B. didn"t
C. don"t
D. haven"t
2. Keeping ______(日记) can help you remember things well.
3. When you laugh or smile, your body ______(放松).
4. Soon after he was ______(允许) to train with the other players.
5. Without any ______(怀疑), someone has broken into the room and taken the computer away.
2. Raise the Red Lantern was a big success and Gong Li became famous ___________ (立即).
3. ____________ (浪漫) films can usually become very popular among young people.
4. Smith"s heavy ____________ (喘息) made his wife not sleep.
5. When teacher died, his students all ___________ (哀悼) the loss of a good teacher.
—Yes, I _____ it after the first class.
B. did
C. had done
D. will do
—Yes. I ______ there for three days with my parents last year.
B. have been
C. went
D. was
-Yes. I __________(see) it not long ago.
2. Amy seems to be imaginative enough __________(come) up with such wonderful new ideas.
3. A sentence can __________(divide) into different parts.
4. __________ they __________(chat) with their friends this time yesterday?
5. He prefers __________(vote) for Paul to supporting David.
6. The date of your birth __________(decide) your star sign.
7. Because of modern medicine, many cases of H1N1 __________(cure) last year.
8. At the last class meeting, Linda said that she __________(devote) all her life to Project Green Hope.
9. It"s meaningful that enough teachers __________(send) to support the education in poor areas every year.
10. If you __________(not be) careful, you will make more mistakes.
- 1蟑螂是一种爬行很快的昆虫,它1min内,最快可以爬行90m,求它的最大爬行速度是多大?
- 2世界上陆地的最低点是( )A.里海B.黑海C.死海D.贝加尔湖
- 3若某几何体的三视图如图所示,则此几何体的体积是________.
- 4下列做法正确的是( )A.用手接触药品B.用嘴吹熄酒精灯火焰C.实验后,剩余的药品不能放回原瓶,也不能随意丢弃D.将带
- 52012年3月5日,备受关注的“两会”在北京开幕。伴随着“两会”的召开,“民生”一词又升温为媒体报端、街谈巷议的热点词、
- 6氧气是一种化学性质 _________ 的气体,它在氧化反应中提供 _____ ,具有______ 性,是常用 ____
- 7下图是尿的形成示意图,请据图回答问题:(1)[1]是__________,[2]是________,[3]、[4]、[5
- 8名著填空: 蜜蜂的幼虫们都被母亲安置在四周紧闭的小屋里,或呆在丝织的茧子里,为的是可以静静地睡一个长觉,直到它们变为成
- 9古诗文积累。(10分)(1) 了却君王天下事,_______ _____。 (辛弃疾《破阵子》)(2) _____
- 101000℃时,FeO(s) + H2 Fe(s) + H2O,K=0.52。欲使容器中有1.0 mol FeO被还原,反
- 1When I was young, my father used to _____ me some interestin
- 2新材料有半导体、超导材料和纳米材料。集成线路是由________材料制成的,人们能够利用超导体的_______特性实现远
- 3国务院总理温家宝经常通过各种形式问政于民、问计于民,见表可以看出 [ ] ①基层民主制度不断完善 ②人民民主的形
- 4下图所示的化学实验基本操作正确的是[ ]A.点燃酒精灯B.读取量筒中的液体体积C.向试管中滴加液体D.取用液体药
- 5 The leader ordered that the boys ______ in the accident sho
- 6If you have _________questions, please ask me. [
- 7用打点计时器测量物体运动的加速度,得到如图7一段纸带,测得AB=7.65cm,BC=9.17cm.已知交流电频率是50H
- 8(本题满分12分)已知函数若函数在区间(a,a+)上存在极值,其中a>0,求实数a的取值范围;如果当时,不等式恒成
- 9Many grocery stores use misting, a process ________ vegetabl
- 10昆虫接受信息的重要结构是 ( )A.复眼B.单眼C.翅D.触角