—Well, it"s hard to say. But I saw him ______ a football game just now.
B. watching
C. had watched
D. watched
试题【—Where’s Mr. Lin, do you know?—Well, it"s hard to say. But I saw him ______ a fo】;主要考察你对分词等知识点的理解。[详细]
2. When the parents went to the gate, they saw their son _______ (give)the cup of water to an old man.
3. Every time my aunt _______ (come)here, she always buys me some gifts.
4. People all over the world hope to live a _______ (peace)and wealthy life.
5. That ______ (sleep)boy has been _________ (sleep).
B. talked
C. talking
D. to talk
2. I don"t know how __________ (chat) on the Internet.
3. The doctor told my father to give up _________ (smoke).
4. His story kept us __________ (laugh) for a long time.
5. I used to_________ (study) by reading a lot.
6. The girl won the first price in the swimming competition. Her parents take _________ (proud) in her.
7. We can"t help him. He can work out the problem by_________ (him).
8. The child was so_________ (terrify) that he couldn"t say a word when he saw the large snake.
- 1Driving in a foreign country is always different in at least
- 2某粒子的结构示意图为。下列说法错误的是[ ]A.该粒子具有稳定结构B.该粒子质子数为11C.该粒子是一种原子D.
- 3顾炎武在《日知录》中说:“春秋时,犹尊礼重信,而七国则绝不言礼与信矣。春秋时,犹宗周王,而七国则绝不言王矣。春秋时,犹严
- 4已知函数f(x)=log0.5(2sinx-1).(Ⅰ)写出它的值域.(Ⅱ)写出函数的单调区间.(Ⅲ)判断它是否为周期函
- 5(实)若函数f(x)=3-axa-1在区间(0,1]上是减函数,则实数a的取值范围是______.
- 6等差数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,且9a1,3a2,a3成等比数列,若a1=3,则S4=[ ]A.7B.8C.1
- 7***、***是推动中华民族走向伟大复兴的历史进程中的伟人,他们的伟大实践实现了中国历史发展的两次飞跃。材料一:***最
- 8求3x2+y2-5xy与4xy-x2+7y2的差.
- 9宇航员乘航天飞机进入太空中飞行时,带了12千克的植物种子,他们发现,弹簧测力计和天平都无法正常使用,那么对于这些种子的叙
- 10我国第一部编年体通史巨著是[ ]A、司马迁的《史记》B、司马光的《资治通鉴》C、班固的《汉书》 D、罗贯中的《三
- 1【题文】选出下列点字注音全对的一项( )A.长篙(gāo)寥廓(liáo)漫溯(shu
- 2“先锋Ⅵ”是常用的抗生素.注射时需要5g“先锋Ⅵ”固体稀释为1%进行注射,则使用时需加入蒸馏水的质量是 [ ]
- 3商鞅变法关于土地制度方面的规定①承认私人占有土地的合法性 ②允许土地自由买卖③正式废除了井田制 ④有利于地主制经济的发展
- 4If he ________ my advice, he wouldn"t have lost his job.[
- 5如图,在△ABC中,∠BAC=100°,∠B=40°,∠D=20°,AB=3,则CD=________.
- 6已知命题p:实数m满足m2+12a2<7am(a>0),命题q:实数m满足方程+=1表示的焦点在y轴上的椭圆
- 7如图所示为伏安法测量一个定值电阻阻值的实验所需器材的实物图,器材规格如下: 待测电阻Rx(约100 Ω);直流毫安表(量
- 8下列词语中有两个错别字,请找出来加以改正。一拍既合 忘乎所以 义愤添膺 潜心贯注 迥乎不同 沥尽心血___
- 9I hope ____ the little ____ I have been able to do has been
- 10Film stars are so ____ to flash lamps that they don’t even n