当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 情景交际 > 从方框中选择句子,使对话内容完整 。A. Is it serious?B. Does it hurt when l press here?C. If you h...
从方框中选择句子,使对话内容完整 。
试题【从方框中选择句子,使对话内容完整 。A. Is it serious?B. Does it hurt when l press here?C. If you h】;主要考察你对情景交际等知识点的理解。[详细]
A. Is it serious?
B. Does it hurt when l press here?
C. If you have any questions, call me.
D. What"s wrong with you?
E. How long  have you been like this?
1-5  DEBAC
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题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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A. What"s wrong with her?
B. I am stronger than anyone of you,aren"t I?
C. Her only son is in Shanghai on business.
D. I am free at home all the day.
E. Where did you go?
F. What can I do for her?
G. It"s really hard work for all of us.
A: Zhao Fang,you s     to have an accent (口音). Were you brought up in Beijing?
B: No,I s     my childhood in the south.I didn"t come to Beijing until I was 10 years old.
A: Are you used to l     in Beijing now?
B: Yes,everything is quite OK e     the winter.It"s much colder than that in my hometown.
A: Good morning.I"d like to see Mr Brown.
B: Do you have an a  1   ?
A: No,I"m a  2   not.I"ve just arrived in the town today.
B: Mr Brown is quite busy.I"m afraid he won"t be able to see you today.
A: Do you think I can see him t  3   ?
B: Let me see. He"s f  4   at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon. Can you come here on t  5   ?
A: Yes,I"ll be here at 2:30. Thank you.
B: You are w  6  . Goodbye.

A: Will people have _____1____ in their  homes?
B: Yes, _____2____  _____3_____. I think every home will have one.
A: _____4____ can robots do in their homes?
B: I think they can do all things.
A: Well, I _____5_____. Can they help children do homework?
B: Yes, they  _____6_____.
KATE: ____1____you recognize that woman.Liz?
LIZ:I think I____2____,Kate. It____3____be Karen Marsh,the actress.
KATE:I thought so. Who"s that beside her?
LIZ:That____4____be Conrad Reeves.
KATE:Conrad Reeves,the actor? It____5____be.Let me have another look.I think you"re right!  Isn"t he
          her third husband?
LIZ: No.He____6____be her fourth or fifth.
KATE:Doesn"t Karen Marsh look old?
LIZ:She does,doesn"t she?I read she"s twenty-nine,but she____7___be at least forty.
KATE:I"m sure she is.
LIZ:She was afamous actress when l was still at school.