People tell me how ________________ the station.
2. Mike didn"t see anybody enter the building before ten.
Nobody _______________ the building before ten.
3. The bench was so long that all of us were able to sit on it.
The bench was long enough ________________.
4. I think that it is important to master a foreign language.
I think ________________ a foreign language.
5. Mary spent three thousand yuan on the color TV set.
The color TV set _______________ three thousand yuan.
试题【同义句转换。1. People tell me how I can get to the station. People tell me how ___】;主要考察你对不定式等知识点的理解。[详细]
2. Marie Curie received the Nobel Prize __________ (two) during her life time.
3. I think it is __________ (danger) for children to be close to wild animals.
4. The old man has been __________ (die) since three years ago.
5. I know only one of the ___________ (visit), how about you?
A. taking
B. take
C. to take
D. took
—Oh, I forgot _____.
B. turn it off
C. to turn it off
D. having turned it off
A. it, for, to understand
B. that, of, to understand
C. that, for, to understand
D. it, of, understand
A. speaking
B. to speak
C. talking
D. to say
- 1下列字形无误的一组 A.乌烟瘴气 受益匪浅 加官进爵 流连忘返B.独当一面过目成颂 死不瞑目张皇失措C.果脯 食不裹腹
- 2—What"s your hobby?—I _______ listen to music, but now I enj
- 3若tanα=2,则sin(π-α)+5cos(2π-α)3cos(π-α)-sin(-α)=______.
- 4保护动物多样性的根本措施是( )。A.防止外来物种入侵B.保护动物的栖息地C.控制有害动物的数量D.宣传保护动物的重要
- 5的相反数是[ ]A. B. C.5 D.
- 6分析法证明不等式中所说的“执果索因”是指寻求使不等式成立的 [ ]A、必要条件 B、充分条件C、充要条件D、必要
- 7I’m going to the beach _______ bus with my family this summe
- 8阅读下面论说类文章,完成小题。(9分)我们印象最深刻的是,恒星即使在两个旋臂之间,也像流水一样漂浮在我们的四周——气势磅
- 9以下是王老师在课前几天设计的“探究种子萌芽的外界条件”实验请你帮他一起完成。想一想:(1)1号瓶没有萌发,是因为
- 106月1日正午太阳高度达最大值的地方位于A.南回归线与南极圈之间B.北回归线与北极圈之间C.南回归线与赤道之间D.北回归线
- 1如图,O是Rt△ABC的外接圆,点O在AB上,BD⊥AB,点B是垂足,OD∥AC,连接CD。(1)求证:CD是O的切线;
- 2材料一:近年来,随着人民生活水平的提高,对乳制品的需求不断攀升,我国原奶收购价已经从2008年的1.3元/公斤涨至目前平
- 3为庆祝党的90 华诞,全国各地开展丰富多彩的活动,各地干部群众通过大合唱、诗朗诵、独唱、舞蹈等多种艺术形式,深情回顾党的
- 4【题文】 已知, 则( )A.0B.2C.4D.7
- 5“中国水周”活动的宣传主题为“发展水利,改善民生”.(1)保持水的化学性质的最小粒子是______.(2)右图是活性炭净
- 6用已知浓度的盐酸来测定某Na2CO3溶液的浓度时,若配制Na2CO3溶液时所用Na2CO3中分别含有:①NaOH②NaC
- 7如图所示,平行板电容器的两极板A、B接于电池两极,一带正电的小球悬挂在电容器内部,闭合S,给电容器充电,这时悬线偏离竖直
- 8下列语句中,加点的词语使用不恰当的一项是( )A.2010年4月6日,《鲁迅箴言》由三联书店出版。365条箴言,
- 9已知点在两直线和之间的带状区域内(含边界)运动,则的最小值为 ▲ .
- 10【题文】明《帝京景物略》载:“三月清明日,男女扫墓,……,粲粲然满道也。拜者、酹者、哭者、为墓除草添土者,焚楮(chǔ)