1. She is a student, ?
2. Jack likes playing football, ?
3. I’m late, ?
4. They planted trees last month, ?
5. We have finished the work, ?
6. Jim and Jack can swim, ?
7. Flying kites is interesting , ?
8. There is a little milk in the bottle, ?
9. Tom has to get up early, ?
10. Jenny won"t go there tomorrow, ?
11. He couldn"t ride a bike at the age of 7, ?
12. We aren"t going to do some shopping, ?
2. doesn’t he
3. aren’t I
4.didn"t they
5. haven"t we
6. can"t they
7. isn’t it
8. isn’t there
9. doesn’t he
10. will she
11. could he
12. are we
1. There is going to be a meeting, ?
2. Jenny has few good friends in her class , ?
3. Let"s go, _____?
4. Let us go, ?
5. Don"t play with water, ?
6. He looks unhappy, ?
7. The old man hardly sees nothing, ?
8. There is nothing in the box, ?
9. Everything goes well, ?
10. Everyone is here , ?
11. He has never been there, ?
12. I think he will come , ____?
B. do they
C. didn"t they
D. did they
- . She becomes well-known because of her success on Britain"s Got Tallent.
B. do they;Yes
C. don"t they;No
D. don"t they;Yes
- 1计算a2·a4的结果是[ ]A、a8B、a6C、a4D、a2
- 2去年冬天,由于天气寒冷,北方好多地区的树枝上都出现了“雾淞”的美景.但输电线上也因为结了一层厚厚的冰而造成好多地区停电.
- 3路见不平一声吼,正是青春期充满激情的表现。 [ ]
- 4阅读下面的材料,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。1. How old is Emma
- 5洋务运动后期,洋务派打出“求富”的旗号.创办了许多民用工业,这表明洋务派A.聚敛财富,搜刮人民的本性 B.增加税收,增强
- 6人的行为是受到思想观念支配的,提高道德水平,有助于杜绝违法犯罪。( )
- 7(14分)读图,回答问题。(1)分析图1中甲、丙两城市附近等温线弯曲的原因。(2分)(2)图1中乙山名称是
- 8Because natural disasters occur at random times, it is diffi
- 9(1)汽车匀速运动时,细线对小球的拉力和车后壁对小球的压力。(2)当汽车以a=2m/s2向右匀减速行驶时,细线对小球的拉
- 10用所给选项补全对话。W: 1________ M: I want to be a doctor. W: A doctor
- 1图中P1、P2、P3表示三条数值不同的等值线,箭头表示A点处的风向,完成下列要求(1)此天气气流位于南、北半球中的
- 2(16分)A、D、E、X、Y是原子序数依次增大的短周期主族元素。其中X原子最外层电子数是内层电子总数的3倍;X、Y同族;
- 3随着社会的发展,人们的生活在改变,轿车已进入一些百姓家庭.小明家买了一辆小轿车,他发现小轿车的挡风玻璃都是倾斜安装的.而
- 4下列说法正确的是( )A.一个盛有一定质量气体的密闭容器,当容器做自由落体运动处于完全失重状态时,气体对容器底部的
- 5A、B、C、D分别表示含有10个电子的离子A或分子,请回答:(1)A是由五个原子核组成的阳离子,其化学式是
- 6为低碳减排和保护环境,国家对电价进行调整。但由于我国各地自然条件、生活习惯、居民的经济承受能力差异较大,国家不是用“一刀
- 7Here _______ a birthday card for you. [ ]A. is
- 8Can you tell me _______ when I called you?A.what were you do
- 9I don’t think it’s fair to judge a person ________ their clo
- 10澳大利亚大陆四面环海,但大部分地区气候干燥,分析其原因是( ) A.南回归线横贯大陆中部,大部分地区在副高控制下B