The house is very big, so we don"t have to worry about ________ enough room for parties.
B. not having
C. don"t have
D. not have
[ ]
A. not to haveB. not having
C. don"t have
D. not have
试题【The house is very big, so we don"t have to worry about ________ enough room for 】;主要考察你对动名词等知识点的理解。[详细]
It"s good for you to keep ________ when you have difficulty _________.
B. doing; to do it
C. to try; to do
D. trying; doing it
[ ]
A. trying; to do itB. doing; to do it
C. to try; to do
D. trying; doing it
Would you mind ______ the problem to us?
B. explaining
C. to explaining
D. to explain
[ ]
A. explainB. explaining
C. to explaining
D. to explain
She devoted much of her time to ______ the environment.
B. protecting
C. protected
D. protects
[ ]
A. protectB. protecting
C. protected
D. protects
—What do you do at the weekend, Jim?
—I prefer ______ to ______.
B. playing computer games; go out
C. to play computer games; going out
D. play computer games; go out
—I prefer ______ to ______.
[ ]
A. playing computer games; going outB. playing computer games; go out
C. to play computer games; going out
D. play computer games; go out
根据句意,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空填一词。 1. The young man was charged with _______(break) into several computers.
2. The radio says there will be much _______(snow) next week.
3. Yang"s great _______(achieve) in science go beyond what we have thought.
4. Scientists can"t explain _______(appear) of dinosaurs correctly. They are trying their best to find the reason.
5. Are people who work till 10 o"clock in the evening more _______(energy) than those who stop at
5 o"clock in the afternoon?
2. The radio says there will be much _______(snow) next week.
3. Yang"s great _______(achieve) in science go beyond what we have thought.
4. Scientists can"t explain _______(appear) of dinosaurs correctly. They are trying their best to find the reason.
5. Are people who work till 10 o"clock in the evening more _______(energy) than those who stop at
5 o"clock in the afternoon?
- 1下面是一段介绍菊花的材料。请概括其主要内容,以“菊花”开头写一段文字,不超过50字。 菊花,是经过长期的人工选择培育出
- 2在光滑水平面上建立直角坐标系xOy,大小不计,质量为1kg的物体静止在坐标原点O处.现在物体受到大小F1=1N,方向沿x
- 3Some on the front page of today"s China Daily are very sp
- 4复数z=2+bi3(b∈R),.z对应的点在直线y=x+1上,则b=______.
- 5人类食用的很多绿叶蔬菜品种是多倍体,其原因是[ ]A.多倍体植物体形较大B.多倍体植物发育较慢C.多倍体植物结实
- 6下列各句没有表意不明语病的一句是A.许经理一走进他的房间,马上给他拉到靠窗户红木小圆桌前神神秘秘地坐下来。B.本着方便学
- 7阅读下面两段文言文,完成小题。(17分)【甲】 陋室铭山不在高,有仙则名。水不在深,有龙则灵。斯是陋室,惟吾德馨。苔痕上
- 8阅读下面的两首诗词,完成后面的试题。五古·溪居唐·柳宗元久为簪组①束,幸此南夷谪。闲依农圃邻,偶似山林客。晓耕翻露草,衣
- 9如图所示,已知P 是平行四边形ABCD 所在平面外一点,连结PA 、PB 、PC 、PD ,点E 、F 、G 、H 分别
- 10请说出主视图和左视图均为长方形的一个几何体( )。
- 1在馒头房里,小明同学发现师傅们在蒸馒头时,先在发酵的面团里加一些纯碱溶液。你能说出其中的作用吗 ①使馒头变白 ②增加甜味
- 2科学研究表明,当人的下肢长与身高之比为0.618时,看起来最美。某成年女士身高为153cm,下肢长为92cm,该女士穿的
- 3某生物兴趣小组的同学做了“探究大豆种子萌发的环境条件”的实验。下表是利用大豆种子进行的五组实验。将100粒饱满而完整的大
- 4Writer and teacher Yin Jianli"s stories and thoughts about b
- 5古代欧洲,有过这样一首诗:那时候,上面的青天还没有称呼,下面的大地也没有名字,其阿玛诗(即海洋)是大家的生母,万物都和水
- 6我国坚持宗教信仰自由政策,又依法管理宗教事务,这是为了①保护宗教界的合法权益②制止和打击利用宗教进行的违法犯罪活动③抵御
- 7Here _____ in the classroom.A. ten students are B. are ten s
- 8阅读下列材料: 在近代中国,民族工业总的来说是很薄弱的,甚至连老百姓的日用品都要从外国进口,因此许多东西都带一个“
- 9如图所示,用三条细线悬挂的水平圆形线圈共有n匝,线圈由粗细均匀、单位长度的质量为2.5g的导线绕制而成,三条细线呈对称分
- 10阅读下面的文言文,完成后面题高登,字彦先,漳浦人。少孤,力学,持身以法度。绍兴二年,廷对,极意尽言,无所顾避,有司恶其直