2.My life (change) a lot in the last few years.
3.Don"t get your ears (pierce).
4.When we are angry, however, we are usually the ones (affect).
5.Don"t you remember (borrow) $100 from me?
6.His mother"s love helped him to feel good about (he).
7.The big fire made his face (terrify).
8.We need at (little) two days to finish the work.
9.Children should (teach) to study hard.
10.If you keep on it, you (success).
6. himself 7. terrified 8. least 9. be taught 10. will succeed
[ ]
B. walking
C. to walk
D. walks
2. — How far is it from our school to the farm?
— It is about two (hour) walk.
3. As a student, we should listen to our teachers _______ (care) in class.
4. — Where are the twins?
— They have (go) to the library. They want to borrow some books.
5. Everyone knows that the harder we study, the _______ (much) knowledge we can get.
6. Mrs. Mort invented a memory robot to make it _______ (work) for her husband because he had a very
bad memory.
7. They were (watch) TV at home when their mother came back last night.
8. Wang Nan plays ping-pong very well. She is one of the most famous _______ (play) in the world.
9. — Mum, there"s a waste bag on the ground.
— Oh, dear! It shouldn"t be (throw) out. Please pick it up and put it into the dustbin.
10. It was cold yesterday. My mother came to the school and _______ (bring) me some clothes.
towards me.
B. was enjoying, walk
C. was enjoying, walking
D. enjoyed, to walk
[ ]
B. speaking
C. to speak
D. speak in
[ ]
A. standing
B. to stand
C. to sit
D. siting
- 1某校进行了2012年地理生物会考,随机抽取八年级2班学生的会考成绩为样本,按A,B,C,D四个等级进行统计,并将统计结果
- 2如图,正方形的边长为4,P为正方形边上一动点,运动路线是A→D→C→B→A,设P点经过的路程为x,以点A、P、D为顶点的
- 3下列数据中最接近生活实际的是( )A.重庆轻轨3号线的时速最高可达200m/sB.你所在教室现在的温度大约是25℃C.
- 4不定项选择关于惯性的大小,下列说法正确的是( )A.两个质量相同的物体,在阻力相同的情况下,速度大的不容易停下来,所
- 5如图中各点的数值为海拔高度(单位是米),读图.完成下列问题。(1)图中坡度最陡的是:A.① B.②
- 6神舟再度飞天,中华续写辉煌,北京时间2012年6月16日18时,我国再次进行载人航天试验,神舟九号顺利升空.(1)在飞船
- 7光电效应的实验装置如下图所示,则下列说法正确的是A.用紫外线照射锌板,验电器指针会发生偏转B.用红色光照射锌板,验电器指
- 8根据中国近十年的CPI(居民消费价格指数)走势图,下列说法正确的是A.a点适宜增加财政支出,提高银行利率B.b点适宜提高
- 9下面一段文字中画横线的词语,有的必须删去,有的不能删去。请把它们找出来,将序号分别写在横线上。夏天到了,人们喜欢吃一些生
- 10下图是为警示国人“铭记历史”而作。下列各诗句,能准确反映这一主题的是A.月映华夏魂日照乾坤辉B.月圆神州情勿忘国耻恨C.
- 1“合抱之木,生于毫末;九层之台,起于垒土;千里之行,始于足下。”“明日复明日,明日何其多。我生待明日,万事成蹉跎。”这都
- 2—I" m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have ________.—So
- 3用纯净的锌与过量纯净的盐酸反应得到的气体与液体分别是( )A.纯净的H2与纯净的ZnCl2溶液B.不纯的H2与纯净的Z
- 4【题文】下列各句中,没有语病、句意明确的一句是 (3分)A.现在,我又看到了那阔别多年的乡亲,那我从小就住惯了的茅草房子
- 5有a、b、c、d 4种金属,将a与b用导线连接起来,浸入电解质溶液中,b不易腐蚀;将a、d分别投入等浓度的盐酸中,d比a
- 6如图,某农场要建一个长方形的养鸡场,鸡场的一边靠墙,墙长25m,另外三边用木栏围着,木栏长40m.(1)若养鸡场面积为2
- 7现在医学上使用的心肺机的功能之一是用“电动泵”替代心脏,推动血液循环.如图所示,当线圈中的电流从a流向b时,线圈的左端为
- 8动手操作:如图,在矩形纸片ABCD中,AB=3,AD=5.如图所示折叠纸片,使点A落在BC边上的A"处,折痕为PQ,当点
- 9某烷烃系统命名法正确的是( )A.2,4-二乙基戊烷B.3-甲基-5-乙基己烷C.4-甲基-2-乙基己烷D.3,5-二
- 10如图所示,在皮带传送装置中,右边两轮是连在一起同轴转动,图中三个轮的半径关系为:RA=RC=2RB,皮带不打滑,则三轮边