. After school we often have a basketball game. Sometimes Mr. Smith watches and plays basketball with us. He plays basketball just for fun .
小题1:根据He teaches French in our school.可知他是以为法语老师,故选B.
小题2:根据Mr. Smith has two children--Tom and Mary.他有两个孩子,汤姆一般是男孩的名字,玛丽是女孩名字,故他有一个儿子.选A.
小题3:根据Mary is four.可知玛丽不够上学 年龄.选A.
小题4:根据Mr. Smith likes to wear a T-shirt and jeans. Football is his favorite sport.可知选C.
小题6:Mr. Smith is ____________.
A. a Chinese teacher    B. a French teacher     C. a basketball player
小题7:How many sons does Mr. Smith have ?
A. OneB. Two  C. Three
小题8:Mary doesn’t go to school because she __________.
A. is only four B. is only seven    C. doesn’t like school
小题9:_____________ is Mr. Smith favorite sport.
A. basketball   B. table tennis     C. football
小题10:The text is about ______________.
A. Mr. Smith    B. Mr. Smith’s children    C. Mr. Smith’s family
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