B. was
C. have been
D. had been
—He ______ London. He ______ there twice before.
B. has gone to; has been to
C. has been to; has gone
D. has gone to; has been
—Henry _______. He has ______ it for a week.
B. is; got
C. has; had
D. has; been given
2. If I don"t study hard, I ___________ (not pass) the final exam.
3. I ___________ (study) for my exam when my friend called to invite me to the movies.
4. We ___________ (have) so many exams this year that I am sick of them.
5. It ___________ (be) a nice day yesterday, wasn"t it?
6. It"s now four o"clock, so we ___________ (be) skating for about two hours.
7. I ___________ (go) to school early today.
8. My friend ___________ (collect) shells as a hobby.
9. We are going to the beach tomorrow, ___________ (be) we?
10. My brother ___________ (be) playing the piano since he was ten.
B. saw
C. has seen
D. will see
A. build
B. are built
C. will build
D. have been built
- 110.The country has changed so greatly over the past three de
- 2(18分)阅读材料,回答问题。材料一 “人民代表人民选,选好代表为人民。”一位选民在对正式代表候选人作了较深入、详细的了
- 3太阳每天东升西落的现象说明( )A.地球是个球体B.地球上有季节变化C.地球每天自西向东自转D.地球每天自西向东公转
- 4下列物质中,属于石油加工产品的是 [ ]A.焦炭 B.柴油 C.煤焦油 D.天然气
- 5情境一:小强在课间因故与邻班同学发生了冲突,觉得自己吃了亏,准备邀上几个好朋友去报复对方。如果你是小强的好朋友:你的正确
- 6When he realized the police had seen him, the man ________th
- 7请选出下列句子中划线成语运用有误的一项( )A.被誉为“最美司机”的吴斌,几十年如一日服务乘客,任劳任怨,在生命的
- 8如图,当剪子口∠AOB=15°时,则∠COD=______.
- 9与课文《为学》原文不一致的一项是[ ]A.人之为学有难易乎?学之,则难者亦易矣;不学,则易者亦难矣。B.吾资之聪
- 10D At the railway stations all across Britain next week, grou
- 1关于参考系的选择,以下说法中正确的是( )A.参考系都是看成假定不动的物体B.不是任何物体都可以被选作参考系C.参考系
- 2 阅读材料:材料一:1982年 9月 22日早晨,我在从东京飞赴北京时,一再考虑一个问题,那就是中国根本不承认英国与清政
- 3I have no________with people who are always complaining of t
- 4They will ______Qingdao tonight.A.arrive B.get C.reach D.go
- 5“汤因比教授……把社会之间的区别与关系,称之为普世的;而一个单一社会内部的区别和关系,诸如雅典和斯巴达或法国和德国之间,
- 6判断下列有关化学基本概念的依据正确的是( )A.酸:电离时生成H+的化合物B.胶体:分散质粒子在1nm~100nm之间
- 7.下列词语中有错别字的一组是( )A.若即若离火中取栗呕心沥血刚愎B.唾手可得拭目以待天网恢恢怯懦C.白璧微瑕略见一
- 8质地均匀的正方体骰子,其六个面上分别刻有1,2,3,4,5,6六个数字,投掷这个骰子一次,则向上一面的数字是奇数的概率为
- 9求下列各式中的x的值:(1)3(x-1)2=27;(2)x3-3=38.
- 10夏天,从冰箱中拿出的瓶装矿泉水,过一会儿瓶的外壁会附着一层小水珠.这些小水珠是怎样形成的?