当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 人物故事类 > Joe wanted a computer. He asked his ______ for the money and they said he must g...
Joe wanted a computer. He asked his ______ for the money and they said he must get it himself. But how did he get it? He ________ about this when he walked home. Not many people wanted to ask children to work for them. Maybe he could take away snow for the neighbors. But this was not _______ . He had to wait a long time for that. He couldn’t cut grass for their gardens _____ he had no tools to do the work with.
Then he saw one of his classmates, Dick, delivering (送) _______ . I could do that, he thought. Maybe I could even get the computer ________ away. I could pay _______ it a little each week. He ran to _______ up with Dick. Joe asked him a lot of questions. He learned that it was _______ to get twenty-five dollars each week. He learned that the job took __________ three hours each night. Dick ______ him the phone number of the newspaper manager.
Joe almost flew home. After he had told his mother ________ he thought, she _____ .“I think it is a _______ idea,” she said, “I’ll call the newspaper….”
“Wait, Mum,” Joe said, “I’ll call. After that, I’m going to be a businessman now.”
Joe’s mother smiled __   .


小题7: D

小题1:考查名词及语境的理解。A. teachers教师们;B. parents父母们;C. classmates同学们;D. friends朋友们。联系句意:乔想要一台电脑。他从他的父母要一些钱。他们说他必须自己挣钱。联系下文,乔是从他的父母要钱。父母parents.故选B
小题2:考查动词及语境的理解。A. said说;B. told告诉;C. thought认为;D. spoke讲。联系上文:乔的父母让他自已挣钱,他在回家的路上考虑怎样挣钱呢。分析:考查固定短语think about考虑。故选C
小题3:考查名词及语境的理解。A. spring春季;B. summer夏季;C. autumn 秋季;D. winter冬季。联系上文:乔的父母让他自已挣钱,他在回家的路上考虑怎样挣钱呢。帮助邻居清理雪。但是现在不是冬天。他还要等很长时间。联系:清理雪是冬季的工作,因此填写冬季。故选D
小题4:考查连词及语境的理解。A. because 因为;B. when 当……时候;C. while 当……时候;D. after 在
小题5:考查名词及语境的理解。A. newspaper报纸;B. bikes自行车;C. computers电脑;D. tools工具。分析句意:他看见他的同学,迪克正在送报纸。他想,他要能做那个,可能很快就能挣到一台电脑。联系下文,迪克在送报纸。故选A
小题6:考查词义及语境的理解。A. now现在;B. right正确;C. just刚刚;D. only仅仅。分析句意:他看见他的同学,迪克正在送报纸。他想,他要能做那个,可能很快就能挣到一台电脑。分析:他想他很快就能挣到一台电脑。考查固定短语right away立刻,马上。故选B
小题7:考查介词及语境的理解。A. on之上;B. to去;C. of属于;D. for为。联系上文:他认为送报纸,能付出他很少的时间。他跑着赶上迪克。乔问了许多问题。考查固定短语:pay for付出,故选D
小题8:考查动词及语境的理解。A. take带走;B. catch赶上;C. carry拿;D. get得到。联系上文:他认为送报纸,能付出他很少的时间。他跑着赶上迪克。乔问了许多问题。考查固定短语:catch up with赶上,追上。故选B
小题9:考查形容词及语境的理解。A. friendly友好的;B. kind善良的;C. possible可能的;D. wrong错误的。联系上文:乔向迪克问了许多问题。他了解到每个星期可能会挣到25美元。每个晚上花费大约三个小时的时间。迪克给了他报社经理的电话。结合选项为可能之意。故选C
小题10:考查介词及语境的理解。A. at在;B. about大约;C. before之前;D. after之后。联系上文:乔向迪克问了许多问题。他了解到每个星期可能会挣到25美元。每个晚上花费大约三个小时的时间。迪克给了他报社经理的电话。联系实际只有大约符合题意。故选B
小题11:考查动词及语境的理解。A. taught教;B. gave给;C. made制作;D. asked问。联系上文:乔向迪克问了许多问题。他了解到每个星期可能会挣到25美元。每个晚上花费大约三个小时的时间。迪克给了他报社经理的电话。给give,表示过去的动作,动词的过去式形式。故选B
小题12:考查连词及语境的理解。A. that那;B. when什么时候;C. what什么;D. where在哪。联系上文:乔几乎是飞回了家。他告诉他的母亲他的想法之后,她微笑着说,“我认为这是一个好想法。”分析考查宾语从句的用法,表示他想的内容,因此用引导词what.故选C
小题13:考查动词及语境的理解。A. smiled微笑;B. shouted喊;C. cried哭;D. worried担心。联系上文:乔几乎是飞回了家。他告诉他的母亲他的想法之后,她微笑着说,“我认为这是一个好想法。”分析:他的母亲听到这个消息一定是笑了。因此选择微笑smile.故选A
小题14:考查形容词及语境的理解。A. big大的;B. large巨大的;C. great伟大的;D. bad坏的。联系上文:乔几乎是飞回了家。他告诉他的母亲他的想法之后,她微笑着说,“我认为这是一个好想法。”表示一个好想法,好的great. 故选C
小题15:考查副词及语境的理解。A. sadly伤心地;B. happily高兴地;C. politely有礼貌地;D. angrily生气地。联系句意:乔说:与报社经理联系之后,我也将会成为一名商人了。乔的母亲开心地笑了。修饰动词用副词形式。故选B
试题【Joe wanted a computer. He asked his ______ for the money and they said he must g】;主要考察你对人物故事类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Last summer, Cathy’s whole family went to New York City for their summer vacation. They stayed there for two weeks.
New York City has more than seven and a half million people. It is the largest city in the United States. It is also the home of the United Nations.
First they visited The Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is one of New York’s most well known historic sites. Millions of people visit New York City every year.
On the second day they went to the Empire State Building. It is the tallest building in New York City now. From the top of the building, they saw most parts of New York. On the third day, they visited the Metropolitan Museum. In this museum, they saw a lot of famous paintings. During the rest time of the week, Bob went to Bronx Zoo with his younger brother and sister. There they were glad to see a lot of their favorite animals-tigers, lions, monkeys, and elephants.
In the second week, the family visited Long Island. On the island, they spent most of their time swimming sunbathing and playing on the beach. They all had a good time.
Many people live in New York.
The UN is in 小题1:______.
First they visited
How long
Cathy’s family stayed there for
Saw the famous painting
They visited 小题4:___________.
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Our world is full of rules. Everyone needs to obey them. But      your idea about your school rules? Now many students like to talk about the rules that they have      . At their school, they      wear uniforms every day. The problem is that all the students think the uniforms are        . They think young people should look smart and so they would like to wear their own clothes.      , their teachers believe that if they did that, they would think       of their clothes than their study.       the students disagree. They would feel more comfortable and that is good for      . If they can’t do that, they        design their own uniforms. That would be a good way to      both teachers and students happy.
It’s also probably a good idea for parents to allow teenagers to study in groups during the evening.  Although they get        sometimes, they can learn a lot from each other. They also think that vacations should be longer. At present they’re too      . Longer vacations would give them time to do things like volunteering. On Friday afternoons, many students are sleepy after a long week of classes. They think it’s better to have Friday afternoons        to volunteer and help others.        , it is helpful for students to go to an old people’s home to sing and perform a play for them. It will help them understand the meaning of love. It’s also better to volunteer at the local hospital. It would be a good         for them because some of them want to be doctors when they grow up.
What do you think of your school rules?
A.at homeB.in hospitalC.after classD.in school
A.have toB.mayC.can’t D.mustn’t
A.comfortable B.smartC.uglyD.nice
A.Although B.HoweverC.YetD.Still
A.much B.moreC.little D.less
A.And B.So C.Or D.But
A.studyingB.studiesC.health D.healthy
A.should be allowed toB.aren’t able toC.aren’t allowed toD.will have to
A.keeping B.be C.keepD.being
A.quietly B.quicklyC.happilyD.noisy
A.shorter B.longer C.long D.short
A.offB.of C.on D.down
A.For exampleB.By the way C.To be honestD.Such as
A.teacher B.experienceC.doctor D.rule

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小题1: The writer took the photograph to class because_____________________.
A.it was a nice picture
B.the mother in the picture was very pretty
C.it was used to talk about family trees
D.the writer missed her grandmother
小题2: In Passage Two, the writer’s grandfather was a person who_______.
A.didn’t like banks
B.put some of his money in banks
C.gave some of his money to his relatives
D.gave his money to his grandson
小题3: These two passages mainly suggest _____in Passage One and _____ in Passage Two.
A.Valuable photograph, Mean(小气的) grandfather
B.Family love is priceless(无价的), Knowledge is wealth(财富)
C.Lost love, Unexpected(无法预料的)endings
D.My regret(遗憾), God’s present

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Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very busy trying to earn money in order to pay the high tuition for my brother and me. They don"t act in the romantic ways that I read in books or I see on TV. In their opinion, "I love you" is too luxurious for them to say. Sending flowers to each other on Valentine"s Day is even more out of the question. Finally my father has a bad temper. When he"s very tired from the hard work, it is easy for him to lose his temper.
One day, my mother was sewing a quilt. I silently sat down beside her and looked at her. "Mom, I have a question to ask you," I said after a while. "What?" she replied, still doing her work. "Is there love between you and Dad?" I asked her in a very low voice. My mother stopped her work and raised her head with surprise in her eyes. She didn"t answer immediately. Then she bowed her head and continued to sew the quilt.
I was very worried because I thought I had hurt her. I was in a great embarrassment and I didn"t know what I should do. But at last I heard my mother say the following words:
"Susan," she said thoughtfully, "Look at this thread. Sometimes it appears, but most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt strong and durable. If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread. It can hardly be seen anywhere or anytime, but it"s really there. Love is inside."
小题1: Why does Susan’s father have a bad temper?
A.Because he doesn’t love the family.
B.Because he doesn’t earn much money.
C.Because he’s very tired from the hard work.
D.Because he doesn’t act in the romantic ways.
小题2: In Susan’s opinion, _______________________.
A.her mother enjoys doing chores at home.
B.her parents love each other very much.
C.love means sending flowers on Valentine’s Day and saying “I love you”
D.her parents love to make money.
小题3: In the passage, “thread” may represent _______________.
A.Susan’s familyB.the relationship between her parents
C.the daily lifeD.the love between her parents

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Dragons can be friendly or fierce (凶狠), they can bring good luck or cause death, but one  thing is sure——people  talk about  them almost everywhere in the world.
In Chinese culture, dragons are generous and wise, although  they can be unpredictable. The dragon was closely connected  to  the royal  family: the emperor"s robes (礼袍) have a symbol of a gold dragon with five claws. According  to popular belief,  if you were born  in  the year of the dragon, you are intelligent, brave, and a natural leader.
But in the west, dragons had a different reputation (名声). The very first text in English, the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf, tells the story of a Scandinavian hero, Beowulf, who fights and kills a dangerous dragon but is himself killed in the fight. However, across the border in Wales, the red dragon which appears on the Welsh flag is a positive symbol, indicating strength and a sense of national identity.
Why should  the dragon have a different character  in different parts of  the world? Some experts believe it is due to the animals that the myths grew out of.  In the west, the  idea of  the dragon probably came  from  the snake—an animal which people hated and were afraid of.
But in China, the idea of the dragon may have come from  the alligator--a shy animal which lives in rivers, but which  is usually only seen when  there  is plenty of water--a good sign for agriculture(农业). So the Chinese dragon was a bringer of good fortune.
小题2: 阅读填词,每空一词。
In China, people think the dragon may have come from the ____ which is a shy animal. However, in the west, they think the dragon may come from the _____ that they hated and scared.
小题3:What  are  the  differences  between Chinese dragons and western dragons? (从文中找
Chinese dragons:_____________        Western dragons:___________.
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