当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > Andy is 13 years old. He is a student at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. He i...
Andy is 13 years old. He is a student at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. He is very good _________ Maths. After school, he likes _________ basketball __________ his friends. He is __________ the school basketball team. Andy ________ very _________. His _________ basketball player is David Smith. He always watches his games and listens __________ radio programmes about him. Today, he wants _______ write an article about David ________ the basketball Club newsletter. He found a radio programme about him. He is listening carefully and taking notes.
A. inB. atC. onD. of
A. playsB. playC. playingD. to playing
A. withB. andC. ofD. without
A. inB. atC. onD. of
A. playsB. playC. playingD. to playing
A. wellB. goodC. niceD. hard
A. bestB.wellC. goodD. favorite
A. to B. inC. offD. on
A. in B. toC. onD. of
A. forB. atC. onD. of



小题1:考查介词及对语境的理解。句意:他擅长数学。A在里面B在某个时刻C在上面D关于be good at擅长.....故选B。
小题2:考查动词及对语境的理解。句意:他喜欢打球。like doing sth喜欢做某事,故选C。
小题3:考查介词及对语境的理解。句意:他喜欢和朋友一起打球。A和...一起B和,又C关于D无,没有。And连接两个并列成分。在这个句子中,with his friends做状语。故选A。
小题4:考查介词及对语境的理解。句意:他加入了学校篮球队。A在里面B在几点钟C在上面D关于 be in the team在队伍中,故选A。
小题5:考查动词及对语境的理解。句意:他打的非常好。从文章可知Andy is 13 years old. ,这里应用一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词应用三单。故选A.
小题6:考查副词及对语境的理解。句意:他打的很好。A副词,好的B形容词,好的C形容词,美好的D形容词,困难的,副词努力地。play well 打得好。故选A。
小题8:考查介词及对语境的理解。句意:他总是看他的节目,听关于他的广播。A到,向B在...里面C远离的D在上面。listen to sth听.....。故选A.
小题9:考查介词及对语境的理解。句意;今天他想写一篇关于大卫的文章。want to do sth想要做某事。故选B。
小题10:考查介词及对语境的理解。句意:今天他要为篮球俱乐部写篇关于大卫的报道。A为了B在C在上面D关于。write an article for 为....写文章。故选A。
试题【Andy is 13 years old. He is a student at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. He i】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Can dolphins talk ? Maybe they can’t talk with words ,but they can talk with sounds . They show their feelings with sounds .
Dolphins travel in group . We call a group of them a “school “. They don’t study , but they travel together.
Dolphins talk to other dolphins in the school .They give information . They tell other dolphins when they are happy or sad or afraid . They say “welcome “when a dolphin comes back to the school . They talk when they play .
They make a few sounds above water . They make many more sounds under water . People can hear these sounds because they are very high .
Sometimes people catch dolphins for large aquariums . People can watch the dolphins in a show . Dolphins don’t like to be in the aquarium , being away from their school . They are sad and lonely if they do so .
There are many stories about dolphins . They help people . Sometimes they save someone’s life . Many people believe that dolphins can bring good luck .
小题1:Dolphins show their feelings with ________.
小题2:Dolphins __________ in the school according to the passage.
A. give information
B.don’t tell other dolphins when they are afraid
C. talk when they sleep
D.say “ sorry” when a dolphin comes back
小题3:People can’t hear the dolphin’s sounds because ______________>
A.they are above the waterB.they are under the water
C.they are very highD.they are very low
小题4:Many people believe that dolphins can bring_______________.
A.good luckB.healthC.wealthD.danger
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE ?
A. Dolphins study in the school.
B.Dolphins travel in a group.
C.Dolphins like to be away from their school.
D.Dolphins sometimes kill people.

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Karnishakuji4- 162
Tokyo 145
Concord School of English
23 Essex St.
Dear Madam or sir , 
One of the teachers at my school in Japan told me that your school has summer courses . I’m planning to go to the USA next summer and would like to take a one- month course .
I’m 18 years old and have been studying English for six years . I’m going to study English at the university . I have ever been to a few countries , such as China , England ,Korea ,but never to the US ,and I think a trip will help me improve my English .
Could you send me a catalogue 目录and application 申请表? I would also like information about New Hampshire and other places nearby .
I hope to do some traveling when the course is over .
Thank you . I look forward to盼望 your reply .
Yours ,
Mariko Kobori
小题1:From the passage we know that the writer is from __________.
A. JapanB.the USC.KoreaD.China
小题2:When will Mariko Kobori take the summer course ?
A.In June , 2006B.In May , 2007C.In June , 2008D.In July 2007
小题3:Mariko Kobori  began to learn English at the age of _____________.
小题4:After the course is over, the writer may _________.
A.go back home at onceB.have a trip in the USA
C.meet some friends in the universityD.go on studying there
小题5:Mariko Kobori wrote the letter to ________________.
A.take the next summer English course
B.go to the USA for summer holidays
C.get some advice on how to learn English
D.know about the Concord School of English

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How did the Golden Gate Bridge get its name ?
As we all know , the Golden Gate Bridge 金门大桥in San Francisco , the USA ,which took only 52 months to be designed and built and was opened in 1937, is probably the most beautiful bridge in the world . Since it was opened , it has been perhaps the best-loved sight of San Francisco. But whoever goes to see the bridge can see the bridge is red instead of golden . Do you want to know the reason why is called  the Golden Gate Bridge?
In fact the bridge isn’t named for its color .It is named for the Golden Gate. What is the Golden Gate? A gate is either an opening or the thing that closes the opening . the Golden Gate is an opening in the land . Water from the sea comes through this opening into San Francisco Bay 旧金山海湾And the bridge goes over the opening . And do you know why it is called the Golden Gate? Here is a story about it .
Many years ago ,men from some European countries came to California to look for gold . Many of them came by ship . When they came into the bay through the opening , they thought it was a gate to gold , so they named it the Golden Gate.
小题1:How long did it take to design and build the Golden Gate Bridge?___________________.
小题2:What is the Golden Gate Bridge? ___________________________________.
小题3:What is the Golden Gate Bridge named for ?________________________________.
小题4:What did the Europeans come to California to look for long ago ?
小题5:What did the passage mainly talk about ?___________________________________.
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I returned home to spend the holiday with my mom excitedly. I was looking forward to sitting down on the sofa, watching TV and      until midnight with her.
However, things weren’t as I expected. Not long       I arrived home, mom got a phone call. One of her friends      her to play cards. She gladly accepted the invitation and went at once. I thought she didn’t like me.
During the following days, I deliberately(故意的)        to speak to her. Whenever she spoke to me, I just stood in silence. But later I began to feel       . Sometimes I really wanted to say sorry to her,       when I saw her making delicious food or buying me     favorite snacks. Maybe she felt sorry for    she had done that night. I began to think that I should do something to make the things    
At the end of the holiday, I began to help with some     from making the bed to cleaning the house, I did       I could when mom wasn’t around. When she returned, she smiled happily.
On the     day,she insisted (坚决要求) on driving me to the bus station. At first we said nothing, then mom said, “Sorry for that night. You know that you mean       than anything to me .”I couldn’t say a word as I tried to    back the tears. Before getting on the bus, I finally said sorry to her. Mom smiled, and there were tears        her eyes. But I knew they were tears of happiness.
A.giveB.hold C.returnD.get

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Dear World,
My son starts school today. It’s going to be strange and new to him for some time. And I wish you would treat him gently.
You see, up to now, he has been king of his own room. He has been boss of the backyard. I have always been around to treat his wounds, and to comfort his feelings.
But now things are going to be different. This morning, he’s going to walk down the front steps, wave his hand and start his life.
So, World, I wish you would take him by the little hand and teach him the things he will have to know. Teach him there are heroes, leaders and friends in this world. Give him quiet time to think over the mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and flowers on the green hill.
Teach him to believe in his own ideas, even if everyone else tells him he is wrong.
Teach him to stand and fight if he thinks he is right.
Teach him never to put a price on his heart and spirit.
Teach him gently, World, but don’t love him too much, because only the test of fire makes fine steel. This is a big order, World, and see what you can do. He’s such a little fellow.
小题1:From the second paragraph we know that the writer’s son       .
A.is often ill
B.rules the whole family
C.has been working at home
D.has been taken good care of
小题2:The writer wishes her son       .
A.to treat others gently
B.not to feel strange at school
C.to develop some good habits
D.to be better than other children at school
小题3:Which is the best title of this passage?
A.A great moment is coming!B.How to teach my son.
C.A mother’s letter to the worldD.Don’t be rude to my son!

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