B. /
C. who
D. why
B. what
C. which
D. whose
--Yes, it has built many schools ____ those children can study happily.
B. when
C. which
D. what
I ______ think Jane ______ ______ at Science.
2. The woman who is talking with our head teacher is my mother. (同义句)
The woman ______ ______ our head teacher is my mother.
3. He doesn"t know what he should do with the matter. (同义句)
He doesn"t know what _____ ______ with the matter.
4. The girl with some flowers in her hand is my sister. (改为单句)
The girl ______ ______ some flowers in her hand is my sister.
5. My parents usually buy me some simple clothes.
The clothes can last a long time. (合并为一句)
My parents usually buy me some simple clothes ______ can last a long time.
—It reminds me of the days _____ I spent in the countryside.
B. that
C. who
D. where
B. which
C. who
D. where
- 1抛物线的焦点坐标为A.B.C.D.
- 2化简:(1)5a2-[a2+(5a2-2a)-2(a2-3a)];(2)(8xy-x2+y2)-(x2-y2+8xy).
- 3是一种医药中间体,常用来制备抗凝血药,可通过下列路线合成: (1)写出G的含氧官能团的名称 ;B→C的反
- 4Let’s buy some more books this afternoon. A.other booksB.ano
- 5集合的非空子集个数为( )A.5B.6C.7D.8
- 6“有人认为鸦片战争是林则徐的禁烟运动导致的,如果没有林则徐的禁烟运动,鸦片战争就不会爆发。”这种观点是否正确呢?为什么?
- 7There burns are not serious and should feel better___.A.with
- 8Is this _______ elephant or _______ lion? [ ]A. an; a
- 9该图左图为某日某时昼夜分布情况,斜线区为黑夜,据此完成下列各题。(10分)(1)根据左图的昼夜分布情况,在右图(以极点为
- 10直线经过点A(-1,)与点B(,1),其中>1,则直线不经过( )A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限
- 1如果mn=-1,那么m=______;这两个数的关系是 ______.
- 2关于位移和路程,下列说法正确的是[ ]A.位移和路程大小总是不相等,位移是矢量,有方向,而路程是标量,无方向 B
- 3设集合A={1,2,3,4},m,n∈A,则方程表示焦点在x轴上的椭圆有A.6个B.8个C.12个D.16个
- 4“二战”中的下列四次战役的时间顺序是 ①莫斯科战役 ②中途岛海战 ③不列颠之战 ④诺曼底登陆战[
- 5用代数式表示:(1)x的相反数与y的倒数的和 _____;(2)a,b两数平方的和减去这两数的和的平方,列代数式可表示为
- 6已知△中,,求证.证明:,,画线部分是演绎推理的是() A.大前提B.小前提C.结论D.三段论
- 7下表是元素周期表的短周期部分,表中字母分别表示一种元素.请回答下列问题:abcdefg
- 8在下面的横线上填上恰当的词语,使之与“早踏晨霜”构成对偶。________红霞
- 9Don’t wait for people to be friendly, show them ______ a fri
- 10细胞分裂能够产生新细胞,细胞分化可以形成不同的细胞群。下列描述正确的是A.刚分裂出来的细胞体积与母细胞相同B.所有的细胞