A.Yes. | B.No | C.Where? | D.Thanks. |
A. You are right B. That’s all right C. All right.
Li Yang: Good morning. Mathew.
Mathew: Good morning, Li Yang. 小题1:
Li Yang: There"s still smog (雾霾) today. We"ll have to go to school with face masks(口罩).
Mathew: 小题2: According to the news, PM2.5 pollution is the main problem with air pollution.
Li Yang: Yes, and air pollution has done harm to people"s health.
Mathew: So the Chinese government and Chinese people must take action to fight it.
Li Yang: 小题3:
Mathew: Yeah. Since PM2.5 is mainly caused by vehicles(机动车)and factories, cars with large
emissions(排放)should not be allowed and factories should be closely watched.
Li Yang: I agree. 小题4: And we suggest making the blue skies return for good.
Mathew: I hope so, too.
A: Rebecca, We’re talking about shopping. Is there 小题1: you hate about shopping?
B: Yes, I don’t like shopping when there are crowds of people. Usually when the 小题2: are on, it can be a good time to shop and it also draws a lot of people and everybody is pushing and trying to get things they want.
A: Right. 小题3: , the thing I really don’t like about shopping is to try on clothes. You know, you go and you find your coat and then you put it on, but it 小题4: fit, then you have to try another on again.
B: Yeah, it seems every year the numbers are different sizes. You wear a size ten and then the next year it’s not the 小题5:size. That can be a real problem.
A: It drives me crazy. Now in Australia, when you are shopping in the store, do you normally get a lot of personal customer service?
B: Yes, They come up to you as soon as you come into the store, and if you say you’re just小题6: a look, then they leave you 小题7:, but it can be really good because I really don’t like being 小题8:around.
A: Yeah. In the United States I think the service is really good but 小题9:really annoying is that now they always want to have you join some club or some membership. I think I have so many cards in my wallet. When the assistant asks“Oh, are you a 小题10:” and I pull out all my cards and find I’m not a member of them. So they ask me to join them again.
B: Right, Usually these days I just say no, but it’s just so annoying.
A.You’re welcome | B.That’s right |
C.It doesn’t matter | D.I hope not |
— .
A.That’s all right | B.That’s a good idea |
C.You’re welcome | D.Never mind |
- 1废旧电池对环境的污染不包括( )A.大气污染B.重金属污染C.水污染D.土壤污染
- 2【题文】下列“地球绕日公转示意图”正确的是:
- 3如图所示是一个由4个相同的正方体组成的立体图形,它的三视图为[ ]A.B.C.D.
- 4根据原著中林冲被逼上梁山之前的情节片段,写一段描写林冲的心理活动的文字,体现其逆来顺受的性格,以第一人称“我”来写,不超
- 5下面不能反映区域自然地理环境影响人们的生活方式、生活习惯、文化传统等方面的一句话是[ ]A、靠山吃山,靠水吃水
- 6阅读下文,完成问题。 暖国的雨,向来没有变过冰冷的坚硬的灿烂的雪花。博识的人们觉得他单调,他自己也以为不幸否耶?江南的
- 7生物的生殖在生物的发展史上的重要意义为[ ]A.可使生物体的体积增大 B.可增加生物的种类 C.可以提高生物
- 8今年是凤城一中建校132周年,毕业生小王为母校制作了一张贺卡,上面有大海、云、蓝天、帆船等景物。请你从风、帆、船、蓝天、
- 9关于电磁波,下列说法正确的是[ ]A.真空中电磁波的速度比光速小 B.电磁波也能产生干涉和衍射 C.红外线不属于
- 10已知i是虚数单位,复数(1+i)2=( )A.2iB.-2iC.2+2iD.2-2i
- 1建立自然保护区的意义在于[ ]A.有利于改善某种生物的栖息环境B.是保护生物多样性的最有效措施C.适于开发旅游资
- 2国际复兴开发银行成立后,美国为战后欧洲经济复兴而采取的主要措施是A.推行马歇尔计划B.推行怀特计划C.推行杜鲁门主义D.
- 3若4a2-2ka+9是一个完全平方式,则k=( )A.12B.±12C.6D.±6
- 4姓名权是公民依法享有决定、使用、变更姓名,并排除他人侵害的权利。 ( )
- 5如图所示是上海锦江乐园中的“摩天轮”,它高108m,直径为98m,每次可乘坐378人,每转一圈25min.摩天轮转动时,
- 6【题文】隋唐以后,文化素养较高的“天下英雄”大多通过什么途径入朝为官( )A.世官制
- 7下列各句中,没有语病的一句是[ ]A、通过开展“城乡环境综合治理”活动,使我们进一步认识到保护环境的重要性。B、
- 8(10红河11)在家庭中能完成许多有趣的小实验。小红所做家庭小实验中方法不正确的是( )A.用燃烧的方法鉴别蚕丝和
- 9“文革”时期,“民主”的主要方式是“大字报”、“大鸣”、“大放”、“大辩论”、“大串连”,以下关于文革时期“民主”的判断
- 10 We always keep ______ spare paper, in case we run out.A.too