A. gone, gone
B. gone, been
C. been, gone
D. been, been
A. joined
B. entered
C. been in
D. become
—She _____ Shanghai. She won"t be back _____ next week.
A. has gone to, until
B. has been to, until
C. has been to, after
D. has gone to, after
There have be a lot of changes since World 1._____
WarⅡ. But perhaps a biggest change is 2._____
the telephone. People no longer write
letters for one another. They pick up the 3._____
telephone. Every house has at least two,
sometimes three, four and five telephones. 4._____
Every office has many telephones. There
have more telephones than people in 5._____
American. My little house has three 6._____
phones. In the morning the first thing
which wakes me is my telephone ring. 7._____
Long distance telephone call are very 8._____
cheap before seven o"clock in the morning.
So that my friend in Boston telephones me 9._____
to say “Good morning.” If you never have
to write a letter, you simple take up the 10._____
telephone and say what you want to say.
A. bought the book
B. borrowed the dictionary
C. left our school
D. none of the above
- 1我国是现代湿法冶金的先驱,早在西汉时期,刘安在《淮南万毕术》中写到“曾青得铁则化铜”,这里的“曾青”就是铜的化合物(如硫
- 2唐代大诗人李白的诗中有“谁家玉笛暗飞声,散入春风满洛城”的佳句,玉笛发声是由于笛腔内的空气______发出的,“散入春风
- 3下列各句中,加粗的成语使用正确的一句是[ ]A.不学好基础就急于做高难题目,这种喧宾夺主的做法不可取。B.这份手
- 4下列几组物质中,既属于人体的组成物质,又属于人体内的供能物质的是( )A.淀粉、糖类、水B.蛋白质、糖类、脂肪C.无机
- 5碳是组成物质最多的一种元素,碳的化合物是自然界中重要的物质.(1)在元素周期表中,碳元素的信息如图所示,碳元素的相对原子
- 6正常眼能通过调节晶状体的曲度来看清远近不同的物体。 ( )
- 7下列各句中,修辞方法用得不恰当的一项是 [ ]A.讲到那一段日子所遭受的屈辱,她的眼泪就像自来水一样喷流不停。
- 8如下图是叶片结构示意图,据图回答:(在[ ]内填写番号)。(1)写出图中序号所示结构名称:①__________
- 9(4分)氢氧化钠在空气中能吸收水分并能与二氧化碳反应,故应 保存。已知玻璃的主要成分是二氧化硅(SiO2),它能与
- 10今年夏天,爸爸带着小亮第一次去海边游泳,当小亮由浅水处往水的深处走时,感到胸口越来越闷,他问爸爸有没有这种感觉,爸爸说也
- 1图是安第斯山西坡不同地带垂直景观略图。完成下题。甲、乙、丙景观体现的地域分异规律是A.纬度地带性规律B.经度地带性规律C
- 2【题文】已知集合,,且,则的值为 ;
- 3The officials discussed the plan _________ last week in toda
- 4已知关于x的方程2x+a-9=0的解是x=2,则a的值为___________。
- 5一矿井深125m,在井口每隔一定时间自由下落一个小球,当第6个小球刚从井口下落时,第1个小球恰好到井底,则相邻两小球下落
- 6如图所示,常温下的两个烧杯分别盛有冰块和热水,杯口分别盖有玻璃片a、b.一段时间后,观察到玻璃片表面出现小水珠,下列说法
- 7 When they arrived at the second crossing, they went the wro
- 8下列物理量中属于矢量的是( )A.动能B.势能C.动量D.功率
- 9农作物生长需要氮、磷、钾等营养元素,下列化肥中属于复合肥料的是[ ]A.硝酸钾B.草木灰C.肥田粉D.重过磷酸钙
- 10化学电池在通讯、交通及日常生活中有着广泛的应用.(1)目前常用的镍(Ni)镉(Cd)电池,其电池总反应可以表示为Cd+2